Jimmy Carter: Trump's John Bolton pick one of his 'worst mistakes'
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>jimmy carter
fuck that old cancer bag, bolton was picked for a good reason. Because he's based and understands the threats in the world that are trying to destroy us and our allies in the middle east.
Dhimmi Carter is still alive?
>our allies in the middle east
Fuck off kike let the Jews fight their own wars
> leaf
He understood one thing.
Israel first.
>implying israel is a problem
they're literally on the frontlines against the arabs fighting for us. They deserve our admiration and protection.
Bolton has everyone butthurt. Masterstroke by Trump.
JIDF detected
Imagine your entire political ideology being driven by the idea of "trolling the libtards epic style xD"
Your post stinks like gefilte fish. Trump was elected so we can make America great, not so Juden can use us as their fools.
The Jew will fight until the last American.
Like the threat of those 100% real WMDs ay?
carter is one of the worst presidents since WW2, he has no place to tell someone they made a bad decision
Jimmuh. The EXPERT on mistakes.
If Jimmy Carter hates it then you really know you're on the right track.
anyone doubting Trump because of john bolton is straight up shareblue and should be filtered tbqh
Yeah, uh no. Bolton will help us defend our Greatest Allies.
Shareblue shills fuck off. Trust in Trump. He knows what hes doing.
>t. Shareblue
You’ll never break our support of trump
Who else here
>Jimmy Carter
Trump could accidentally nuke all of America and still come out ahead of that fuckwit.
literally who?
Of course because Israel #1
Carter was the 2nd worst prez
I don't see why people are so down on Israel #1 John Bolton?
What has Israel #1 he done to Israel #1 make you think Israel #1 that he is a neocon? Israel #1
The only true threat in the middle east is Israel
you have to jew back
Fuck you and fuck Jimmy carter, israel is a lot better than you shareblue fucks give them credit for
>Jimmy Carter
Jesus, how is that stupid peanut farmer still alive? Didn't he have a fairly aggressive cancer? How the hell are people like him and John McCain still alive when they have cancers that have such a high mortality rate?
>shareblue is against Israel
Are you fucking high cunt? Do you know who David Brock is and who he associates with?
>shareblue raiding this hard
Trump must be winning pretty big league for them to get this scared of bolton
Really makes you think.
Carter saw ayyys and was attacked by a rabbit whilst canoeing, I hold him in esteem just for these facts alone ;^)
>jewish white
Carter was one of three people Trump shook hands with during his inaugural. Went out of his way. Ought tell you guys something. He also has offered to help him on multiple occasions. He's a decent person who had a terrible presidency and should never have been there but for Watergate, but at least he's magnanimous, a trait virtually extinct in contemporary politics. Trump respects him.
>jimmy carter
All this nigga has done since he left office is complain about other president's decisions. I'm glad we've only got like 2 more years max left of him.
Nobody liked Jimmy Carter when he was president lol this guy is not one to talk
>My enemies told me sticking a fork in the electrical socket would be a bad idea, so it must be a great idea
This is how dumb seargent Ya'alon of the JIDF morning shift thinks you are.
You guys wait and see.
Bolton is the 'CEO hired to come in and clean house and fire everyone before the real new CEO takes place'.
It's a classic business move. Bolton is temporary.
Trump is a boomer
so of course, he's gonna side with the communist jews, ie with the neocons...
>Unironically defending Israel
>Unironically calling people "Shareblue"
Go back to r/the_Donald, you dumb nigger.
Carter's right on this, but Trump has been fucking up MENA policy for a while now. Bolton just makes things worse. I'm still holding out hope, but Pat Buchanan is by barometer for Trump support at this point. If Part jumps ship, I'm gone, too.
poles really are retarded
>cnn says he's the worst
>he must be the best
Don't you know the logic yet?
Nah m8 it doesn't always work like that.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day, user. Just because Muslims don't enable whores doesn't make riding the cock carousel okay, for example.
That CNN article is not even worthy of a high school's news memo. I try to be very fair and objective. I always try to understand all points of view. However, that CNN article says nothing about why John Bolton is one of Trump's "worst mistakes" other than "Because Jimmy Carter said so". Neither the editor nor Jimmy Carter nor the person interviewing Jimmy Carter ever puts meat on the bones of this "story".
All I keep hearing and reading from the far-left biased mainstream news media is that John Bolton is terrible but I have yet to hear or read any of them explain why other than "Because this or that famous lefty thinks so".
>He still defends the Iraq war, and doesn't see anything wrong with overthrowing Saddam
>He's more concerned with Iranian-sponsored Shi'a terror in the Middle East, than KSA-sponsored Sunni terror in the West
>He's written multiple pieces advocating for bombing Iran and Syria
Normally people should make arguments, but Jesus fucking Christ m8, it's obvious why Bolton is shit.
Bolton is a proud cuck
>He still defends the Iraq war, and doesn't see anything wrong with overthrowing Saddam
The intelligence apparatus of every member country of the UN were unanimous in their belief that Iraq was producing and distributing WMD. In addition, there was verifiable evidence that Iraq was acquiring yellowcake from Africa.
>He's more concerned with Iranian-sponsored Shi'a terror in the Middle East, than KSA-sponsored Sunni terror in the West
Iran is a testing-phase away from acquiring a nuclear weapon. Every conceivable diplomatic order in the middle east is torn asunder the moment Iran proves it has a nuclear weapon. Saudi Arabia and other Sunni countries aren't anywhere close to developing a nuclear weapon.
>He's written multiple pieces advocating for bombing Iran and Syria
Syria is Iran's proxy. Iran is Russia's proxy. Re-read my previous point.
>Jimmy Carter
So, in other words, the weak and cowardly president who allowed the United States to be cucked hard by Iran for over 444 days says president Trump is wrong for hiring a person who sees Iran for what it truly is — a country usurped by a terrorist regime in 1979.
>Completely ignores the necessity of stable Ba'athist states for MENA balance of power to be maintained.
>KSA doesn't have nuclear weapons! Iran might use them!
>Unironically falling for Mossad-tier propaganda that Iran is remotely close to a Nuclear Weapons
>Implying Syria has anything to do with Iran getting a nuclear weapon
What's it like to fall for basic bitch Neocon talking points you fucking brainlet?
>citing CNN on Sup Forums
First day at the shill farm? Or what?
>everyone who disagrees with Trump is shareblu
Well you are obviously not shareblue. Just a europoor from a literal non-country trying to butt into america's business. Scram, kiddo. Go squat and smoke some place else.
Like those WMDs in Iraq
I'm already smoking, but not squating, I'm sitting. Can you please explain why some of you give blind support to Trump, don't get me wrong, Trump is certinly better than that witch Cliton. Blind support is related to personality kult, and I can tell you, that isn't good.
>All I keep hearing and reading from the far-left biased mainstream news media is that John Bolton is terrible but I have yet to hear or read any of them explain why other than "Because this or that famous lefty thinks so".
Then you're fucking underage if you don't remember the shit he said during the Iraq War, and that he advocates going to war with everyone. He's a well-spoken ideologue, not even a smart hawk Victor Cha
>our allies in the middle east.
Who might those be? The jews who rob your country blind with their stealing skills or destroying your population with their deviancy promoting garbage? Or the sunni inbreds who's cancer has already spread to millions in north america?
>our allies in the middle east
I don't "give blind support to trump". I made a choice in voting for him.
I unironically would stand by him to the bitter end. That's how loyalty works.
>But he said thing
I literally don't care. The cucks in this country are too bad to allow them to have a turn.
All of that
Our glorious Zionist bankers and media empire controllers
Our dear Pakistani and Syrian immigrant allies
Who rape English and German girls
God bless us one and all
Loyalty is an underrated commodity in today’s world which is why we’re loyal to him no matter what the shills say. It’s not “blind support”
ut he ran on anti war platform and putting american imterests first. And now he's working with worst kind of neocons and israeli bitches. To me it looks like typical politician who says one thing during campaign amd does different when in power, and those people don't deserve loyalty. They are liars and traitors
Jimmy Carter's opinion shouldn't be trusted on anything, and foreign policy in particular. As for Bolton I have no idea how much or how little Jew cock he sucks, but there's two indisputable factd about him:
1) He recognizes that the world is a dangerous place
2) He recognizes that America's safety must be prioritized
He's the best pick because everyone else is a fucking pussy living in a fantasy land. You know why he pisses off the media and libs? It isn't because he's Le Ebin Troll. It's because he actually says what needs to be said.
>bolton was picked for a good reason
Oh yeah? Now spin hiring Mike Pompeo for me:
>“It’s an open secret and not classified information that there have been relationships, there are connections. There have been times the Iranians have worked alongside Qaeda.”
>“With the defeat of the real estate proposition in Syria and Iraq for ISIS, we watch what’s going on in Idlib, you’ve got ISIS folks, al-Nusra front, Qaeda folks up in the North, we are watching to see if there aren’t places where they work together for a common threat against the United States.”
>“It’s not only the case that the Iranian regime knew that Qaeda operatives were working in Iran, there was an agreement that explicitly permitted it. And it’s not only the case that the Qaeda operatives had the ability to transit Iran, the Iranian regime facilitated that transit. The coordination with Iran came as a result of a secret agreement and included active assistance to Qaeda members."
>he ran on anti war platform
>"I'm going to bomb the shit out of them" - candidate trump
Lol stop talking out your ass croatnon
based ! magapedes maga! kek
bombing bunch of terrorists in syrian desert isn't going to war with sovereign nation as powerful as Iran. And keep in mind, Trump becoming president didn't played a roll at all in syrian civil war
>bombing bunch of Israel-sponsored terrorists
Just because our interests overlap with Israel it doesn’t mean we’re Israels bitch. Trump is putting America First with a strong foreign policy that looks to end our enemies. That’s the literal definition of America First.
But we aren't at war with Iran.
You probably thought saddam was stronk too. What is your point here?
He ran on exactly what he's doing now.
Fixing the economy. Bringing jobs back. Building (at least part of) the wall.
Deporting spics. Foreign policy comes last and rightly so. We don't give a shit about the third world anymore.
and how is Iran threat to America? Iran is regional power, it cannot threaten US in any way
If we can't occupy Iraq successfully, I really doubt we could occupy the larger, less ethnically and religiously divided Iran.
Who said anything about occupation?
youre misusing literally
you will be if this continues. Yes, Iran isn't powerful, but it would be strongest opponent for America since WW2. And it ism't threat to US in any way
They’re a threat because they’re the worlds largest exporter of terror. If they ever got a nuke it would be a disaster which is why a strong policy against Iran is in the best interests of the US and our allies in the region.
not if your goal is to start nuclear WWIII as the Final Distraction from #TrumpRussia when Mueller drops the indictments
>but it would be strongest opponent for America since WW2
Top kek my dude. How many aircraft carriers do they have again? Didn't know we had so many iraniboos on this board
How does the grime under that boot taste?
I know it's a fetish thing and all, but do you need to be this obnoxious about it?
>our interests overlap with Israel
Right, Iraq is practically American heartland
He’s not wrong Israel is constantly fighting the Islamic threat on their orders.
>they’re the worlds largest exporter of terror
From the establishment's rectum to your lips.
>90 year old retard, and probably worst president in US history shittalking current president
who cares?
>exporter of terror
hezbollah and houtis don't go around world exploding, sunni terrorists do that and Iran is shia theocracy. And it doesn't export "terror" as much as saudis and israel
0. But that's not the point, they are still strongest opponent for you since WW2. And you don't need aircraft carriers for defense, carriers are offensive asset
Iran has been proven to be funding al qaeda and ISIS both. They’re a huge threat and Hezbollah isn’t just some peace loving democracy organization either.
>(((our allies)))
Gas the kikes, race war now
>There have been times the Iranians have worked alongside Qaeda
lol there have also been times when the CIA created Qaeda. What's the point?
>they're literally on the frontlines against the arabs fighting for us
Oh boy, we gotta write an official letter to Israel asking them to stop performing this selfless and, geographically speaking, unnecessary service.
In fact, I'll start:
I think North Korea was the strongest since WW2, though, but probably since North Korea.
Russia and Iran do have mutual defense treaties, though. Russia will let us push the Iranian regime around as much as they let us push around Iran. As soon as they see us amassing troops they'll start sending in their own troops and defenses, guarantee it.
the one good thing about Bolton is that he doesn't like the UN and doesn't like the global government structures. he thinks they're redundant and that we are the real power.
I pray Trump knows what he's doing and is going to use this man as a tool of his own agenda, rather than following the war path - I really don't think we need a war with Iran. this war with Iran business sounds an awful lot like Zbigniew's Grand Chessboard - TPTB are butthurt that the Iraq and Syria gambits have actually given more territory to Iran and Iran is on the verge of becoming a solid regional power - I think it'd be a good thing if Israel was surrounded by hostile neighbors again. Make Israel Nervous Again
They weren't our enemy until Jewish wars and being exposed to Jewish degeneracy from the West
>they let us push around Iran
fuck i meant Assad.
>he thinks white anglo-saxon protestants dont have blood on their hands
go fuck yourself eternal anglo
>What's the point?
The point is that there are fucking kikes in this thread with leaf flags.
Who gives a fuck?