Alright boys, shit is kicking up. Don't rule out war in a couple of months. Serbs are persecuted in Kosovo and Serbia won't listen for any more calls for peace from crooked EU and nonsense America puts out (archive.is/5JB8Y). If Russia gets involved this could start another world war. There's an open debate on TV if Serbs should involve Russia or to do an armed intervention and I'm pretty sure the dialogues with EU have stopped.

>The Latest: 32 injured, 5 seriously in Kosovo clashes

>Albo getting punched

>Assassination of Oliver Ivanovic

>Neocons, eu shills and their ilk are celebrating forced vote under threat of violence

>Thanks based Spain

Attached: kebab_about_to_get_removed.png (2000x1333, 274K)

Other urls found in this thread:



>The Serbs from Kosovo government are now exiles to Serbia

>More Albanian shit tier propaganda

We will not come as you call and if we do, youll have to offer something to us.
Because Serbia is in EU and for over a decade can be desribed as neutral or even hostile country.
We will not help you to strike a pose before your masters and gladly fuck off when they chicken out.
If something we ever learned from soviet period is that we should never help anyone if it's does not serve our direct interests, and from that point of view we would be rather happy to see another Kosovo war.

Quick rundown on virgin albanians vs chad Serbs

Attached: Chad Serb vs Virgin Albozerg.webm (396x222, 383K)

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>Serbia is in EU
I know there's a great deal of shame among Russians for not intervening in Balkan war.

Serbia isn't in EU though

Serbia isn't part of EU

We are not in EU, Vitaly you're drunk again brother

Attached: Vitaly.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

and if this situation with Kosovo keeps escalating and EU fucks not doing anything about it I doubt it will ever be.

Here's a tip
Shiptars have been comming all sorts of crime in Kosovo and Metohija for decades now, nothing will ever be done about it until NATO/the western empire collapses or pulls out
Children have been kidnapped, killed, families murdered, organs traded, but nothing will be done about it, I assure you.

why aren't we forming some paramilitary shit like SA, seriously
we need to be ready

Its not just Kosovo, its Macedonia too. Where ever the albo goes they try to annex territory trough terrorizing the local populace with heinous crimes.
I'm wondering the same question too. I hope Serbia is brave enough even at the risk of getting bombed again.

Forgot picture

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Serbia isn't in the EU you fucking vodka nigger

Kosovo is Albania

The world hates you serbs. For good reasons.

Your bias is showing shitskin.

Catalonia is Spanish.

The world hates you catalonians. For good reasons

Gee, I wonder why this guy thinks like this
I'm sure you've been brainwashed to draw parallels between Kosovo AND Metohija and your faggy place, but I assure you, the situation is the opposite.
The land was ours historically, and if you like albanian organ traders so much, invite them over for some tea, I'm sure you'll love them

It's all coming undone isn't it fags ..
Wonder if Britain, Germany and America will side with the muslims again

Another war would just drive the last nail in our coffin.
In all honesty the last one ruined us so much that I don't believe we can ever recover. But if Kosovo escalates, we are ruined for sure.

The best part, war will probably happen.

Serbia started negotiations with EU regarding joining it few months ago. They can't decide if they want EU shekels or Russian cock, one thing is for sure; they can't get both

1. they always have
2. nothing will happen

>few months ago
They have been pulling us by the nose for years now
>They can't decide if they want EU shekels or Russian cock
Uneducated protoGerman, Russia is our ally historically, it's just that EU globalists won't let us join until they cuck us completely and force us to accept kosovo as a """real country"""

You faggots got raped and paraded like dogs trough Kosovo. And now you're making memes how tough you are. Pathetic serbcucks if you went outside and didnt fight over keyboards you might win wars in croatia, bosnia, kosovo, slovenia

Why are Croatniggers unable to live without talking about Serbia?

My bad, confused it many news around the topic.
Thing is we d rather see how EU and mutts try to defend muslim shitstain on the map of Europe while we show everyone their twofaced lies and play on growing unrest about muslims in Europe in general.

>expecting a serb to stop talking about serbia
how new are you?

You're alright, meme-flagger, you're alright.

Summer is on its way and im warming up for the serb pussy coming in while u make memes

I always knew WW3 would start in the Balkans. Fucking Balkan niggers. Kill some muzzies for me m8.

Say those same words after Zagreb gets bombed, faggot.
We'll all lose our lives before the progressives realize muslims are to blame. You shoot the traitors not expect them to realize when shit hits the fan

Aren't your girls known for selling themselves cheap?
A center for sex tourism talking shit about getting foreign pussy, lmao

Damn, it all begins just like in "those" times

Why not do it yourself?
You niggers are the ones with the military base in Kosovo?
Oh wait I forgot ISIS and the KLA are your associates, sorry

Serbbro, its same in Serbia.

Yeah, except I don't mind those cheap plastic whores selling themselves, wheat and chaff you know?
At least I don't pose around online pretending things are different


Kosovo js srbija you fucking kulvar, bosnia and albanian can rot the dirty fucking muslims.

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You pussies bombed us with your planes for 4 years and still got fucked by our villagers with kalashnikovs, so go on right again hahaa

If you come to croatia on vacation, your pussy gonna get fucked. Ask some girls that were here, if u know any

>b-bt we're gun do the w-war and re-re-re-move ke-ke-bab-bab-bab
don't listen to pathetic yugocucks
every time these subhumans have a "war" it's all just an excuse for their turdroach rapebabby denizens to run off into better countries
whole region should be gassed

I am.
>How so?
Because (((Freemasonry))) is who started the war, together with (((TuđMAN))) and (((Miloshewitz)))

Every week they make memes and threads how ITS ON NOW YO hahah. Idk what kosovo must do for them to actually start something, march into belgrade, maybe

Who cares? You low intelligent uncultured apes slaughter each other every few decades, then whine to the world about who’s the worst low intel uncultured ape. The only way Russia is going to get involved is selling you guns. We’ll say that’s really, really, bad. We ignore it until one of you goes full retard. We send our cruise missiles in. Repeat in 20 years. Serbs, Croats, Muslims, orthodox ... who cares. You’re all the same to us.

>mfw this guy's ancestors talked down on us in the same way
>mfw they got humiliated and sent back in coffins
>no face
One day you will learn to respect others
that wordplay, I'm dying
>fantasize while smoking sea salt

y-yes ... w-wordplay

>low intelligent
Our murder rate is 5x smaller than U.S.A. I guess you can look down on them too
As for our culture, you can keep your trannies and genderfluids

Everyone here knows the west has been meddling with our affairs for a long time now.
This isn't the west, people know what's up.

>The fantasies of the atheist westerner.
>You Christians are no different than these Muslims
The mudslimes are coming for you and no ocean is going to protect you this time.


why aren't there any serbroach comedians, all you lot do is spin history into whatever funny story suits you
> we s-send the austrians back in coffins

Intelligent and cultured? Can’t tell the difference between a Canadian and American flag? Kek.

We all know Canada is cucked to US. Basically a non-country

>The eternal s*rb starts another world war that will kill many europeans
color me surprised

>his entire first army got buttfucked so hard they had to replace the general for the 2nd offensive
I guess your esteemed history books downplayed it, which makes the butthurt even funnier
>in the middle of a plague
>no ammo
>low on people
>low on food
>still beat back the austrians after just 1 day of rest after months of constant fighting
You historically always wanted a piece of this land, nowadays you don't need it, but no need to downplay your failed aspirations

>the pointyou

>pussy meme flagger

>The eternal eurocuck thinks mudslimes and Christians are the same.
>Trough its indifference he crafted another scenario that led to another world war.
imagine my shock

Basically, dont join EU.
I better be in russian sphere, than be the good goy of (((EU)))

turdroach rhetoric has always been the same
larp about some bullshit "they" have done, whilst the absolute majority of your people in the CURRENT YEAR are worthless bags of human garbage
I laugh at you and piece of trash "country", subhuman
Should be happy you didn't get human trafficked by some albo-gypsies, then again you're most probably the ugliest fuck in all of serbistan

and so are you with your artificial """"country"""" flag

>Implying it's a choice and not forced on us to keep the west from being even more hostile pro isis faggots

>this entire post
Nice larp, but it won't work on me. Trash, you call us? Maybe look up some real stats huh, instead of just selective learning online, yeah?
The only thing we lack is money, and for a place this poor and cucked by the world powers, we are amazingly keeping it together and very peaceful. I'm sure you'll just pretend this isn't the case, after all it doesn't fit your 'superior people' rhetoric

>trash you call us
you're trash

Its good that you are importing them now, i guess they arent breeding fast enough
how cucked can a country be.

idk man, you still dont have any anti-EU politic parties over there ?

>talks about rhetoric and how mine is always the same
>his has always been that they are above everyone else
>historically proven wrong
>pretends nothing happened
>still thinks the same 1000 years later
Sure thing

700 just in school? Wtf serbia, we only got 100-200 closed in camps outside of cities

another day, another trashroach trashpost
are you going to name ONE reason your shithole shouldn't be fed anthrax?

What are you, stupid?
You can't suck up to the world powers in the west while being openly against them. Everyone here knows EU is hot trash, everyone hear is in silent agreement to keep pretending we want it and to keep turning a blind eye to the western blackmail that comes around every time they want to push for some goal here

Honestly you dropped logic from this conversation a few posts ago, you are an idiot that is not worth my energy.

you sure? didnt they leave to germany?

what logic, you worthless nigger?
as PEOPLE, serbs are entirely and completely fucking useless
you want me to logic with you, when your albanian government mafia is starting more shit, in order to human traffick more SHIT (like you) into the west?
I spit in your dumbfuck face, roach
you DESERVE to die
there's literally no question about it
repeat after me
try it out

Fucking roaches they are everywhere!!

Kosovo is Serbia!!

Constantinopla is Greece!!

they aren't allowed, those are quota migrants that were distributed to us

Everything you just typed is wrong, amazing level of brainwashing, as expected.

they can hide in a truck fridge or something, the number is probably less. but even one is one too many.


Serbia will do literally nothing.
Russia has its own problems to worry about right now.


>meme flag
>muh based mudslimes

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Kosovo and half of Bosnia are rightful Serbian clay

Attached: 1522103143405.jpg (800x1004, 151K)

Friendly reminder:
We are all in this together, don't be cunts to each other.

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Yeah, but the leafs and burgers aren’t bragging about killing each other and WW3 so, huh ... we’re the stupid ones. Good luck with your ethnic-religious-cultural-nationalist slaughter! Call when you get civilized.

If Serbs start another war can I sign up as a volunteer?

Bring vodka and you are in.

classic roach with the butthurt all caps "batz"

Catalans don't have their nation state. They want one, not 'another one'. Albanians have their nation's state, they want second. Catalonia wouldnt be cheering for kosovo if they had their state with spanish minority declaring second Spanish state within Catalonia's borders.

watch them post albanian waffen ss to justify their flag

>mfw this nigger doesn't know why we fought
>mfw he tells himself it was some sort of cleansing
Can't wait for your muslim majority, you can be sure I'll be laughing when they declare shariah's law and jihad and you ask them nicely, but firmly, to leave.

Attached: 1512561411831.jpg (600x330, 40K)

>leafs and burgers aren't bragging about killing each other and WW3.
>ignoring all the shitting on germans
>ignoring the NK crisis
>ignoring the taunts to Russia trough Syria.
>ignoring the civil war bantz
>more shekels for Israel causing wars

Leaf shut ur mouth while Tyrone is fucking ur wife.

So how do you plan on moving in if there are American troops in Kosovo? You're going to attack them as well? And as far as I know the troops there have a legal right to fire at anything they deem as a threat to themselves or civilians?

Bring some planes and bombs and you are more than welcome

Congrats, you figured out that the entire topic of this thread is bullshit, shiptars are always causing shit, it is not our territory to police anymore