Was freedom of the Press a bad idea?

I don't value freedom of the press at all.
In the end the means of communication like Newspapers, Radio and Movies increased the Power of oppressive Regimes while people who don't get pestered by NEWS NEWS NEWS live pretty normal lives anyway.

The Newsmedia is one of the worst Tumors on our civilization and i wouldn't mind if Journalists in the West get the Putin Treatment. I wish we could round up all the Clickbait Producers and Fake News People and sell them on libyan slave markets. Which is way to soft since 90% of media related personel needs to get killed, while 10% is just in it to counter what bullshit the first group produced.


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would be against free press if we had the right people in power. otherwise it gives traitors who run our countries today even more grip on public opinion.

No. It is an extension of the individual right to Free Speech. There must NEVER be any government control of speech, even if we must tolerate the worst case reality that some will abuse this right and spread lies.

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If we were executing that plan the title in your pic might apply. These journalists are just butthurt over being called fake news and have no idea what real oppression would look like

Not China. Not Turkey.
No, it's Trump.
Shebab Khan, of course it would either be a Jew or immigrant filth trying to infest our country.

Well, there goes whatever integrity the "Committee to Protect Journalists" might have had, considering they're comparing him to dictators who will literally murder journalists who oppose them.

America has a free press? Dont tell the uniparty MSM

yep these idiots hurt themselves by being again biased idiots, i hope it kills them.

The corporate press in the US was literally given the right by the corrupt government to air propaganda with actors pretending to be journalists and experts. What fucking free press.

worse than China, North Korea, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey? Worse than countries where they literally kill journalists?

Freedom of press should include having to tell the truth.

Oppressive against MSM??? LOL.

Making fun of CNN for being intentionally misleading isn’t oppression. Obama put journalists in actual jail.

The same freedom of speech which protects journalists applies to Trump. There has been no censorship, no limiting of freedoms, only words exchanged between ideological opponents who are both equally free to speak. This propaganda organization has no grounds to assert any oppression exists, and can offer no proof to validate their claim. But, they can spread lies if they so choose. They have that freedom. And you will note that Trump takes no action to stop them, lol.

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Are those fuckers serious?
Not Europe, where migrant crime is censored, not Turkey where Journalists are jailed, not even to talk about the rest of the islamic world, China or god forbid North Korea.
No, it's Trump.
Are they serious?

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wow WORLD'S MOST OPPRESSIVE. move over kim jong un. i dont even like trump anymore but goddamn what a bunch of salty crybabies

The problem is once you allow the gov to ban certain newspapers or channels you no longer have control over what gets banned. So depending on what political party gets elected there is a chance that this gets very counterproductive

Who do we empower to decide what "truth" you are allowed to speak? Do you really trust ANYONE with that authority? I dont.

Freedom of the press is a constitutional right and we have to respect it even if just by principle if we want to be able to make the argument that the 1st and 2nd amendments should be respected as absolute and unrestricted. It's hard but it's up to us to set the bar. Claiming otherwise is just as bad as stooping to the liberals' level.

No. When we had a Press they exposed corruption and informed us of world events.
Today we have propaganda run by a myriad pf special intrest groups. But mostly they are after clicks to get money. So an article might have valid points, but the headline will be shocking....and most people dont read past the forst few tag lines.

>The Committee to Protect Journalists (((CPJ))) is an American independent non-profit, non-governmental organization
The fact that they're allowed to criticize the president on his own soil paradoxically proves that he is not the most oppressive leader.

As opposed to country leaders that actively kill anyone that criticizes them?

Except the press is free in US.
They are just salty for getting called out on their bullshit.

>most oppresive leader
Lmao mexican government literally disappears reporters who investigate corruption and these fucking kikes name Trump most oppresove for calling them fake news

"I want to keep my second amendment rights so I can violently strip away the rights of other citzens like freedom of the press."

I believe in freedom of the press. I also think that they should be held responsible for intentional lies that they push though too.

I don't want the government controlling the news but we're in a place where they're bordering on treason. Fortunately we don't need the government. We're punishing them ourselves by refusing to listen to them. It all works out.

>I don't value freedom of the press at all.
>see flag

"I want to violently strip away second amendment rights so other citizens can't resist when I strip the rest"

free press is a mistake because it allows jews to shape public opinion. same with entertainment media. how 'free' are people who behave like cattle for their jewish masters. at least it would be more honest if we were a bit authoritarian and put our people first and stopped traitors running their mouths. people need a shepherd, better it be one with the nations/peoples best interests in mind (if we had a natsoc regime).

Wrong, retard. People will listen to the most (((credible))) organisations because normies are sheep, and will vote as theyre told.

Press freedom and democracy are lies.

Freedom of the press is what's keeping the right alive in Europe today.

Don't worry so much about money. Worry about if people start deciding to kill reporters. That's a quote.

So long as I am the one who gets to decide what YOU are allowed to say, then I will endorse this plan. Otherwise, I prefer no controls or restrictions on speech of any kind. Take it or leave it.

Shows how delusional they are.

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without freedom of press you then just trade control by one group for control by another, coincidentally in this case you believer the new group to be more inline with your opinions

If only Trump went the Obama route and actively restrained access to the press while also claiming to be the most transparent administration. But then again, you need the media to be actively fellating you for that to work

>chemical weapons in iraq

Dude thats such an old stick its fucking stupid. Ofcorse Iraq did everything to signal they had chemical weapons because otherwise other forces in the region would know that iraq was not able to defend itself and then you would have another insurgency or an iranian invasion. This chemical weapons talking point is realy stupid. There were 14 points in the charta against Iraq and WMD were just one.

yes. it is dependent on who is in charge. that is how basic power hierarchies have always worked. we already have restrictions on what is allowed to be published in europe, but the average person doesn't really feel oppressed. that is because they have been told all their lives what opinions are 'correct' by jewish outlets and education. the only way to oppose this is authoritarian policies that demand loyalty instead of treachery.

a tribe wouldn't let a hostile outsider come in and spread misinformation which tears the group apart. they would identify the threat and remove it. it is this autistic idea of 'rights' that cuck a nation from doing anything.

"Iranian invasion"
When was the last time they invaded anybody?
Your country is more likely to invade somebody that Iran... Fucking Somalia is more likely to invade somebody (Like the USA)

you know when i think about it for a second it shows how totaly worthless the press on all sides is.

First they take this talkingpoint with the chemical weapons as if its the only thing what this was about,
and when this thing turns out to be a nothing burger all the other press does is to say "yeah there are no WMDs so everything ever about iraq was a lie maaaaan"

Both should get roped. Fucking useless parasites puking in each others mouths.

Have it on punishment of treason

this, but unironically

>the average person doesn't really feel oppressed
Tell that to Count Dankula and literally THOUSANDS of others who have been prosecuted, and that only scratches the surface of those who are actually under threat should they say anything deemed "offensive" by government.

pffff Count Dankula is someone i would put in camp for being a degenerate. I don't give a fuck about his right of free speech. Hes a worthless sack of shit and the onlything he will ever do something usefull for society is when he gets turned into fertilizer.

>I should be able to lie about you knowingly and publicly in the pursuit of defamation in order to garner monetary gain for myself or disrupt your monetary flow

yes, but not many people are against the hate speech laws itself. they will parrot the same shit about how it is protecting minority groups. the average british mongoloid will just shout racist at anything that goes against their programming. Jews have made them into fine clay.

Dont forget about that time the CNN reporter met with aghori cannibals in India and ate human brains with them, then later they pelted him with rocks. Love that memory

>dude thats so fucking old its fucking stupid
>the ol' wmd meme
>no war crimes were comitted and no innocent ppl died
>listen to the media they know what theyre talking about

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Why should i let a weak fag like you be in control?

At this point you just put words in my mouth. Youre a fucking kike shill, or at least you merged into one since you behave just like the Media Kikes i wanna see hang. So rope yourself you subhuman pussy.

Stormy Daniels is currently talking a payload of shit about sexual escapades with Trump, yet she still draws breath. JFK got his dick too wet with Marilyn Monroe and she got assassinated. I guess right wingers hurting journalist feelings is a bigger impact on the world than left wingers actively killing them.

Game theory insists you're a retard, because you think you can win the day with blatant inconsistencies in logic based on muh feefees. Try this approach, even though I suspect you are a NatSoc retard:

Degenerates have a right to free speech, but do not have a right to be degenerate.

youre too dumb to even follow the thread here so why don't you suck on a scissor or something.


You guys fellate your journalists and politicians while they steal and lie behind your backs. You still won't wake up and see the migrant invasion. You deny every fact given to you. also, when i was in Germany everyone was a fucking rude and miserable piece of shit, you people never smile and youre stuck up and ignorant

>I don't value freedom of the press at all
It's supposed to be another safeguard against tyrannical government.
There should be a threshold of accuracy (95%?) for being able to call yourself the actual "press" now, since most of what is being said on all sides is propaganda and half truths at best.

>socialist countries indefinitely jail journalists for criticizing government
>drumpf is oppressive because he called cnn fake news

The absolute state.

>Not Russia where Putin has killed journos
>Not Europe where you go to jail for opinions
>Not basically the entire middle east
>Not basically all of Africa
>Not South America

No, it's the USA which has the first amendment making it the *most free* place to speak on earth, but we don't like Trump so it's him!

This makes me now question every single story where a journalist has been killed. The leader of the most recent coup in Thailand mentioned pretty casually they'd "probably just kill" journalists who they felt were openly making shit up.

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i care very little about the opinion of a tourist.

All these quotas about "truth" or "accuracy" don't get you anywhere since all media does is Opinion Pieces. Just beancounting when you could just rope the beaner and be done with it.

>i care very little about the opinions of a tourist

Sorry to break this to you, but it's not only me, every country around you cant fucking stand you.

>yeah everyone hates you anyway yeah

the fuck do i care.

Why don't you suck-start a refugee, maybe stop LARPing for once in your life.

i like Germany. not in it's current state though. i'm British.

>this is how you look mohamed

Nothing better then pissy burgers.

Sadly, yes, because the alternative is even worse.

You must defend even the free speech rights of those you deem degenerates, or you will lose the same freedom. I can't imagine any scenario where losing my right to speak freely is a good result.

Mohamed, you? Nah, I'm sure you're one of the sixteen blueblood Aryans left in Germany. Mohamed is your step-father and brother-in-law.

Thus we see the true threat of such speech restrictions. In controlling what you may say, they control what you are allowed to think, and the oppression becomes self-replicating, self-sustaining. Next, you will be barred from speaking out in favor of changing the laws which govern you, as it will be deemed "hateful" towards The State (or otherwise "dangerous" to public order) to challenge their authority. I give you this prophecy with no satisfaction, only deep sadness for your fate.

I agree, user. 90% of press these days is political propaganda aimed at destroying people's independent thought

Because those are the only options I will allow. Either I am the one who gets to decide for everyone or I will fight to allow everyone to decide for themselves. You don't get to make this choice for me, but I invite you to try and stop me from acting out this decision if you so choose.

no i must not. All the people who got jailed before in the UK are still a faceless number but no i'm suppose to care about a disgusting youtube stoner? Fuck that guy. The grinder is already going and minced up better people, may throw this piece of waste in it too.

The press wasnt supposed to be a monopoly owned by jews silenced by political correctness and the will of foreign nationals.

We have the ludenpresse (judenpresse if you prefer). They speak no truth.



don't play with words you don't understand.

Where i live there ain't many jews in media anyway.
Its selfrightous shitlibs.

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but you put this assumption that all ideas get a fair hearing in a free speech society. that the most rational one will win. it does not. only those who have power over the press and airwaves will repeatedly bash people over the head with the same opinions, they have a bigger voice that drowns out the rest. people are more malleable to constant barrages of info from them. so how do you effectively challenge this? you end up with a bunch of self hating disloyal, atomised people. the nation/race loyalists become the fringe outsiders when it should be the default. it becomes a weakened and divided state.

if you feel the government has went too far and stepping on the people you could always fight back. at least guns are an equaliser. they should be kept in the hands of citizens. the ultimate deterrent of tyranny.

Man, God forbid he criticizes them and tells them to tell the truth. Apparently jailing and murdering journalists is less of a threat to these fucks.

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meanwhile, journalists in other countries are getting killed

how fucking stupid

>231 journalists have been arrested in Turkey after July 15, 2016 alone
>b-but Drumpf said "fake news"!!!!

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>(((The Committee to Protect Journalists)))

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Clickbait title
Nice job "journalist"

I advocate for government to be completely dissociated from the media, which is not the case currently. Disband the FCC, destroy it completely (along with all other Alphabet Agencies). No regulation beyond enforcement of Constitutional Rights (ie; 1st & 4th Amendments, etc). It is government which has created this problem through excessive intervention leading to collusion, not free speech itself.

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Yet, Obama Jailed those reporters who say you deported 2 million people. Ask to latinos.