You fuckrs ain't done a thang but steal from Africa. Even the gene shit y'all spout ain't even true just another copy of the prime human being.
lol I bet u finna cry now. Y'all exposed
You fuckrs ain't done a thang but steal from Africa. Even the gene shit y'all spout ain't even true just another copy of the prime human being.
lol I bet u finna cry now. Y'all exposed
fuck off nigger
Fuck off Mohammed this ain't about you
Too bad 99.99999 percent of you niggers are just different shades of shit.
im fuckin celtic
The eyes of a nigger are the eyes of an animal.
>american flag
>muh genetic diversity
Just proofs that niggers are closer related to ape: Congratulations.
How does it feel knowing that slavery was the best thing that ever happened to black people? Without slavery, you would still be in Africa raping monkeys and begging for Patriots Super Bowl LII shirts.
>steal from Africa
Nobody says the guy picking up cans from the side of the road is stealing.
Not like you monkeys ever attempted to use any of it with the exception of mud for your food and huts.
The pyramids is cans on the road?
U trippin
niggers are disgusting and nobody likes them.
just because the slaves who build them were black that doesn't make them theirs
>Whites rule over Africa for centuries
>Africans have a ton of genetic diversity
I wonder what could possibly connect those two things
Insane variation levels.
To be fair that areas has every qualification for very comfortable life if they were capable of building the infrastructure
>prime human being.
Always with muh pyramids
The only involvement niggers had, if any at all, in building pyramids would have been dragging blocks like the nigger mules you are.
But that isn't even how black twitter oogas, booga.
uneducated nigger speak
Yeah, not really. But even if any of that were true, at least my ancestors were never property, nigger.
>Learn to read and write
>find a job
>stop killing, raping and stealing
Then we can talk... So we’ll never talk. Ever.
You do realize Black women think Black men are disgusting and think that marrying a White man will result in the advancement of their social status, right? Oh, and these marriages have extremely low divorce rate.
Whenever you score with a white girl, you're not "stealing" anything, you're being used as sex toys by out of control whores who have an episode of jungle fever. Unsurprisingly, BMWF marriages usually don't really last that long.
The whole Black supremacist narrative is retarded and is actually hurting the Black communities. You were doing great in the fifties and you let a few subversive Whites from the DNC ruin it all for you. Good job, I guess.
Enjoy your high murder and incarceration rates, extreme poverty and 50% abortion rate. That's what you get for thinking like that.
>blonde hair
That's a Melanesian you retard
White women lovest BLACK MEN!
Glass Israel
Silence negroid
In 5 years youll be sucking up to white people when we cut your welfare food off and youll have to stand in line for hours just for a box of cereal.And you can forget about buying meat,yous have to hunt it down yourselves.
The soviet style system will turn your nigger ass grateful to whites once again.
Top right is a solomon islander, not a black. Bottom right is an albino, that's a disease. They burn in the sun worse than white people and they can't see well. Either that or she's mixed with white, in other words her skin is not a testament to black diversity. Bottom left is blind.
Lel try again.
What the hell does "finna" mean?
Is this why all asians look the same while Africans seem to have 1000 different hairstyles?
Sorry about this. This is a case of "Monkey see Monkey do". As expected from braindead niggers.
OP is a white-boy-retarded
why are black women so unpopular? are they this ugly?
>online dating
>the truth
leaf pls
Top right is an Abo, not an African
you could've tried to stop us from "stealing" from africa, but you didn't.
So suck it down princess
Blonde hair on the top right is not African. The one on the bottom right is Albinism lol.