if you are a guy who likes girly looking boy but saying that you not gay is homophobic
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Imma post it until you loves it
Please let me pound your boipucci
I would let qt boy play with my dong and fuck him but me sucking him off an letting him fuck me is kinda gay desu
Youre not supposed to do that if you top. So you're 100% straight.
Do we really need to get into this again? About the feminine ideal, promises unfulfilled, Plato and the Greeks?
We've been having this argument for years now. Just. Stop.
If there dick is under 4 inches its not gay.
Traps are better than women
Smooth feminine dicks are straight. You can crush them under the weight of your big manly cock.
Why date some stupid whore that will without a doubt cheat on you if you could have a cute obedient trap instead ?
>draw a representation of a woman
>say it has a penis
lol stop trying to convert straight white men into degenerate mentally ill faggot cunts if u like males and u are a male ur a worthless faggot prick and should kill urself period
>People like a girly BOY.
>Insist that they aren't gay.
That said anime traps are like elves. It doesn't matter what you think of them because they aren't real.
because of the means of reproduction
Traps in anime are essentially flat chested girls with male genitalia.
Traps in real life are just skinny gay dudes. Almost never are any of these self titled "traps" and "femboys" are anything close to looking as a woman or a girl, most of the time they don't even look feminine and are just skinny gay faggots.
Henceforth fantasy =/ reality, especially when it comes to some sort of twisted homoerotic fantasies.
I dare you to post a non-gay dick.
>protip you can't
>draw a representation of a woman
You don't understand, that is exactly the point. When boys are young they are promised that girls are "like them" so there becomes a false belief that women have the same wants, desires, feelings, as a male. And then when the boy grows older and learns that women can not live up to this ideal, that they are foreign and alien to him. The trap is the representation of a woman, the ideal woman, one that is like the man, knows his wants and desires and beliefs and can understand him as he is. The promise that was left unfulfilled.
You need to study up on your basic greek more boi. Traps are feminine and there is nothing gay with liking feminine things. The only person that is a faggot is the one getting the dick.
>Don't let the door hit you on the way out
>the trap is the representation
No, it’s a boy acting like a girl. Not a girl that acts like a girl that the boy wanted
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