When investigating alleged violations of these Terms...


>When investigating alleged violations of these Terms, Microsoft reserves the right to review Your Content in order to resolve the issue.

Land of the free.

Attached: microsoft-logo-100638723-large.jpg (700x470, 61K)

That is a tacit admission that all messages go through their servers in plain-text. Suicide in this era of facebook spying upset.

I thought they were moving back towards a P2P model?

>Microsoft is now scanning users' office documents for offensive content and arbitrarily removing it
oh shit nigger what the fuck are you doing

>Land of the free.
Using Microsoft services is not a constitutional right.

or encrypted
it's a message not a password, you can't hash it

I confessed to a crime several years ago on MSN chat. How screwed am I?

You see we figure out this awesome loophole around the constitution by creating super-companies that control almost every aspect of our lives and in order to connect to the world around us we have to play by their rules which... get ready for it... don't have to play by the same rule book because they're companies and they can do what they want for the most part.

Free speech? Well not if you want to stay connected to your friends and family!

2nd Amendment? Not on our company property, buddy!

And the best thing? Americans are so stuck up capitalism's ass they'll let companies fuck with our basic rights because that's the american way! Hurray!

So get back to your youtube and your facebook and all those other things that you'll be ostracized by normies for if you don't use them. Just remember. DON'T POKE FUN AT THE JEWS.

>you need facebook and xbox to survive!

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My emblem was a swastica when playing For Honor (unrelated I played some guy whose gamer tag was “we wuz viKANGz” and he exclusively played as black Vikings was pretty funny) and I had some person message me yelling at me for my emblem so I responded calling them a dirty nigger who should kill themselves and I got banned from communicating from a few days. Got to keep my emblem though kek

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