Pretty big dump regarding the S x E x S and S x E x R x C x O. There's a bunch of interesting shit in there. Pic related is every FOIA on the Dept of Enrgy. Denied or Granted. A treasure trove of things to look into.
DID YOU MISS THIS? Last thread slid. Could use more eyes
Other urls found in this thread:
TL DR someone?
This, what is it OP?
.t brainlet
apparently a dump occured. and there's a bunch of files alluding to some Senior Executive Service that seeped it's way into the CIA and a bunch more branches of government and private sector. All the files I saw had declassified and were obtained by FOIA. I've only scanned through some pdf's and titles. (just got a chance to see it) And lists of pedo priests, pics of rando's shaking hands with certificates. It's gonna take a bit to comb through. But the Pic related in title was a few pages long and amazing leads were there. I can't do all this shit.
here's another sample. it's a fuckin treasure trove if youre bored. Smarter anons might see waay more than me.
forgot.. https://
what the fuck
checked. here's a rando image from the serco files just for you... Like...this whole thing is either massive or some ranting lunatics autistic folder full of government documents. eeither way...I aint doin shit right now.
I downloaded a copy last night, as usual for me.
Wasn't sure if I'd ever come back, but I like to keep a copy of those kinds of things.
Guess I should start peeking then...
kek is here.
What company has goals of reducing fatalities in higher risk, frontline operations?!? The fuck is this shit?!
any company that respects OSHA?
What, do you expect them to turn a blind eye to workplace injuries/fatalities?
Silly me, sageposting.
ok bump
very true. a drop in hundreds of pages. ya want me to spoon feed you everything?
best get to diggin anons
the only serco group i can find is british based. fingers in prisons, defense forces, logistics, tracking.
if they employ "men with guns", yeah, there will be fatalities...because while a citizen with a gun is passive about it, a business with guns is active.
the dod-folder in the ses drop has some nice tidbits...The dept of Defense uses these guys to place their executives. including dept of engery, cia, nsa, ois, and oinn is what I'm seeing.
i don't see the serco tie to ses, though.
neither do i. but they were both dropped at the same time. I'll just do more digging.
Keep em coming
So this is why shill drivel was covering the front page. All top threads are shit and I had to look hard to find this. Funny thing is I don't even help look for/ spread information dumped. But I still seek out what shills are hide out of spite for them fucking with my Mongolian basket weaving forum.
this. cant wait till jidf gets the gas
bump because fuck shills
i just want you to know personally that while i believe this is an informative dump - i don't trust you or your link.
your tactics may capture most of us, but you're not catching me.