As a break from the usual day, let us have a soyboy, bugman thread.
As a break from the usual day, let us have a soyboy, bugman thread
Someone post the original
Can women be soy boys?
Holy shit, that's actually disgusting,
I could never pretend to be that hyped in my life, let alone over dumb capeshit.
This. I don't get it how people can be so excited over cape shit. They have a couple lines in the movie that will give me a chuckle but other than that, it's all CGI people fighting CGI monsters, totally boring.
Do people really act like this or is he just hamming for the camera?
What is wrong with them, they act like children whos pet just died lol Dont they have internet dont they see weekly worse shit on it?
>not posting the original
voting not even once
You cannot deny the superiority of the soyboy.
He is the next stage of evolution. A truly enligheten species. The rest of us are primitive savages compared to him.
There is nobody who follows the christian commandments better than the soyboy. Soyboys are trully the ultimate christian product and the christian god's chosen. The rest of us can only hope to follow their example as good as our unevolved nature allows us to.
It is therefore undeniable that we should put soyboys into leadership positions so that they can lead our nations into a better future.
You can see Jesus praying for their souls in the background.
> Soyboys are trully the ultimate christian product
what scene is that of danaerys is that when she burned the grand council of dothraki
Yes, so remember
>Defending yourself from a whore assassin = bad
>Murdering a bunch of innocent men = good
>tfw dont even know what the fuck these people are even watching or reacting to and have no idea what is even popular in the past 5-10 years
not even being edgy; i just do not fucking care
No chicks are supposed to be overly emotional
>Purple hair just stares angrily at the screen when STRONG EMPOWERED WOMAN gets fucked up
Who could have expected this
No, women do it for attention.
Effeminate men who only hang around women emulate these actions believing that they are genuine.
Really shows how the male/female thinking dynamic works and how it can fuck you up to not understand your own.
Oh and btw, you guys should check out the Nerd Crew videos by Red Letter Media. Boy those guys surely can make an upsetting parody of the average "nerd". Their videos on the subject are like fever dreams.
Anyone have a write-up about these SJWs just being the ignored "Tracy's" in high school/fat girls that go out of their way to be ugly and edgy to finally get SOME attention? Like it's so painfully obvious someone has to have a wall of text about it.
Based mexican poster dropping red-pills of truth
This one is an unevolved species that tries its best to follow the soyboy lifestyle. If he fights for the soy kingdom he will be granted a place in it.
can a psychfag or someone who knows actually explain to me just why their faces contort like this? it is so weird and it make me genuinely uncomfortable.
>women do it for attention.
The series you posted, Silicon Valley, is actually a complete mockery of the beta male.
It shows how nerds are self centered narcissists who think thay they are way better than anyone else because of their mad l33t skills. It also shows how they're sleazy as fuck and will try anything to get some sex or female attention. Except Jared. Jared fucks.
Also, the actors lack self awareness about the series. Specially the paki, who complains about racism and racist typecasts while he himself is just the token paki who's confused as an indian all the time and is terrible with women. He's the Ross from Friends if Ross was a minority and couldn't get any women on the show.