>The Holocaust
>Hiroshima & Nagasaki
Why are white people so violent?
>The Holocaust
>Hiroshima & Nagasaki
Why are white people so violent?
All races are as violent if not more so. Whites just invented the means to be more effective (bombs, poison gas, planes, nukes)
i would slip my erect penis between her vaginal lips and thrust in and out until orgasm, if you catch my drift
Not sure what you meant by this
Q predicted this
Whats does this meme mean?!?! Eggsplain
>attacks neutral powers
>human experimentation
>biological and chemical warfare
>execution and torture of war prisoners
>forced labor
>comfort women
I'm not sure why they were viewed as subhuman and got what they deserved.
We're not particularly violent. We're just the best at it when we choose to be.
Also, how many times is this exact copypasta going to be spammed here?