The plant free diet is the final redpill
The plant free diet is the final redpill
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Raw beef is the best
Why did you feel you should make more threads on this
to educate people
The final redpill is becoming a bigu guy by avoiding pic related.
are we reposting shit? cool
>Sup Forums thinks that eating food high in cholesterol is good
>Sup Forums thinks that seasoning their food is bad just because black people do it better than them
>Sup Forums thinks that a diet supported by subsidy of the meat and dairy industry is healthy, when in fact that country is the least healthy one on the entire planet
>Sup Forums thinks that eating terribly sick and unhealthy animals that are pumped full of antibiotics and fed literal feces in their feed is healthy for them
>Sup Forums drinks soda every day and is on anti-depressants, but would send people to the gas chambers for smoking weed
you're only supposed to eat meat sparingly (once to twice a week), even better if you don't eat it at all. if any of you losers have grandparents or great grandparents still alive, ask them how much meat they ate weekly as children and young adults. they fucking subsidized the meat and dairy industry because it doesn't make any money. they completely changed our real consumption habits and lied to you about it.
if some of you buy 'salt sugar fat' and research an alkaline diet, you might actually become redpilled on this subject. otherwise, enjoy your asthma, heart disease, and cancer
also, some fool got caught up in semantics and failed to realize that eating meat does cause high cholesterol, which does cause artery congestion. animal protein is not easier to digest, however it is more easily hybridized into the body. this is the same for animal cholesterol, which is why half of america has heart disease. plants have cholesterol too, it just isn't able to be hybridized by the human body.
Stop eating meat.
Literally this.
Anyone who listens to OP is going to have a STEMI by 30 years old.
It's amazing what a vegan diet and thousands of dollars worth of supplements, steroids and gym time can achieve.
Follow our diet or die.
dangerously low cholesterol to the point of suicidal thoughts is a function of vitamin d. the body produces all of the cholesterol that it needs, as long as there is enough vitamin d to make the process happen in the first place
>source is
true. But i had to post it
>Sup Forums thinks that seasoning their food is bad just because black people do it better than them
No, we think seasoning food is overrated because niggers never seem to shut the fuck up about it.
Yo check out my cool new killer diet, homie.
There are two kinds of cholesterol.
>Bringing up seasoning at all
I eat grass fed beef, butter, and milk.
>soda, pharmaceuticals, weed
>Sup Forums
Eating plants is what shrunk the human brain.
Pastoralists were stronger, fitter, and smarter than Neolithic Farmers. You just have to get off your ass and exercise.
Also, I eat my meat raw, everything you know about meat is the result of studying cooked meat and eggs, pasteurized milk and butter.
The raw stuff is perfectly healthy, filled with vitamins, minerals, etc.
Cooked meat is carcinogenic, cooked meat is hard to digest,
Americans have heart disease because they consume pounds of refined sugar, corn syrup and white bread for energy instead of raw saturated animal fat.
Look at that beta niglet lol
Just a coincidence!
So you don't eat any fibre?
i love it raw too. Rare is good as well.
Cooked meat is not carcinogenic.
nope. Its great
If it's cooked with high heat which is 90 percent of the time, then it is carcinogenic. Cooked egg yolks are carcinogenic because the cholesterol isn't supposed to be heated. That's why everyone used to leave their eggs runny.
She needs som dik
>Sup Forums ruins carnivore diet after onions
correlation is not causation.
>The plant free diet is the final redpill
For Jews.
>Goebbels also agreed with Hitler that ‘meat eating is a perversion in our human nature,’ and that Christianity was a ‘symptom of decay’, since it did not urge vegetarianism.
How soft is your shit?
prove it causes cancer and plants dont
Mhhhhhh yummy.
its normal. Just far less of course
enjoy your diseases
>t. Synagogue of Satan member
I stand with Jesus
i had so much grease left i had to make a whole egg hollindaise sauce
Comparable to sucking dick, ain't it?
vegans don't swallow
Be hip like us, travel around in trailer, munching on plants!
My gf does. Sucks for you.
Charred anything is carcinogenic, whether it's vegetable, meat, fruit or any oil that's heated up til it smokes.
thanks, nip
>my gf does
LMAO. Enjoy your "gf"! She's a slut by the way.
the best diet for us is the paleolithic diet, which is basically only fresh/unprocessed meat and plants but with the right lifestyle. they should be eaten in quantities that would have been available to us in paleo times and all in conjunction with a lifestyle that includes fasting and exercise.
our lifestyles would involve a lot of walking and almost daily sprinting, lots of climbing trees and hills, going days without any meat and surviving on foraged food in the mean time, with meat gorges every so often. obviously nobody is going to go tarzan but physiologically we can mimic the lifestyle through selective shopping, sports or the gym. theres no shortcuts sadly so people dont want to admit paleo diet+lifestyle is the way, they tend to lash out at it in frustration
meat is primary
plants were only eaten when we could not find meat.
Go vegan, get a healthy body!
>scallops aren't Ostreoidea (same family as clams)
my wifes skin cleared up after giving up plants
>There are actual people that think eating just one sort of food is healthy.
Natural selection at it's finest.
who the fuck is the tattooed white meth head who has aged like sour cream and why is she touching that nigger
>tfw no qt veggie gf
Those burgers look like shit, dude.
another brainwashed eurofag
Oh hi there, didnt see you for a moment. Let me tell you about my sweet diet.
Not even. We don't overseason our food because white people can actually cook it properly and would prefer to taste the actual food instead of six tablespoons of Tabasco sauce.
we would sometimes go days without eating meat, it wasnt as if you could pit it in a freezer. though birds and small game like rabbits would probably be caught daily, killing something like a deer wouldnt be a daily occurrence and when it did come, would involve a lot of walking, running and carrying heavy things.
everything about the paleo diet just works but lifestyle is the part people want to ignore due to it being hard, it could go as far as having no un natural light in your home at night (inc shoving a phone screen in your face in bed)' the mere suggestion sends people recoiling in horror
>Leftist try to infiltrate Sup Forums now by trying to get them to live unhealthy so they die quicker and cannot vote
Fuck off
>When your shoe size number is higher than the amount of teeth in your mouth
Damn. Girl appears to have taken a load of birdshot to the side of the face.
Meatcucks BTFO!
Can't we just eat whatever the fuck we want as long as it's healthy and balanced ?
i go days without eating meat. I dont eat anything.
Stop making assumptions on what humans did back then. We became humans by eating meat. And we ate as much as we could
of course! There are many types of animal foods to eat! Enjoy!
>Israel 4th worldwide in meat consumption, OECD report says
>Israelis topped 2015 chicken consumption
>as Israelis ate the most amount of chicken in the world in 2015 -- 57.7 kg per person.
>US study: Kosher chicken less healthy
>Kosher poultry has nearly twice the frequency of antibiotic-resistant E. coli than conventional products
>Israel, is the earliest site known today where economic exploitation of chickens was widely practiced
>Will US chlorinated chicken be imported after Brexit?
>The burden of foodborne diseases, including Campylobacteriosis, is substantial: every year almost 1 in 10 people fall ill and 33 million of healthy life years are lost.
>Almost three quarters of shop-brought chickens are contaminated with a strain of bacteria which causes food poisoning
>Some 73 per cent of fresh shop-bought chickens are contaminated with the food poisoning bug.
>skinnier than an anorexic model besides those arms she beefs up with a daily routine at the gym
cool tats though
yes, goyim, eat more (((meat)))
im about to make a burger
>in charge of knowing jackshit about cholesterol
>citing cholesterol research from the 70s that's been debunked for decades
>meat is bad
>Inuit and massai both eat only animal products
>lowest rates of heart disease
i know. I want americans to stop eating plants
Inuits ate wild meat full of fat.
If you eat only fat you can lose weight, but you can't eat anything else.
pick one
Eat things you kill.
good. Nobody should ever eat plants. Thanks
you get used to it. I eat cheese and butter too. I love it
i wish i could
bread is a plant. Sugar is a plant.
>I eat cheese and butter too.
Not the same and some American cheese is fake, nothing but plant oil, especially pizza cheese. What kind of butter do you eat? There's a difference, like there's a difference between what kind of fat or meat you eat, but either way, you won't live very long.
Switching to keto has improved every single function of my life. Better mood, energy, sleep, skin, weight, bowel movements, circulation/stronger erections, heartier immune response, better blood pressure AND cholesterol. Don't listen to vegan faggots about cholesterol, vegans who actually look healthy are a fucking rarity. Our processed foods are fucking drugs and sugar is a killer at the levels most Americans consume it in.
i eat kerrygold butter. From grassfed cows.
And i never eat american cheese
always real cheese
Not the same, many vitamins don't survive processing and heat and you get more chemicals into he body with McDonald's salad than you get vitamins. Those Mexican illegals are happy spraying all those illegal chemicals unto your plants, that's saying a lot since USA got many things legal that are illegal elsewhere.
all plants are toxic.
all of them.
Do you guys get it?
All plants produce their own pesticides to defend themselves.
99.5% of the toxins are made by the plant itself.
There's a new legislation coming in EU where they will have to write on products the amount of unsaturated fats. What about USA, do they even write basic ingredients?
>In less than a month new regulation will come into force with which Slovenia, just like seven other European countries, will limit the content of trans-fatty acids in food.
Anyone who switches to an "animal diet" and then doesn't eat actual animal food isn't actually on an animal diet, you're just strawmanning.
Completely the fault of processed foods and refined sugar.
saturated fat is good for you. Your brain is made of saturated fat.
Well. Maybe not YOUR brain.
Lots of foods list the breakdown of fats. And the FDA is about to include "added sugars" on labels.
Your body is made out of bacteria, that's not an argument. It's only a question what is good for human body, you can eat snake venom and it's protein. Try to inject beef ketchup directly into your blood, won't be good for you.
Some deer can eat belladonna or deadly nightshade because they have different stomach, where humans will die.
Take the keto pill, you're on the right track.
What a waste of food, learn to cook that grease isn’t good for you idiot.
Added sugar is one thing they hidden, but you should know important thing about this:
product1 = ingredient1 + ingredient2 + added sugar = added sugar on label.
ingredient2(sub-product) = added sugar made out of ingredient3 + ingredient4 + added sugar = not mention on product1.
you forgot pic related, let me help you out
That doesn't look mate dude