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It's even higher than that if CNN is reporting it.
he's been hovering around 40% give or take a couple points for most of his presidency
>Bullys dictators
>Eats Cheeseburgers
>Fucks pornstars
>Has two scoops for dessert
Literally our guy.
Did they think talking about that shit would do anything other than make him endearing to the public?
It's still shit, the majority still disapproves.
Every president has peaks and troughs in their approval rating. Bush's approval rating was like 90 a week after 9/11. It was 25 seven years later.
It's almost like lying to start a disastrous war makes people hate you?
...I just wanted to follow the crowd
Keither Sutherland is our guy apparently he comes to Sup Forums I would be surprised if Donald does too, you got a wonder what he spends all his free time doing he don't sleep
It's probably higher than that. Normies have given up on the constant Trump hate because it demoralizes them and annoys them.
Yawn. Give him a week to fuck it up.
>Be president
>Cuck for the neo-cohens
>shill for non-whites
>"Wow Mister President, your approval rating is skyrocketing!" - t. Sheckelstein
literally fake news. He hit 50% percent earlier this year.
>billionaire fucks whores
WOAAAAH stop the fucking presses
I'M OUTRAGED how is that possible?????
This, Trump flip-flops on campaign promises constantly. Yet in the end mutts for some reason will still support him.
And no I don't give a shit if he fucked a porn star, I give a shit that I memed for him for almost two years only to get stabbed in the back.
CNN coverage of the Trump 2 scoops story.
>sign bill giving billions to foreign (((Non Profits)))
>get good media coverage.
B-but klumph is finished!!
You would literally have to have 50%+ employment and hundreds of American soldiers coming back in body bags or something for his approval rate to drop significantly
PROTIP: That 42% isn't a 42% vote for Trump specifically, it's a vote for right-wing politics in general.
As long as the Democrats and the left generally make it clear that they're gunning for whites, that number will barely shift. Even if Trump disappoints his base, the guy who scams you and is indifferent towards you is still marginally better at least than the people who outright hate you and have ideological and emotional reasons for wanting you destroyed
>Signs a bill that literally invades countries for Israel
>Wow his approval rating is up, based trump
Jesus the sick mind that came up with that.
more importantly is that Trump is 5 points more popular now than the day he was elected
so over a year of muh Russia and other scandals haven't made a dent
>It’s okay to be scammed if it Trump does it
He’s going to get destroyed in the Midterms simply for not doing anything on immigration.
why do you always post these same cringey images?
Nope, if he gets destroyed it will be because the Democrats have successfully used the media to get the darkies and women all enraged and up in arms against Drumpf who will bring back lynchings and make rape legal apparently.
Trump is literally fucking nothing, but because Democrat voters won't settle for anything less than literal Communism these days and voting for him has turned into the white man's last stand despite him being a total disappointment, he represents a lot more than he is.
>shits on traditional values
>puppet to the jews
What a winner. I wish for death upon heads of the rettiders that infest this board.
Its almost as if people dont care about bullshit anymore, what gives
Fuck Americans, he should be at bush level approval. He has been acting like bush this past month.
Well, what can I say.
At least he's entertaining.
Donald Trump is a known womanizer. Americans already took this into consideration when they cast their votes.
That's funny, because according to Sup Forums only ~40% of his supporters actually think he's not a filthy neocon kike cocksucker.
Recent election results tell a different story. I'm sure that when the time comes the media will give him 99.99% chance of winning right before reality slaps them in the face again. Their game is very transparent.
>Implying even half of that 730 ever voted for Trump in the first place
This. Based cross flag
People love he dosnt give a fuck for your fee fees
>strawpol on Sup Forums
>Not including fucking leaves, britistanneses and Germs in the equation
Americans really are simple people, aren't they?
Their tribal orangutan smiles at them a little and they forgive everything because muh king david, or whatever retarded shit.
The Gorillas in the mist are simple ones, aren't they?
The man on the boat promised unlimited wings from the finest breed of cocks, but all they receive is a field of cotton and trees with ropes.
I usually look at gallup polls and his ratings haven't changed much throughout his presidency. Some peaks and dips but overall around 40
Trying to put psychologically damaged men into little girls showers is worse i guess.
problem with approval? just false flag attack your own country
I don't give a fuck who he's slept with or what his sex life is like, none of that is relevant to him doing the job of the Presidency.
People making a fuss over it are tantamount to office snitches bringing up irrelevant shit to get someone they are jealous of fired.
He seems to be in support of gun control. Liberals were never truly upset with Trump (they know all too well that politicians are puppets), just his voting base. Liberals can't stand the lifestyle of non-city people, it makes them nauseated
Didn't trump just sign the omnibus bill?
Spooky stuff going on.
>it'll be because the democrats manipulate the media
butthurt gook detected. The problem is the Republican party is divided amongst those who want to shit on Medicaid and those who are center right running against center left dems in battleground states.
8 years and something like a hundred protest votes and they still couldn't repeal. Immigration is a disaster for similar reasons. Love of cheap labor vs deport em all wings of the party
Can't wait to drink republican tears this fall
Donald "hung like a trunk" Trump
This tbqh senpai. When his approval is being reported as high by the MSM, it just means he’s following (((their))) agenda. Trump isn’t our Trump unless he’s doing below 36-37% approval and pissing off the left
>Fucks whores many years ago
>Ratings go up just now
Like pottery
>you know you're calling yourself a mutt right
Could you tell head office they need to start sending better goys
Be your own person fag
Eric and Don Jr come here.
Eric posted a timestamp and a sliver of his credit card on /ptg/ I searched all my folders but can't find the screencap.
>strawpol includes non americans