i always find those monuments detected to the free masons Throughout israel
i have seen it in ashdod hafia and more citys
what do they mean by it ?
does Sup Forums any idea why they are so many monuments of them here ?
pic related is a monument dected to the free masons in israel eilat
Free masons have something to do with my nation
here in a picture from ashdod
duality and balance of it
as above so below
the ability to see the truth is the highest virtue
tell me something i dont know lol
Have you been to the Baha'i temple in Haifa?
They built all of your 'temples' and helped you w/ you construct your LARP story schlomo
yes i have seen the same symbols there
i dont think but they might have a hand in the modern state of israel
Are you starting to realize that you're an Anglo colony yet?
Not that much with masons but much more with zionist, remember that you are living on the land owned by the Rothschild.
Cool monument. What's the name of the street?
It was the year 2200 in the jewish calendar and the priesthood of the Egyptian Hyksos dynasty were being chased out by Hittites under Ramses II's order.
Why were they being chased out? It boils down to Tay-Sachs but that's another story.
During the two millennia that the "mw" or Sea Peoples were in the Middle East they had already destroyed the Mesopotamian civilization and library and had founded Babylon as well. Their greatest achievement was stealing as much sacred knowledge from the Egyptian Masons and part of that knowledge included geometric shapes and building designs, and Isis Ra and El became Israel.
They did.. Solomon's temple wasn't designed or built by jews. The list goes on and on.
Ha-Bonim ha-Khofshiyim Square eilat
^this guy gets it. A bunch of roaming thieves who leech and destroy kingdoms for all of time. The same now as they were then. The monuments are to those who actually helped them construct their temples and LARP story.
wait so we are helping them ?
They helped (You)
Freemasonry is a Jewish-Satanic sect that played a big role in the subversion of traditional western societies, and in the Jewish takeover of the banking and financial system, and, of course, in the creation of Israel. Balfour was a freemason.
I always assumed masonic halls are just crypto synagogues which arose from the need to avoid persecution.
Technically the Black Nobility's bloodline ancestors were the founders of freemasonry and Israel is the crowning achievement. My suspicions are that the country exists in order to be sacrificed in an upcoming war in order to continue the persecution story, but that's just my guess considering how terrible these people are. We're talking about Sabbatean-Frankist satanists that believe casing the most harm to nature is somehow balancing the universe.
Link any genuine thing of value, jews always find a way to sink their teeth into it and corrupt it. The history predates jews.. They simply got around to corrupting it eventually and turning it around in service to (((them))).
> mfw OP has magically disappeared now that red-pills are dropping
i am still here just idk how to respond to it kinda a big pill to shallow
in what war ?
Research it yourself. If you swallow the red-pill that follows, you'll be a better person. Drop the tribal LARP and join a world of productive independent anons who are fair, just, and spread the truth not lies.
The third world war
Where you are, jews can't join for the most part. Only baptised Christians.
OP, what is your opinion of the Supreme Court building in Israel? Have you ever visited the exterior/interior? Do Israelis not wonder why their highest court has a huge pyramid with all-seeing-eyes on every side? As paid for by Dorothy Rothschild.
Are you familiar with David Ben-Gurion's final vision for Israel's role in the new world order? This is his forecast from 1962, where your Supreme Court dictates all was on Earth, and Israel oversees a global force, universal "education" and birth control. He even says the US will be reduced to a socialist state of workers:
The Supreme Court of Israel was constructed under the esoterica of Freemasonry, is my understanding. Is it weird how few photos are online of this building? You'd think my Israelfags would take smartphone videos inside it and upload to YouTube. Whereas whitefags in America constantly discourse on our Deep State and insider conspiracies, Israelis seem very hesitant to do the same for their country, yet the Rothschilds still oversee Netanyahu.
The freemason's main charge as the spiritual successors to the builder's of Solomon's (Schlomo to you) Temple, is to build the Third Temple, which kicks off the eschatology scenarios in many religions. The state of Israel was largely coordinated by the Rothschild and other occult-oriented archJews. Israel is the instrument of the eschaton.
Maybe in Australia. Their actual requirement is just the initiates believe in a supreme being. The purpose of successive ranks of degrees conveying different misinformation on the same subject is to mold the initiates beliefs to believe that the god of the ancients mysteries is the true god of all religions
>Maybe in Australia.
Nope. Decidedly not in Australia. Any religion can join the non-sectarian degrees. But we don't really have jews here.
In Germany, they have a large part of the Scandinavian Rite, which is a 10(+1) degree system, and only Baptised Christians can be members. Been that way since inception.
>The purpose of successive ranks of degrees conveying different misinformation on the same subject
That makes no sense, would be very difficult, and is not how it works. The degrees add info. They don't disrupt it.
>is to mold the initiates beliefs to believe that the god of the ancients mysteries is the true god of all religions
Bit too religious for Masonry.
As a Mason you believe that all religions contain remnants from the ancient mysteries. All religious traditions are studied to reconstruct the stellar theology of ancient ages. You know this and are spreading disinfo right here.
You're stating two conflicting perceptions..
>As a Mason you believe that all religions contain remnants from the ancient mysteries
Nope. Not in the rulebook, pal. Unless you're able to cite it?
As a student of history, i think that to an extent, though.
>All religious traditions are studied to reconstruct the stellar theology of ancient ages
Nah, that sounds a bit fruity.
What's the issue w/ this? Sounds based.
The G stands for God
No it stands for geometry
Wait no it's the number 7
Actually it's the generative principle
It can be all those and more.
Ancient mysteries rituals included hieros gamos (sex rituals often with virgins/children), transsexual priests, excessive drug use, human sacrifice, etc. Not very based.
How about all of those things and more?
Seems you're getting lost in the sauce friendo.
Rev. 3:9-
"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."
> Ancient mysteries rituals
You never mentioned this in prior posts.. You specifically stated Theology.
Now you're trying to revise your scope/definition/assumptions to make it look more negative. What you said early was a clear and present based positive view of the world .. now you're adding in horseshit that doesn't occur. Come on man.
I wasn't alleging that freemasons did them
Imo, what we call zionists, the builders and owners of modern israel, are the masonic jews.
They will use you like they use us, for their goal of one world government.
You are their garrison for the middle east fort, and the cannon fodder if needed.
Masons have no loyalty but to themselves. Always be suspicious about your elites and diaspora.
Wake up, Israel will be sacrificed to the new Ottoman empire, you have always been nothing more than a sacrificial lamb in the clash of civilisations
I'd offer some advice but there is none, you're doomed
Then what's the issue here. Seems they seek to convey a sound body of knowledge that transcends religious dogma. As always, people fear what they don't understand thus the huge amounts of hysteria about them. A group of people gather and make it more exclusive to filter out brainlets, dogmatic idiocy, and so as to center on and with those in search of deeper truths. What's the issue w/ that? Then dumbass normie REEE about conspiracy level theories because they'd never be allowed to grace the halls because they willfully chose to be dumb-asses. Is this a good summary?
Have you read Morals and Dogma?
>the new Ottoman empire
Das Merkelreich?
Where did OPjew go?
Because the British used to own it, Freemasons are British.
Free masons and Jews go hand in hand like peanut butter and jelly . Of course there's tons of free mason temples and stuff in Israel
Have you?
no but I've read Harry Potter and they're basically the same right
In the sense they're both poorly written, and contradict themselves a lot, absolutely.
where as the Davinci code is genius!
It seems we've lost our illustrious OP, he may be hiding from Erdogan in a wardrobe