You WILL join our communist revolution wont you user?

You WILL join our communist revolution wont you user?
*oils your gun*

>wat do

Attached: 1521969672118.jpg (435x500, 43K)

Open fire.

As long as I get to gulag people

Based aussie

Attached: Pumpkin Killing Method.webm (1280x720, 1.05M)

hatefuck time

Communism isn't all bad, it wpuld rid us of lefties.

>wat do

Ask childish goblino when she’s dropping her next sick mixtape and will she accidentally release her nudes to promote it

Use my freshly oiled gun to shoot communists. Chant "Physical removal" while I'm at it.

Also, tell her to get dafuq out with her innuendo.

Attached: ff7.webm (600x311, 996K)

Everyone reacting to these threads is a fucking idiot. You have any clue who is posting this shit?

Enema, remember to shave your bush and under arm when you shave your head.

Turn 360 degrees and walk away

>tfw I made my own emma gonzalez thread and nobody posted in it

feels bad man

Attached: 4a05a9c08b0ace6a587274811e50f7db448677f9d83fe9d53ae7e2586e0f7c26.png (620x349, 240K)

Just gonna drop this here

Attached: Vangraff.jpg (549x768, 78K)

You would still be facing her retard



:^) How long you been here, son?

Can I join the chant?

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How many guns do you think "she" has "oiled"?

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Because you didnt go sexual

You want me to show you how sexual Emma can get?

Is that her 'receiving cunnilingus' face?

Fuck off commie shill

No, this is.

Attached: GunBan-Chan.png (650x750, 387K)

Yeah this

Say no more!

Attached: BC9CB20F-BBF7-46BA-99BD-B3AF83555265.jpg (1024x769, 97K)

>"Wh-what are you gonna do, s-stupid GUN LOVERS?!

Attached: 1522113759528.png (500x568, 88K)

that's too easy man, i wanted to make valid points and start some thread of reflect on years form now when people talk about this

todos los duendes tienen que morir

Attached: goblin.jpg (680x635, 108K)

>Y-you're gonna RAPE me, ARENT YOU?! This TIGHT quivering TOMBOY PUSSY?

Attached: 1522113863605.jpg (715x715, 102K)

>Over and over, i bets gonna happen!

Attached: 1522113895585.png (468x635, 330K)

knock her the fuck out in self defense. she reached for my concealed carry. i feared for my life.

>But HOLY crap! I might get PREGNANT.

Attached: 1522113953492.jpg (700x495, 57K)

>Like, FULL on pregnant! Having strong white BABIES! My BODY would be YOURS as just some BREAST feeding FUCK COW! Whose only PURPOSE is making babies!

Attached: 1522113988873.jpg (1024x682, 77K)

>W-wouldnt that SUCK? L-like a mouth on my titties? Or a mouth on your COCK?

Attached: 1522114027175.jpg (1002x1002, 152K)

>Would be MINE most likely!

Attached: 1522114060321.jpg (683x1024, 50K)

>And you'd probably make me grow my hair out! Like a traditional wife and all!

Attached: 1522114101686.jpg (1024x688, 68K)

>And your CUM would be EVERYWHERE!

Attached: 1522114139086m.jpg (1022x1024, 118K)

>Like I'D be a MESS!

Attached: 1522114178333m.jpg (1022x1024, 125K)

The greatest irony would be to fuck her into a fashy goyette - curing her of the mind-virus infecting her.

>Just at it all day, HOLE after HOLE

Attached: 1522114212947.jpg (960x960, 106K)

This fucking thread is gold

Well memed Sup Forums

>Inviting my friends over to get FUCKED like RABBITS!

Attached: 1522114246804.jpg (968x968, 133K)

is there an edit of this one where those are pieces of the constitution?

>And we'd all share your spunk. Just like you like it.

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Attached: 15220169157792.png (720x966, 617K)

>But yeah, screw all that.

Attached: 1522114328643.jpg (768x1024, 166K)

>leftist whores shave their heads when they could be like that pic

beyond tiresome

Attached: sighfox.jpg (352x395, 45K)


>Like how you're gonna screw this ass?

Attached: 1522114359351.png (547x437, 303K)

>I don't want ANY of those things!

Attached: 1522114397943.jpg (853x1024, 136K)

>slaps charging lever
No bitch, communism is a dead and you will be to if you don't get your burrito eatin ass out of here.

Attached: 1521911265764.jpg (270x270, 7K)

>And I DEFINATELY dont want to be your SWEATY,

Attached: 1522114459098.jpg (703x866, 103K)


Attached: 1521444282710.jpg (640x960, 52K)

>GUN grabbing CUM DUMP!

Attached: 1522114491258.png (460x956, 780K)

Or maybe i do?"

Attached: 1522114431502.jpg (634x658, 128K)

original please.

also who's that girl?

>when youre the prettiest of the ogre clan

Not much an accomplishment

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Is Emma the third one? She doesn't look so goblino with hair.

Does she have terminal cancer or did she shave off her hair during a drug craze?


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God damn look at the legs on the pumpkin patch princess there eewwwww god damn that's gross

Bleech her genes user

>Does she have terminal cancer
She is a leftist, so yes

put it out of it's misery

No,fuck commies! Ill be on the otherside with a smile waiting....And fuck this dude being used as a puppet. The bitch doesnt exist to me along the rest of the actors.

>childish goblino

>No,fuck commies!


Attached: 20180327_014208.jpg (574x497, 94K)

She's so fuckin ugly, looks like my nephew, except more brown.

t. Mr Gay Homo

Emma you blind fool

But she isn't a commie. Please provide evidence.

ignore them, theyre delusional

gimme some of that front butt

There is nothing wrong with communism, debate me.

I cant.

Look into her eyes - this is the face that will take your 2A and there is nothing you can do about it.

historical materialism is untrue

real commie niggas wouldn’t give up their guns over this
How else could they actually seize those memes?

Go ahead, repeal the 2nd. See what happens. You won't or it would have been done already. 100 million gun owners to maybe 1 million coproaches and combat trained soldiers, because most military are desk jockey roles. Good luck!

>lol only 9mm

They are pretty eyes