Don't. Ever

1. Golden Horde lost.
2. Napoleon Frogs lost.
3. Ottoman Turkeys lost.
4. Germ Reich lost. Twice.

Now it's Britshits and 'murilards trying to poke the sleeping bear.
What do you think going to happen, hm? How do you believe this is going to end, huh?
Bend over and take it with no lube while you still have the chance to repent. We won't offer it the second time.

Attached: THIS IS RUSSIA.png (3600x2107, 1.06M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Golden Horde lost

5. Visit America
6. Get BTFO by Pudding Pops

Attached: puddingpops.jpg (670x500, 75K)

Technically yes, didn't finish the job. Couldn't conquer Novgorod because of the dense forests. Same reason why Moscow came to be, refugees from the south were congregating in the wooded area, started their settlement which then grew into trade town and the rest is history.


>Germ Reich lost. Twice.

But Russian Empire tore itself apart under the pressure of the war, dropped out and turned into a communist shit hole.

If you think that counts as winning, you have some problems.

>Same reason why Moscow came to be
Horvatshit, pls:


Poland won. Twice.
1609 and 1920
also ?

>this is what uneducated ISIS-colonized Finlards were made to believe
Nice """""education""""" you have there, kiddo. Keep on. This will only make things easier for us.

You need to try harder than just that, pschek.

then explain how 1920 was not a win

Russians fight well when they feel their nations is at stake. They fight poorly in any other circunstance.

Attached: image-2.png (867x534, 118K)

They did win in 1920. You failed at both annexing them or installing a friendly regime. Moscow doesnt have to fall for Russia to lose. Or do you call Afghanistan a win?

Attached: world_war_ii_great_patriotic_heroes_tanks_1920x1080_hd-wallpaper-395718.jpg (1920x1080, 158K)

Besides, even we beat you twice during the WW2, you silly vatnik!

Tы тyпoй? Teбe гoвopят, чтo в цeнтpaльнyю Pycь бeжaли c плoдopoднoгo, нo бeзлecнoгo югa, cпacaяcь oт пocтoянных нaбeгoв кoчeвникoв (мoнгoлoв, тaтap и т.п ). Coбcтвeннo, Mocквa aккyмyлиpoвaлa эти пoтoки бeжeнцeв и вoзвыcилacь oт зaхoлycтнoй кpeпocти дo кoнкypeнтнoгo гopoдa.

Easy there, Vanya the Vatnik. And don't link me there things when GH was practically dead.

You came to be precisely do to the reason I wrote, and eventually grew in strength to eclipse Vladimir-Suzdal, strongest russian duchy up to that point.

You won this one 100 years earlier, but were still too weak and small and then this guy happened.

Your country is like Jesus. Taking one for the whole team again.

Not you.

"What is Korean war?"
"What is 2008 Georgian attempt at genocide of Ossetians and Abkhazians?"
"What is Syrian anti-ISIS war?"

Afghan """""war""""" wasn't even such, it was an anti-drug cartel and anti-terrorist operation. Chechnya conflict was war, but not Afghanistan operation. Also - considering the state the country has fallen into after we moved out and 'muridumbs moved in - it really can be considered a win, as things got much worse without us being there.

>german reich lost twice
If you consider having your royal family murdered and replaced by jews that killed millions of your people, while losing all territories that even thought of independence as "winning", then yes.

0/10. You need to try way harder than just that.

Germans didn't lose twice, the mongols and Golden Horde won you stupid rape baby.

Golden horde was assimilated, just like many other syberian and far eastern mongoloids. You're literally the toilet of nations

Attached: average russian.jpg (450x300, 12K)

Ivan is drunk again

Mongols took moscow
Poles took moscow
French took moscow

Attached: pwned.jpg (360x395, 38K)


Attached: Slavball.png (392x327, 6K)

I didnt say Russia never had any sucesses. Just that the average soldier fights poorly when Russia isnt threatened. Pointing out victories over enemies you had massive number and tecnological advantage over hardly helps your case. What next are you gonna brag about beating tiny Finland while losing 100 thousand soldiers?
Also 620,000 russian soldiers say Afghanistan was a real war. And how is it a win just because America is just as stupid as you are?

Attached: rush b.png (764x488, 313K)

>Golden Horde
kek. The mongols literally ruled your non existent country (back then) for centuries. CENTURIES.

Attached: Vladimir_mongols.jpg (640x499, 236K)

> Picrelated
> Seven Years War
'Nuff said.

Attached: Tsar_Peter_III_circa_1845_(Pietro_Antonio_Rotari).jpg (1076x1352, 260K)

You lost the first WW, Brest-Litovsk treaty rings any bells ?

>Golden Horde lost
Actually no, it didn't, the modern "Russian" state is a continuation of the Golden horde.
Kiev, Ukraine is the real Russia, you call yourself Russian only because the early empires elite decided to embrace Rus culture.

You are lucky America came when they did

Attached: images (75).jpg (300x419, 32K)

Can someone give me a basic rundown on Kaluga? I hear bogdanoffs are connected or some shit.

>when your only defense tactic is going back and hoping for cold weather

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ukr are part turk
rus are part mongrel
only bielorussian are real russian, really make you think

Elon Musk is russian?

The mongols had a very "loose" way of ruling. It was generally just establishing a bunch of tributary states. It reminds me of a Mafia extorting money from businesses for safety. They dont care on how the business is run as long as they are paid.

>when multi-colored pudding pops take down an entire ideology
this is how winning looks like

There's no need to invade you, because you are worthless and offer nothing to anybody. You actually kill yourselves way more than foreigners kill you. It's more likely you will collapse again than anyone invading you, this I can guarantee.

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Russians are yet to win a war in which their very existence wasn't hindering their victory.
Against both napoleon and hitler you used scorched earth tactic while retreating. That's right. You were falling back and forcing invaders to aproach you as if they were colonizers. You might done even better if there was no russians in russia in the first place.

>ukr are part turk
You mean part kike

>when your only tactic is same as russians
Come on, kurwa-bro, you can do better than that.

You think muh whiteness/ethnicity here, that is not the same as early Rus.
And Belarus is still ethnically Baltid for the most part, only is just a big Slavicized potato field with tractor factories these days.

What future do you predict of the US of A? Secessions all around? Civil war?

Russia please punish these Anglo degenerates. They have to pay for their crimes against the humanity.

Pretty sure they will punish you instead for daring to have tzars before them.

If thats a VPN can you get me some more rare flags?

Attached: observing this thread.jpg (613x640, 86K)

Slow demographic decline and replacement by China as world hegemony in maybe 50-60 years. Far more stable than Russia I know this for sure, no matter how many memes.

>when you come to pol for the shitpost, but end up learning something

Nigger you lost against a bunch of Commie jews in a revolution.

Your country died in 1917, then went under soviet rule, then went under Rothschild bank imperialism in 1992

Putin's a cuck too, and your nation is full of prostitutes, heroin addicts, suicides, alcoholics, AIDS, matriarchies, and just plain dumb stupidity.

Nope, it is not VPN, i am from Kyrgyzstan.

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I'm lucky that Bulgaria is irrelevant today because the European Union destroyed the economic growth we had up until 2007. Russia will just ignore us on its way west because there's nothing useful here to plunder. We'd be a burdensome province if they annex us.

I mean in terms of effectively ending a state from forming in Russia ever again yes they've lost.

But Golden Horde ruled the lands, Napoleon won the battles against Russians and Russian methodology was retreating forever, Crimean Khante (vassal of Ottomans) repeatedly invaded Moscow. Germans lost fair and square.

The point is the concept of Russia forms through obscurity, it's just the land no one really wants to go. Not because they can't (it's been conquered, burned to the ground more than once), not because Russians don't allow it (main Russian strategy is to let people in their country and not defend), it's just that it's remote, like US, so a state forms naturally.

We were occupied fighting most of the rest of the world the first time round and you guys collapsed in on yourselves and started a civil war in the middle of fighting a world war.

"Brilliant" russian war-strategies:
-Destroy your own fields and cities and run away until the enemy loses interest
-Become the world's first pre-emptive wehraboo by adopting prussian military doctrine, dress, battle-cries and goose-stepping
-Get ass spanked in Finland by a bunch of duck-hunters with iron-sight rifles, historians opt to call these people "snipers" so it sounds less embarassing upon retelling.
-Spam the enemy with primitive mass-produced tanks and human bodies until it is simply overwhelmed, pretty much the way a bunch of braindead zombies would eventually overwhelm a squad of elite special forces.

You really have a lot to be proud of

Poland didnt lost conquered Moscow realized what a shithole it is and left.

Russians never mention this i wonder why

The Chinese have their own demographics bomb to deal with soon. A bunch of secessionist movements too. Honestly Japan looks like a better bet on a long term superpower.

Volene, mahai se

Oh ok then. Thanks anyway.

Britain played a better EU4 game than Russia

You call Russia weak? Heh.

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Still, half of the world afraid of that shithole, am i right?

when we use that tactic?

Жopш Copoc cпoттeд :--ДДДД

Russia stronk, Russia can never be defea- [COLLAPSE]

the kikes won already however

>You actually kill yourselves way more than foreigners kill you
this holy shit

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But a very shitty HOI4 game. It lost everything but the home islands.

>How do you believe this is going to end, huh?
in bolshevik revolution 2.0

I just want the EU3 sliders back

Russia is never as strong or as weak as she looks

Attached: A German soldier with a badge on his chest in Stalingrad, Russia, Nov 1942.jpg (564x800, 53K)

With every improvement Paradox makes they nuke 2 helpful features for "acessibility".

Only because the left wing needs a boogey-man to scare people with.

The russians are inherently insecure because invading a big flat open country is so easy, which is why they felt the need to expand all the way to the pacific just so they don't have to worry nomadic invasions anymore.
If they could accept a pinky-promise from the west that we are over the whole wanting to invade them thing, everyone could get along.

The west wants Russia to balkanize so it loses its teeth. they have every right to be suspicious.

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>Still, half of the world afraid of that shithole, am i right?
Don't you mean the controlled left wing media, and all the useful idiots who're supporting and spewing left wing causes?

Russia is controlled by the same capitalists who're controlling the West btw

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>German Reich lost twice

In ww1 there was a peace treaty so they only lost once

the current state of the fort system and zone of control really irks me, forts behave like the great wall of china when in reality a fort is rendered impotent the moment it's encircled.

Playing whackamole with the forts is a real fucking annoyance. I guess because they are such a maintenace sink they want people to feel like they get their moneys worth.

feels like lazy coding to me, they don't want to implement a supply-chain system so they do this.

probably a future DLC to fix this in 2019+

Nice meme. Russia already lost.


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Yeah Paradox dlc policy is a fucking crime. When they release EU5, EU4 will be the game it should have been at launch.

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I'm worried it's going to be a Hoi3 - Hoi4 transfer and they have to "remake" the DLCs all over again for the new game. I'd rather pay a subscription than have to wait 3-6 months between updates so they can "space out" their DLCs

>Paradox dlc policy is a fucking crime
Getting real tired of this shit
They're taking their own company's time to improve their product and you fuckers want it for free.
These are actual gameplay improvements, not some shitty alternate costumes or unit sets.

Crimean war

They already lost too.
>Russia is victorious in the Middle East
>Germany greenlit the Nord Stream 2
>South Stream is on the way
>Russia launched its SWIFT alternative

Its shit they had in previous games(Like air supply doesnt exist in HOI4 when it was present in previous games) and could be adapted (and often are in mods) with minimal effort and they stuck a 20 dollar price tag on it. They are slicing off pieces of content and gameplay that should have been in the game to sell it to you at huge mark up. They are ripping you off. They have the assets and talents to offer a full experience at launch instead of miliking their fanbase for years on end. They may be "indie" but they already have the attitude of the triple A industry.

Gosh folks
Congrats the brainwash DID work on u! You call yourself redpilled but believe da deep state propaganda when it comes to Russki. Shit it looks you gonna (oops) do it again cause u know no real history have no actual memory. Sad we all may go down with u stupidos

Don't know about that shit, don't play the HOI series.
I doubt they're slicing off pieces of content, they just don't have the time to put all of that shit into the game when they're changing the basic building blocks of the game every new installation.

Honestly its the modding community that keeps me interested in the Paradox games. A shit ton of content for free. Kaiserreich is only half finished and Ive played it more than the vanilla game.

Attached: 1503970502919.png (2112x1320, 1.84M)

Its transparently to milk more money from their audience. they give you the barebones to get you hooked and little by little give you the meat of the game. its a pattern all long time fans of them recognize and they get extremely pissy and defensive when confronted about it. EA had leaked documents that showed it pressured developers to do just that (slicing off content for DLC). Do you truly believe Paradox wouldnt do the same? They might make more niche games but the greed is still there. I promise you this, EU5 will repeat the pattern of DLCs you have endured with EU4-

You do make sense, but I don't really understand why they would rebuild systems so much when they make new dlc's, if those dlc's were cut out of the base game.

it's my theory modders have been keeping the gaming industry afloat for years. Else we'd just have console-like titles to play

most of what i play turns out to be meh until a modder comes along.

what's this a map of? russian allies?

communists and sympathetic regimes

projection: the post
did you really want to be fist fucked by both russians and americans?

they are basically creating a problem so you want to buy the solution. For example the Mandate of Heaven stuff that made China a lot more interesting to play clrealy already fit in a previous build and was saved for later. A shit ton of nations were generic in HOI4 until new dlc came to give them flavor (meaning people who wanted to play those nations before and where disapointed would want to jump in and pay full price). Im not saying every bit of DLC is like this, but a majority of it is and its pretty disappointing since I want to support this company wholeheartedly and just cant with these practices.

vassal state of china

The largest extent of the Soviet Union and their allies/ satellites. Real big aint it?