Walk outside in germany

>walk outside in germany
>see this

is germany doomed?

Attached: Snapchat-518423424.jpg (1080x1920, 406K)

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But arent antifa in europe against Israel too?

Your country is doomed since shekel Merkel

not even close, they are pro-isreal.
they probably dont even know what isreal stands for

I saw these too in NRW.
lets fuck these little shitty stickers up.
These bitches are not gonna make it here.

pic is from nrw desu

is perfect
let the jews and antifants attack the Muslims
and in the end we can finish both together

I am part of the IB and love to trigger them with our stickers.

Funny thing is the Antifa hates itself, the black and red Antifa are pro/contra israel/palestine and many members want kurdistan. I fucking hate them all.

No. Anti-German antifa is closely allied with Israel and the Jewish communist that runs our biggest "anti-racist" NGO.

Yes, everywhere else than Germany. That only speaks of volumes of how cucked Germans were in the post-war years.

the only thing we have to vilifie the muslim the against the antifanten and vice versa


No. They are not, low info poster living on Sup Forums memes.

Attached: (YOU).gif (225x124, 1.47M)

Yeah, this sticker is the final straw. It's over, guys. Pack it up.

Antifas are controlled opposition
They are full strenght zio whore
They even are against pedo bashing

They are scumbag.
I'm an anarchist by the way and I shit on these zio puppet ignorant whore

Yeah but user, your stickers are "the mooslims are takin our gay rights away" cuck tier crap and they also look low energy. Kinda the Jeb! of the identity world. It doesn't help either that you are so kosher, you might as well all get circumcised.

Attached: Israel.png (94x34, 2K)

the thing is I am doing something against the arab plague and you are just an internet nazi neet.

no faggot, Antifa will save Germany from the cucked facists and RWNJs

Lmao, I publish material that hundreds of thousands of people read and watch. Can't say the same about YOU larpers.
>muh Sparta lambda
>muh Sellcuck
>muh Kubitschek

>using Nazi as a derogatory term
Every bad stereotype about you is true. Holy fuck. So pathetic.

Attached: Jew.jpg (490x437, 111K)

yeah whatever. Keep doing your shit and we do our shit.

i hear that too that antifa is with palestine

>high school
>get job
>a coworker is communist
>he is always trying to have others work his shifts
>2 months into employment, he asks for raise
>nope you don't work enough hours
>month later, I ask for raise
>get it because I took others shifts
>'you know why you got the raise right?'
>'white privilege'
>hes as white as I am
>soon after he quits
>15 years later
>he's an antifa
>doesn't work a job
>acquires NEETBux
>his parents asked me to find him a job so he can move out
>tell them no one wants to hire antifa right now
Where I live, antifa are left in the dust.

Old commies like Linke and especially MLPD, also including the IRA, are pro-palestine and Kurdistan. New left, who are anti-white/anti-European/anti-German are "Zionists". They support anything that is anti-white. I also think this new generation supports communism primarily, because it is perceived as anti-white, not because they believe in the Marxist doctrine.

The Nu right, like AfD, will end up as Zionist parties on the right. Already on a good way. And recently the richest and worst zionist billionaires discovered their love for the AfD, people that want the war with Iran, the Bill Kristol types. The meme nationalists truly are the worst useful idiots you can image. They divide Europe where it should be united, politically, and do nothing for actually preserving the white race. And they still loose. See Le Pen, who betrayed her own relative, built a zionist civnat platform and Marion's father is a literal Mossad agent. So pathetic.

Naw my German genes are strong... After being shit on during 2 world wars, 40 years of occupation from the soviets and being the Vasels of the USA and we are still basically ruling Europe (ps. It's why you hate mutti so much). Also check out the 68er Bewegung, a left radical was assassinated by the Socialist Government of the DDR, this is nothing ...

Goes to show communists are Jews and those who aren't are brainwashed.

>implying Israel isn't the most legit fascist nation on this planet

>those who aren't brainwashed
I wouldn't say that. They are either serious zionists or they grew up in an abusive family that take advantage of their shortcomings, like autism.


That's Antideutsche sticker.

When I was studying on exchange in Marburg, some local soyboys told me there are two factions of Antifa, the regular cucks who shill for Kurdistan, Palestine, Black Bloc, Anti-G20, Anticapitalist, all regular Marxist crap, and the really REALLY retarded tier, the Antideutsche, who shill for everything Anti-German (but in terms of 1930s Germany), like Jews, America, Israel, Soviet Union, Muslims, Communism, Capitalism, EU, whatever the rightwing is against.

Basically, at the same time, they support Israel and American imperialism because it defeated the Nazis. They operate on b/w mindset brainwash propaganda. But some are serious, like the Bahamas Group, and some radical GrĂ¼ne anarchist factions.

Complete shitbrains.

Regular Antifa sometimes clashes with these retards, but they're margin minority. Probably trolls.

Attached: holocaustbp.jpg (600x774, 332K)

Antifa's grups that support Israel are a marginal minority in the global movement, probably Mossad's Shiells

yes you should abandon the ship asap only the captain is required to stay.
>webm related

Attached: resolution.webm (320x240, 2.84M)