>Police getting killed by the horde >Army already being sent in
While I doubt the pot is at boiling point yet, it's getting VERY close each day, shit may kick off before August 30th when their constitution gets amended to allow land invasions.
I see this happening:
>EFF pushes expropriation >Small small land grabs by idiots >Dispersed by red ants >"Protests"/Larger Expro >Red ants disperse less easily >Militant Expro occurs ****(WE ARE HERE)***** >SA mil/police move in >EFF calls for militant action >Gov control slips >Army breaks along faction(racial) lines >White massacres are attempted. >Overt action on our part justified
I expect that a lot of young white males dissatisfied with the condition of the West will see South Africa as a chance to finally find purpose and unleash our base instincts that have been neglected for nearly a century. Thousands came during the Boer War, 10s of thousands went to Spain in the 1930s. It's will be a cathartic experience. To top it off we'll be able to document this massive redpill for the entire world to see, MSM won't be able to ignore it.
There would be a shit ton of land up for grabs after a war. The issuing famine will kill off millions of highly dependent Africans and the issuing outbreak of drug resistent TB and Cholera will also kill off millions. They'll sink back to pre industrial levels of population as soon as whites, the only thing keeping things running, revolt. South Africa also has close zero problem with malaria (only on the extreme north east there's a slight risk but that's literally the Kruger National park) it's entirely meant for white settlement. Go right ahead and stake your claim, it's only rightful you'd be compensated in that sense, you might even get a boerfu.
Need to hook people up with each other who are travelling down there for the fight.
Jeremiah Baker
As long as you kill any media you see
Jose Morris
Need a refugee operation bringing white Africans out?
Gavin Barnes
You had one job white South Africans. You had to iutbreed the native population. And you failed. Now look. They are coming to seize your land, rape your women and kill the rest. You failed.
French vs black 1/2 Anglo vs black 1/5 Rhodesian vs black 1/10 Boer vs black 1/
Dutch heritage Canadian here, when will we unleash our Teutonic fury?
John Robinson
Let's keep our heads on our shoulders here. While it's fun to larp this is something serious that I'm thinking long and hard about.
You have seen the escalating situation in South Africa and feel the call to help. You have military training, or maybe you don't. Though regardless you may want to go. The first thing to stress is that all the measures you plan are above board; legal and can be declared openly. There is nothing to hide in feeling motivated to protect civilians from being killed and tortured within reason. At the core, you would simply need stamina, conviction, armament and a ticket, but for it to be a successful endeavour a working knowledge of up-to-date military tactics and thinking is vital. Thinking and operating outside the box is imperative.
There is a civil war coming, which will present a whole new variety of challenges, but it isn't here yet. The UN will not step in reliably. Only reason there are still Tutsis in Rwanda is because a Tutsi army from Uganda ended the genocide. What people in SA need is humanitarian protection and evacuation. What people in South Africa need is protection against the likely genocide that is coming after August 30th. This is a legal and honourable pursuit.
It's obvious that whites in South Africa have to better in general than others, however, this is not the point of concern, the fact of the matter is how quickly that status quo is changing and the reasoning and morality behind it.
Firstly, parliament has already voted in favour of a law that would allow the government to confiscate and redistribute land based on the colour of the owners skin. ie, whites get their land taken away and given to blacks KEY POINTS - this is currently just being applied to farmlands but it sets a worrying precedent, moreover, this is essentially socialisation of the means of production (consider previous historical examples - Rhodesia, Russian, Venezuela, etc) regardless of the colour of the person whose land is taken and regardless of the person who receives it, this form of governance always cripples a country. Moreover, many people have been saying that, "whites stole that land, so now it's being taken back!"
Also, keep in mind that many South Africans (white and black) do not support this decision >//www.iol.co.za/news/opinion/sa-does-not-want-land-reform-says-irr-study-13568252 recent changes to the constitution to allow for white land expropriation without compensation
Moreover, the person who proposed this law is the black radical Julies Malema (leader of the EFF ((the Communist party)) who has many gems on twitter and who famously said, "we are not calling for the slaughter of the whites ... yet"
Anyone who's played hoi4 knows you need rwds before you adopt fascism, RWDS when? Make sure you guys focus all your production on light tanks and trade with Venezuela for oil.
Oh fucking please, how would you even get there? What if they ask your reason for going when applying for a visa? What if planes stop going? Will you go to Namibia and walk?
Who will guide you there? Do you have people in the area who can pick you up?
The old times you talk of were much different compared to now. I won't say either way to go or not but unless you want to end up like a fucking idiot stranded in a strange land at an airport you better wonder about this shit.
This is like the guys who went to help Kurds, you have to wonder about all the boring logistical shit, not the exciting adventure gunfighting shit.
And they had a lot of help from different sources, some outright had traffickers in the terrorist group ISIS. It also varied by what country they came from.
Zachary Cooper
South Africans find a way. You have the same spirit within you bro. In times of adversity the white man rises.
Evan Harris
I'm dead serious. I'm all about running a refugee extraction operation, just need to find funding, but so far most people are just talk until it's time to cough up money and take some real risk.
Matthew Hernandez
People need to start making these arrangements. People who are considering going down there from Europe and North America need to plan together.
Brayden Kelly
Where would you get weapons once you reach there?
Josiah Ross
Also, would this be an operation for whites belonging to different ideological positions? I know some ex-military whites, and they always vote Labour.
Nathaniel Ramirez
I'm pretty sure you can find a South African group that will help you out...
>How to get there That's easy. For less than $1000, you can go anywhere on the planet, even Japan to America, and that's an inter-continental flight. >What reason I'm a blogger that is covering the conflict in SA, this is my camera and my business card. >What if planes stop Boats. >Nambia and walk Bitch, this is walking into a war with the intention of killing people. Steal a car and go, or bring a gas powered bike and go Mad Max. Fucking think for a second. >Guides Find the violence >People in the area It is South Africa in the middle of a warzone. Spot the white dude, he's on your side.
The real problem is food and water until you get to where you need to be. THAT...is the logistical nightmare.
Oliver Peterson
The nip knows what's up
Connor Flores
It's fucking Africa, I'm sure there are arms dealers already checking the place out.
>"I'm a blogger" They may ask your background/proof, or even just say "we've had enough bloggers already".
You may have to book a holiday as some places ask you to show proof of shit to do when you're there. They'll also notice there is no return ticket.
To be honest this is a topic more for saffers reading this to worry about and they can put together something. I'd advise them to be wary of a facebook group because that'll be shut down with the quickness.
Jaxon Reed
ive got the monero, show me where to send it
Wyatt Watson
Consider it a proving ground. The Afrikaaners need help. We shall give it to them. Let it never be said that the white races do not stand by each other.
Ok Mr Moneybags. How do you stop it getting shut down through a concern trolling campaign?
I originally said Namibia because it seemed closest to where the action would be. DESU I don't know why saffers dont' move there it seems alright compared to SA.
Jackson Gutierrez
>To top it off we'll be able to document this massive redpill for the entire world to see, MSM won't be able to ignore it.
Overseas-based militia groups will be persecuted for war crimes and drinking poison in courts after hearing their verdict.
Aaron Martin
So theoretically how would I even come join the fight as some sort of international Brigade? I have firearms and was a Boy Scout growing up and I lift and I'm physically active but it's not like I have any army training or combat experience. Also how the fyck would someone even get over to South Africa to help out?
Also ill be graduating as a pharmacist in a month. Im sure I'd have skills i could bring to the table. Not sure if I'll realistically be able to go, but just throwing that out there.
Proof? For blogging? Your business card. Make a youtube channel. What are they going to do, not take your money? Where the hell do you live, bong?
>No return ticket You can buy one, that doesn't mean you have to use it.
Dominic Stewart
Concern trolling is free marketing, I'm confident private funding will show itself to fill in the gaps.
Joshua Long
Do you have a telegram group for planning, user?
I've been working on my fitness. I'll gladly die side by side with boers.
Alexander King
That might be feasible. Venezuela's looking for buyers and is an international pariah If gold and diamonds can be obtained (surrounded by black majority areas tho) this could work
Nicholas Gomez
Careful. Dont glow nigga.
Kayden Gomez
Yea planning combat on foreign land is a little beyond the moral law, however extracting people from genocide is pretty solid ground even if caught. Good platform even with some jail time.
Nolan Sanders
>It's fucking Africa, I'm sure there are arms dealers already checking the place out.
You fucking idiot. You gonna go there, like a group of faggots, sniffing around for weapons? You'll be arrested and deported instantly.
No, you need to build alliances with the group already down there. I'm sure whites in SA are already planning stuff like this. And they might already have contacts in place.
Don't be such larping amateur faggots.
Jace Sanders
Not sure if you're glowing... I am interested though. South Africans cannot be forgotten.
Adrian Evans
Who are the groups down there and who is going to put us in contact with them? These are questions that we need to ask.
Ryder Jenkins
>telegram >secure
Even if it was you only need one infiltrator. You'd want everything open source and accountable.
Nathaniel King
If there's war, me and two friends are buying plane tickets, that's all there is to it. I've told my family, they thought it was weird, probably don't expect me to actually do it.
Aaron Gutierrez
Ask the Aussies that are claiming they will help, im sure they have good info.
Sebastian Robinson
Can I chat with you, I want to do the same thing.
Brody Gonzalez
I'm throwing that out there for someone to see it.
Evan Perry
No dingleberry, I wouldn't have a clue on that. I don't even support this cause. I'm criticising him because guns are everywhere there judging by all the conflicts and as you've said interested parties down there probably have supply chains already or at least ready to go.
Jayden Butler
Should not be hard. Start with making a thread here on Sup Forums. Get on a South African Sup Forums Discord server. They might be able to point you in the right direction.
Make a Protonmail and contact far right groups and parties in SA. Far left groups might be useful too. Explain the objective and motive.
Austin Hall
Yeh me too, the Australians could be helpful here. Cant believe I just typed that.
Hudson Thomas
Probably I'm just as far into the logistics as you are. I have the support of two people and the financial means to do this. More research and stuff will be done once the water gets hotter.
Jordan Johnson
The last Sa discord went soft. At first everyone was talking about race war and how people wanted to travel down there to fight but now that subject is not allowed to be discussed. I'm wondering if there are other places we can go to make plans on this.
Jacob Turner
One would come there as an outsider. Getting weapons as an outsider with a tourist visa is hard. It will be quite obvious that they don't belong in SA. The accent will give them away. And so on.
Isaac Butler
>contact groups in SA
bad idea. Safest route is just to come on your own without telling anyone but close friends/family.
Christopher Rodriguez
Yeah I've got the money, I'm just on my own out here. I know there are other UK lads who want to go but I'm not in contact with anyone at the moment. I would prefer to travel out with a group rather than on my own if this does go down though.
Anthony Rodriguez
If you are planning to go there as a lone wolf, yeah sure.
But as an individual with experience in obtaining weapons in, let us say, war zones, I can tell you, it is not going to be easy as an outsider.
John Adams
Well I wouldnt want that shit talked about or that server would disappear.
Ryan Martin
everybody ITT who is actually interested in "doing something" should do a few things:
>calisthenics we always talk about lifting, and it is important, but cardio is vastly more important as endurance is a critical factor in an imbalanced struggle
>reading list any former military fags (11bravo and H&S guys in particular) should contribute, but i have some suggestions: War Dog by Venter, Shake Hands With the Devil by Dallaire, Shield and Sword. These books are heavy reads that talk about the history of warfare in africa, the culture and idioms of african conflicts, and the logistics of mass military campaigns respectively. these will help you start thinking about what it actually takes to get there, go the distance, and get the job done. other anons should add to this list with a heavy emphasis on logistics and supply. think about an actual spear; the killy side is a very small part of the mass of the tool.
>network this will not work if just lone fellas wander into JBurg in dribs and drabs. there has to be coordination under a legitimate nonprofit aid agency, 501c3 and everything. this is not impossible, but it will take work, time, and money.
>local smokies SAfags need to step up and start thinking about housing, sleeping provisions, food. get in contact with the Suidlanders. they are already set up to do this locally, and scaling up shouldn't be too hard >suidlanders.org/
>do NOT talk about guns while getting hunting rifles in is relatively easy, there is little point to bringing iron with you. caliber is always going to be a big problem. SA is not lacking in arms companies or arms imports. better to save money for purchasing than trying to explain why 40 white bois just showed up at IAD with 2 firearms a person for an "aid mission"
>get christiany Christianity is the largest religion in SA. Christians have a 1000+ year history of traveling over seas to help and spread the good word. leave your fedora on your nightstand and by a bible and crucifix.
Isaiah Jenkins
[email protected] I can't contribute much right now, but depending on how well the next few months will go I can put out a few hundo a month. Of things go south, I'll get off my ass and travel there myself.
Joshua Gutierrez
Would you be happy to work with leftists that are only partly redpilled on this subject? That's the issue for me.
Tyler Roberts
Where are you meant to talk about it then? Because you are an idiot if you are saying make plans by yourself.
Levi Ortiz
It sucks man, every city is like a dead maze, sterile walls and sidewalks, every house is hidden behind walls and razor wire, you move by car from safe, walled box to safe, walled box every day, all the time.
It really takes a mental toll on you.
On the other hand, laying seige to Johannesburg or Pretoria is going to be a bitch for any force, literally every house is going to be a major obstacle, and there are millions of them.
Parker Mitchell
Life exists beyond the internet. Also - what is encryption?
Connor Turner
Maybe for someone who is right next to the happening. But for people that are on the other side of the World... They might need to use the internet to communicate fuckface. Fucking idiot.
Henry Ward
Wouldnt shock me if they were. They've been deployed in South American hellholes for a while now guarding French interests.
Charles Russell
Why would I go to South Africa and possibly die for a land that has no meaning to me? Why don't the white South Africans return to their ancestral homeland in Europe? There will be a Civil War in Europe in the next few decades. Choose and pick your battles? That is my one
Zachary Ross
dumb frogposter
Colton Roberts
Kick me off your fucking softcock discord then you fucking faggot. I hope those niggers burn your fucking house down.
Bentley Hughes
>Malema wants this to be illegal cause he wants to watch whites die
Confirmed. Malema is a sadistic piece of shit.
Nolan Brown
Yes, that's pretty much a guaranteed way to get arrested/conned and fucked up. To be honest I feel scared even talking about this here.
Does anybody have that big image posted by that random old dude who survived the Siege of Sarajevo? All the advice it gave?
It would all be just as pertinent in any war as ever. We take basic medicines for granted here but in a war they're worth more than gold.
It's a statement. White people and their families will no longer capitulate to the brown hordes. At some point the rabble has to be put to rest, otherwise they'll pursue you to the ends of the earth.
Jaxson Gray
post discord
Colton Powell
How are the nearby African nations preparing for this? Ignoring Zimbabwe, we already know what they think. Botswanans I've met seemed pretty alright though I suspect you're an expat on business.
Brody Hill
Going there for Christmas, will I die?
Thomas Murphy
ASSBLASTED. You better ask God for forgiveness for your behavior.
Cameron Walker
>Why would I go to South Africa and possibly die for a land that has no meaning to me? Soyboys wouldnt understand >Why don't the white South Africans return to their ancestral homeland in Europe? For the same reason Americans arent returning to europe. They built a new homeland from the ground up and deserve to live there in peace. >There will be a Civil War in Europe in the next few decades. Cause of weak cucks like you. Choose and pick your battles? That is my one Nah you wont do shit.
Grayson Myers
CONTINUED >cut the chatter no race war now memery. it is inconsequential. those who know don't talk and those who talk don't know. this is an aid mission. all verbage should be succinct and bland. no mention of color or politics.
>no bois seriously, if you are under 25 you should just wait until the non-profit is set up and starts accepting volunteers. if this is going to happen it needs to be serious men who are patient and self controlled. we have until 30 AUG 2018 to get the non-profit set up and affiliated with at least 1 church if possible. boot camp stuff can be established in-country.
>above fucking board seriously, no talk of battle, glory, or guns. this is an aid mission.
That covers my initial thoughts. i can help set up a lot of this stuff. what we need to do is make a checklist and start working on it. once we have a bit of organization we can formalize and launch website/nonprofit.
Elijah Parker
Its up to the mods. When and where its shared
Jacob Morales
Yo Botswana bro! How you been bro?
Jose Richardson
yeah but if we go there, where we will be heavily outnumbered, and take massive losses. There are already fewer and fewer white people in Europe so we need everyone we can. If there was a civil war in Germany, for example, I would completely understand going to help but going to South Africa just seems like a bad idea. I would be much happier if the nearly 5 million white South Africans came back to Europe
Sebastian Nguyen
are you talking about Sup Forums discord?
Dylan Butler
His discord is fucking gay mate, no real talk on there just a bunch of left wing faggots.
Ryder Murphy
>dat rhodesian kill ratio
John Carter
I'm game, count me on board. Email me or call, no reason to hide it.
Xavier Moore
>I expect that a lot of young white males dissatisfied with the condition of the West will see South Africa as a chance to finally find purpose and unleash our base instincts that have been neglected for nearly a century.
Which is exactly why nothing is going to happen in South Africa. (((They))) are very much aware of the very significant point that you're raising here and they are scared shitless of that happening because it may eventually lead to a huge white awakening against them. They don't want that to happen at any cost and will do anything to avoid it, even if it means not allowing the blacks to take over South Africa. If it does happen it will be against their wishes for sure. At that point, they're only move would be to isolate the phenomenon at any cost to the African continent. At any rate, they're going to do everything they can to avoid it, and that is substantial.
Isaac Martinez
Because an early race war conflict in an isolated area can spread a message. Consolidation back to europe will put off any awakeninf until things are worse.
Youre also being selfish and only thinking of YOUR home. Americans probably "get it" more than euros. Imagine if i were told to just give ul and flee to Poland. Fuck that, I'm fighting
Leo Wood
Trying to act hard on Sup Forums. How much of a loser can you be?
Anthony Reyes
The locals need to organize themselves, be able to properly utilize foreign help both direct and indirect. You need secure channels to be opened, communication, information, financiers wins wars for you. Especially against this opposition. Get these things running and you'll recieve more than you would ever need to guard your soil for a thousand years. Please, this might kick-start the defibliration of western civilization.
Jordan Smith
Rangers and spec ops guys are trained to teach people how to do exactly this. It would take a very small handful of them like that to turn the tide down there. More likely (((they))) send operators down there to train the blacks to kill whites if they fight back.
wittle yurocuck go back to plebbit kiddo, we dont need your pathetic sniveling here.
Ryan Ross
Fuck yeah, i'll be down in december
Adam James
Fuck off you knobhead
Matthew Robinson
Don't get caught.
Don't show face or give name. Just go there and assist. If you take pictures its to document the good you do and the ebil enemy.