The ultimate objective is for you to look like pic related.

How to better yourself:

Go to the gym and do two hour workouts instead of one.
These chad workout mixes will help:

Stop believing in memes like "lose all ur gainz after 60 minutes of gym". Not even close to true. Look at all the greatest bodybuilders.

Stop listening to degeneracy.
Listen to things that are good for you.

Martial Industrial


Stop consuming too much carbs and fast food. Have a glass of good wine, no more cheap shit. Eat fruit. Eat fish. No soy. Don't breed with roasties. Find a wholesome waifu. Do cardio. Go running. Stockpile food and buy a truck/SUV to survive The Coming Ice Age. Don't do ignorant nigger things like stealing and acting like a monkey. Respect yourself and your race. Don't humiliate your women with the degenerate feminism.


Notable Lifters: Jim Stoppani, Kris Gethin, Dorian Yates

Reading List: Some Orwell and some Machiavelli.

Stop consuming as much pornography and even try the NoFap challenge to boost test levels. Get off the internet for at least five minutes a day. Stop smoking cigs. Don't do hard drugs. Weed is okay in moderation and only if it is medicinal. Don't watch degenerate media and read some books. Invest in cryptocurrency for your retirement. Brush off the haters and jealous cucks. This is your life now. Welcome to /SIG/ 2018.


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Other urls found in this thread:

Been eating like Goku and have been continuing my nofap streak. Going to be hitting the gym before I head to work.

I still have urges over some of my degenerate fetishes, but it will get better as I continue on.

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No Rotersand?

>get off the internet for at least 5 mins

Wtf? Who is on the internet all day they can only last 5mins off it?????

Sup Forums

Dr. Ray Peat nutrition guidelines, because what you know about optimum human nutrition is probably just meme-tier garbage.

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inb4 we get moved

I have 3 coconut trees right in my front yard, i should have 4 but a hurricane can't remember name stole her from me

The paste for the first post of this is absolute shite, we need something that isn't "listen to martial industrial and hit weights in the way a roided professional bodybuilder does"


or some variant of folk metal.

The Golden One shills some good shit.

hurricane Dindu

Red Pilled Metal:






Reminder that you can literally re-wire your brain via meditation. Eg. you can cure depression, and get rid of habits of weakness/submission.

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dont tell me what to listen to and say to me that is degenerate and that is not, listening to psytrance for examle is fucking perfect working out

I am trying to quit smoking so that I dont fall for the cancer jew. Any advice, Sup Forums?

How do I into meditation?

dmt or mushroom ceremony?
im sure same would apply for regular ciggs

Thank leaf bro.

I had weird, semi-religious psychedelic experiences with smoking weed. I fear that if I take DMT or shrooms, I will either transcend the simulation, or just go completely fucking insane. Are there ways to stop being a degenerate without putting random substances into my brain?

This. I don't know how to get into it.

You should never look at bodybuilders for examples of what you can do. They are roided up to their fucking eyeballs.
But yeah, you should probably be spending more than an hour in the gym.

Stop listening to negermusik (that includes metal).

Metal is the whitest style of music. But what would you know of being white, Argentine.

Anybody can provide /sig/ archive links? Thank you in advance.

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>you should stop listening to hip-hop because it makes you dumb

a bit similar to "we should ban guns because they kill people"

i have never taken psychs but it seems very reasonable that psychedelics in a more serious setting with right set and setting going in and perhaps with a goal in mind.. will do wonders, i guess people dont call them plant teachers for nothing.

Also interested in learning more about meditation.

Taking the arranged marriage pill is the best pill I've ever taken.

I don't give a shit about impressing women now, I know if I become worthy of one I will be able to find one.

Read the science of enlightenment and then the mind illuminated
You can find both books on libgen

I guess I'll stay virgin forever

Metal derives from rock music, a degenerate style invented by niggers.
Try baroque music, one of the highest expressions of the European spirit.

I don't see how it's similar.

Hedonism. How do we curb it on an individual level?

Listen to a flame to the ground beneath by lost horizon

>Don't breed with roasties

I'm still gonna fuck them and dump them like the pleasure commodities that they are

>arranged marriage pill
go on please




>buy a truck/suv
Or buy a sleek coupe and don't look like you're inbred, and then get mad puss

>Go to the gym and do two hour workouts instead of one

shit advice

Is it true that Ray Peat nutrition stops balding?

lack of cause-and-effect relationship. There are hip-hop works that anyone can find bad, and works that anyone can find good. And listening to hip-hop probably does not affect the improvement process

How do you even meet girls? I only ever met all my gfs online but they where ethier crazy or sluts.
I know I'm atleast like a 7 cause I get alot of eye contact and smiles in public places from total cuties. But do you really just go up to some chick in a store and start talking about random shit? It seems awkward as fuck. Should I sign up to clubs and voulounteer and all that jazz? Does church work?

>Get off the internet for at least five minutes a day.
ok so this is bait

This. I go with a set amount of exercises I need to do and I go and do them. I don't care long or short it takes me as long as I finish them.

remove the keto meme from the OP you fuck. its a fad that doesn't focus on the true problem which is hypoheliosis.

>Lost Horizon
Mein negger
One of the best metal albums out there
A pity the singer left the band for some shitty generic band

Have hobbies that involve other people. Find clubs for things that interest you.

this needs to be in the general

Nofap is a meme, I went 7 months on it and it did nothing. I masturbate once per week. Best thing to do.

OP is a faggot, but he said consume fewer carbs, not zero. American diets are carb-heavy.

Yall are silly. Just lift and run and live. No need to overthink it.

Beer and whiskey drinkin redneck here breedin white babies makin gains livin life. No need to be ripped or to go crazy at the gym risking overuse injuries.


half your diet should be healthy carbs

Looks good aside from the marketing gimmick.

>buy these supplements because they have have Arnold's name on them and the name sounds fancy

When it's all the same shit

You're dumb
You are correct.

I live in a small conservative Christian area, there are quite a few women who desire to have marriage as opposed to dating, and will let their father have control of whom she gets to marry.

My oldest sister did it, got married to a nice man and now has 3 kids. (About to have a fourth) The sister younger than her tried to be an "empowered" women and is now 26 and miserable. My brother ended up getting divorced from some whore by going the dating route and now I know to say fuck this shitty system and it's time for me to go with the route our ancestors went.

I know that her father knows what is needed for a man to be good, much more than a woman. I know I have to improve myself and not be a degenerate.

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What are some good excercises for your weaker arm? I have trouble lifting with both

Maybe, but I'd bet that the average American diet is well over 50% carbs and shitty ones at that (potato chips, etc).

I still have degenerate fetishes that give me urges that I need to get rid of.

That being said I don't see a reason to masturbate if I'm not addicted to it, so sticking with nofap.

Who /nofap/ here

Im on day 5

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Either lying, fapped to fantasies of porn, or tried nofap while nothing else with your life but playing video games 24 7

Lol that cock is less than ideal

It was in conjunction with going to the gym, cold showers and meditation. Nofap and cold showers were memes. The other 2 are great. After a few months on nofap your T levels start to drop, wish I knew sooner. When I started fapping again the initial orgasm was not satisfying at all and my dick was swollen for a week.

You're on a race with Andy warski
If you lose to a degenerate like him you have no hope

>After a few months on nofap your T levels start to drop

His ass

It shouldn't drop anything that is below normal.

This is going by common sense knowledge, masturbation is very much a modern day thing, it wouldn't make sense to have to release for your testosterone levels to be normal. Even then, wet dreams exist.

The point is to go find a mate

That's feminine asian bullshit who like to pretend they're doing something greater than actually is happening.
It's the same reason women do meme workouts at the gym like going up a flight of stairs with weights on.

Read a good book.

Can I use this thread even if I am a black guy? I have been horribly depressed for years. I make decent money at my job as a accountant but the other facets of my life are in shambles. Depression is such a cowardly condition and I hate to admit having it.

based brazil

>t. delusional idiot who falls for his own bullshit
Meditation has the potential to be literally the most life changing thing in your life
read the science of enlightenment instead

Need help bros:
>be me
>few years shy of 30
>terrible social circle, little family
>generic B.A. degree
>$4.5k cash on hand
>shitty back, permanently injured wrist (it limits a small range of motion, but limits me none the less)

I'd love to pack up and join the military but it's out of the cards for my shitty body. How does one pack up and leave? Where does one go? All I can think is picking a random country to become ESL teacher scum for a while since I'd be fucked at any hard labor. It's depressing.

I gotta get outta here. New England is cancerous despite the beautiful surrondings.

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Meditating is doing nothing, by definition.
It is not productive.
You get to know a chemical element by the way it interacts with others, same goes for people and for the self.

An inert substance gives no information.
You just like to pretend it's something spiritual/magical. It's quite childish, really.

Take a serious look at Texas. Dallas area is booming and has tons of jobs, low cost of living, plenty of culture, and better weather.

Packing up and leaving is not that hard to do, contrary to what you may think. Sell your larger items on Craigslist (furniture), box up your more precious belongings, pack them in your car, and leave.

Try to get a Job, any Job with upward mobility.
Figure out if there is a position / profession you'd like to occupy.
Try to study for your M.A. in something useful on the side.

Military isn't the route to go for everybody. It's good for orientation after High School, but if you want a stable family environment and stick to one job it's actually not that great.

Is there a way to stop watching porn and jerking off? I feel myself shriveling away.

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You have no idea what you're talking about
There is mediation called do"do nothing" what it does is trains the circuits in your brain that control attention
This not only trains your focus and concentration but also teaches you hope to drop effort
Read the book I suggested you before spreading your uninformed theories
You're literally pulling that shit out your ass

That’s degenerate

Do something else instead of jerking off, like play a videogame or watch a movie. That shit usually comes out of boredom, at least for me.

Find some interesting hobbies and actually do them.

care to provide some examples besides fitness?

>All I can think is picking a random country to become ESL teacher scum for a while

Don't. You'd be putting your life on pause for several years and you'd lose any social connections you currently have.

Astronomy, photography, cooking, building scale models, collecting, reading history, etc. This isn't that hard, user.

Okay don't include nuts in the PUFA shit. They decrease the risk of a whole shitload of diseases and mortality. About 2 tbps daily. Look it up in the primarily literature. And where are the leafy greens? Get the honey out of there. And fruit juice? Whole fruits are so much better due to the fiber.

bang hot bitches

wh*Te boys you'll never be manly and masculine as a BLACK man no matter how hard you try.

Attached: BLACK man vs wh*Te "man".jpg (1500x990, 300K)

>binging though John Locke
>studying Japanese
>waiting for my work to c9ver my masters program
Has anyone tried cross fit? I can't stay motivated for exercise without competition

Not the same guy, but I have a few for you that are cool to me.
Reading, cooking, various types of music, woodworking, art (drawing/painting), home improvement, working on cars/motorcycles, birdwatching, collecting various things (stamps, war memorabilia, etc.). Just gotta see if something piques your interest.

scottish showers arent a meme, they were at some time normal.. its meant to bolster your mental and physical capabilities for dealing with extreme stressors. there are studies that show that 60-70F water is cold enough to help your muscles recuperate better. nofap is a meme when you only focus on the fapping being the problem.. it's the fetishes and behaviors associated with the fapping that are problematic (porn, creep stuff, homo shit if you think youre straight etc). stop jacking it for months at a time if you want but that won't change the fact that you're an incel and will burn with the rest of the fags

Okay turkey. I was just watching turkish music videos yesterday. So. Many. Negros. You guys have a problem too

>60-70F water
can you post that in real units?

nice cherry-picked photo, turkey

Hiking, biking, birding, fishing, hunting

Sketching, musical instrument.

If you are handy and have tools, you could offer to help your neighbors or church congregation with small diy home improvement projects. This gets you out of the house and interacting with your immediate community and builds your social capital.
>but I don't go to church
You should, if only to build a meatspace social network. Leave the fedora at home, dress decently, and shop around on Sundays until you find one that you're comfortable with.

No, but imo it's overpriced for what it is. There are other ways to compete. Powerlifting, various distance races (5k, 10k, half marathon, etc.), triathlon, cross country skiing races, martial arts competitions.

>Has anyone tried cross fit? I can't stay motivated for exercise without competition

Avoid CrossFit like the plague. It's a thinly-disguised cult and a great way to injure yourself.

Set some smaller, attainable, short-term exercise goals and work towards them. People fail because they are unrealistic and too far in the future:

>i want to lose 50 pounds in two months
>i want to bench press 300 pounds by the end of the year
>fast-forward two months and they're not even 10% of the way there
>throw in the towel because it's "too hard"

I'd prefer to just play a bunch of tennis, but not enough of my friends play. I should probably find a YMCA or something

>I can't stay motivated for exercise without competition

Also, user, look at Couch to 5K. Great way to build up a reasonable cardio routine without feeling worthless.

I failed because I work 9 hours a day plus 2.5 hours of commuting to and from my office, and I get stressed as fuck when projects go poorly, so making a routine of burning an entire evening at the gym is fucking hard, especially when my dinner plans go haywire