(((New York Times)))
Yes, Jew, you can change the constitution over my dead body.
>Freedom and hard choices
If the second is repealed I expect govt. Officials to be shot
>ten heartwrenching photos that will make u burn the constitution
>Common-sense gun contr-
Fuck I wish we had an amendment 1 and 2
I think they overplayed their hand again.
me too
fucking yanks you dont know how good you have it
These NOGUNZ faggots fail to realize should they get their wish, and the government bans all guns and comes to collect them the NOGUNZ activists are the first people who are going to get shot
They can't hear you over all of their freedom.
So do govt. officials(as they should). This is why they will emp nuke and/or regular nuke us first.
Not the second, but we need to abolish the 14th, 15th and 19th amendments
Feels bad man
This will not happen. Each American would have a duty to violently resist this level of tyranny. It’s the reason the amendment exists.
>But the rest of the country will fight back
>I'm going to violently resist
>btfo by infants with signs
Yeah, that dirty ol' fox with wooden teeth and his bros did us good for certain. If it makes you feel better I wish I could get super comfy down in the Southern hemisphere when the REAL happenings begin(scheduled to start anywhere from this coming Friday to May 15th).
>opinion piece
nothing burger
We are really going to start killing each other. Guess it was time for another dark age.
It would seem they want a civil war.
The only thing we have is you cant be a dual citizen in government. Not sure about other ones, haven't read it.
More people joined the nra than showed up to their march, 500k vs 200k.
you dont deserve these rights. when the government grabbed your guns none of you had the balls to fight back. even if only 1% of all gun owners would have shot at the police when they came to collect your guns you could have kept them
We do know, which is why we don't want la creatura and her crisis acting buddies to actually get the Jews what they want.
at least he's being honest about it instead of bullshiting around the issue
No the most important right we have is the right to be fairly compensated if the govt takes our shit. This protects private property and is arguably just as important as freespeech.
I hope they try
I was 4 who the was I going to shoot.
>fucking yanks dont know how good you have it
are you fucking kidding me? All these countries I see... beautiful? Yes. Unique? Yes. Are they cultural wastelands? Only sort of. Their respect for your basic human rights? Nonexistent. If I was born in another country my top priority would be get to the USA immediately.
The memes are real
I don't care for the sob story at start why was it even included?
But the rest is sickening
Let them try and all their liberal institutions and centers of degeneracy will burn to the ground.
Yeah it was stupid and I was going to cut that out but didn't. I should have though.
>hand in your guns or you go to jail
If something similar happens here i expect a revolt, if this can't get americans off their ass to fight back nothing will
Have nogunz to hand in m8. Will inherit my dad's when he kicks the bucket tgough.
Besides what I want I can't own here anyway. No semis
the sob story made it more rage worthy for me. Not only are they charging someone for making toy guns its a fucker who is gonna be dead at 40. Insane
yeah right. white cucks are way too docile to fight back
New York Times is owned by a Mexican though. Not a Jew.
I have faith
Haha that is one ugly gun you have there
Sadly, it was your parents and their friends that didn't believe you were worth fighting for...
Human history is nothing more than a long record of slavery, subjugation, persecution, and oppression. To forget our history is to forget our very nature...
Without the right to defend yourself, how long do you think a vacuum will exist that can be filled with human nature?
>famous last words
Based swiss
Don't I know it aussie boomers are the worst boomers.
This is actually a reasonable position.
It's fine to campaign for constitutional change. I'm opposed to that change obviously, and do not believe it would succeed.
The real problem is scum who try to push through unconstitutional laws to effectively ban guns, because they know the public support for a legal, constitutional amendment does not exist.
All you red necks do is talk shit. You will be the laughing stocks of the nation the day we come for your guns. You will hand them over or have them pried from your cold dead hands. We are all gonna watch it happen on tv and the internet. It will be like watching COPS except instead of niggers getting their just desserts it will be rural and suburban retards bawling their eyes out and handing over their guns while mumbling muh constitution mutha fukr muh constitution.
You're fucked in the head if you believe that. Assuming a blanket ban ever happens, there will still be weapons all over the country for centuries to come.
What we need is a repeal of the 1st amendment for known and suspected liberals and/or globalists.
Unfortunately, your both wrong. Guns will be banned. There will be no gun confiscation, just a ban gun owners will put the guns in the closet. Two generations later the grandkids will find the guns be afraid of the consequences if they are caught with them and throw them away. This is exactly what's happening with machine guns that weren't registered under the NFA. Just, ban or add "assault weapons" to the NFA. Done.
>caring what a bunch of mindless, paid 'protesters' think
Yes we do. Thats why we laugh in the face of Britbongs getting arrested for criticizing policy on immigration.
This is the strangest fucking build i have ever seen. Is this technically a pistol still?
Based swiss btfo out of Aussies.
>Guns will be banned
Yea no, my state and virtually all other red states have said repeatedly that they will not recognize nor enforce a federal firearms ban. keep tryin tho, its fun watching you faggots squirm around with your panties in a bunch.
un-constitutional laws are not laws
The trouble is we're already living under despotism, our legal system corrupt beyond recognition in a manner which makes all new law impossible to respect.
With the RTKBA specifically, it has very openly been under a generational propaganda war by the state.
>Its going to be so progressive killing gun owners with guns in order to stop gun violence in our country. A national massacre to take guns sounds reasonable.
I dont think people realize how fucking serious this is. This will start a war of mandatory gun bans are put in place.
>we need to confiscate all semi-autos
>repeal the 2nd amendment
>kill all gun owners that resist
The paper is owned by The New York Times Company, which is publicly traded but primarily controlled by the Ochs-Sulzberger family through a dual-class share structure. It has been owned by the family since 1896.
They are jews.
They're going for the mile. Can't wait to watch them fail.
So true. I hope they try. Blue states disarming and red states keeping our weapons. Do they realize they are providing all the proof we have ever needed for owning them in the first place?
Um, gun owner here. If your right, why are grand kids throwing away grandpa's old machine guns? Lurk on /k/ or any other gun board the case of unregistered machine guns comes up. The advice is always the same, get rid of them, to avoid federal fuck you in the ass prison.
The fed created the NFA, not the states. The federal government can add whatever it wants to the NFA.
No I don't fucking like it, but that's how it's going down. An unregistered NFA item IS a banned item.
america doesn't have a gun problem.
america has a problem with allowing minorities to dictate how the majority should live their lives in the name of "freedom".
that needs fixing.
Well, there are enough guns lying around that we won't have to worry about the red states not having manufacturing capacity like civil war 1.0
Well, I live in East Tennessee. No one is giving up their guns or even talking about it. I dont give a rats ass what someone is telling their kids on this anonymous anime yank board. Even the Leo's in my area are talkign about how they wouldnt even bother with something so stupid. Similar stories from Texas, West Virginia, Kentucky, Georgia etc etc.
Opinion piece. Get fucked.
Isn't that article like a year old?
Let's take people that dont commit mass murder and gun crimes and get them to commit mass murder and gun crimes. Brilliant logic. Fucking brilliant.
That is some nice freedom you got there.
>using the First amendment to attack the Second amendment
Oh, how they would screech if it was the 2nd attacking the 1st.
Was she drinking heavily the night before? A lot of the celebrity kids/speakers seem hungover af during their speeches
By one of the dissenting judges in the Heller case.
Try it
I dare you
America doesn't have a gun problem. It has a mud problem.
If you got rid of the muds, something like 75% of our gun crimes would vanish.
The only news articles I can find that suggests as much are questioning whether that information is factual, could you provide a reputable citation please.
I'm sick of it lads. We could have had the stars by now, but they stole it from us, they stole it and i want it back.
yes. shockwave brace, under 16''
That's the decleration of independence though.
>86% of LEOs are against gun control
How do you ban guns if yhe vast majority of police wont enforce the ban?
I feel ya aussie
I wish they would try for a full repeal rather than this unconstitutional death by a thousand cuts approach. There is a process to repeal a amendment and they should use it. It won't ever go anywhere but it's the only way to ban guns constitutionally.
Daily reminder that if there was gun control during the Civil War the Times would have been burned to the ground
>The Bull's Head hotel on 44th Street, which refused to provide alcohol to the mob, was burned. The mayor's residence on Fifth Avenue, the Eighth and Fifth District police stations, and other buildings were attacked and set on fire. Other targets included the office of the New York Times. The mob was turned back at the Times office by staff manning Gatling guns, including Times founder Henry Jarvis Raymond.
Somene answer my fucking question
The military will
Why don't you post a picture of niggers with their guns. Fag.
Dont laugh Burger get mad and get provisioned... they arnt taking it as a joke and nor should you.
If I were american id be seriously bothered and preparing, the trend is with these assholes and the more women and fags get in power the more itll grow...
Disarmament is coming as sure as shit, all the signs are there and so is the trend.... they will change the law and then all hell will break loose as they attempt to enforce it... they already had this planned under Hitlery along with Fema camps etc
Never underestimate your opponent.. never
They think the cops work for them. They're on our side.
>the group of even more gun happy people not allowed to work on US soil will
>or perhaps
>The military will
LOL fucking retard
Doesnt matter how much people cry about banning guns. It will never happen no supreme court no matter how much you fill it with cucks will allow it
yea someone posted up stats last week which showed if you removed all black gun related crimes from the statistics the usa gun crime stats would be on the same level as belgium or something else. it was bizarre and insane if true.
yea why wouldnt it be
>If I were american id be seriously bothered and preparing
we are m8
in huge numbers too