/TRC/ The Romanian Centenary

A hundred years ago on 27 March the Great Unification of the Romanian people occurred.

>site that gives information about the process of the unification and the ripples that it caused on the international scene


>over 80% of Romanians want the Moldavian Republic to be integrated back into their homeland


>34 communities voted a symbolic declaration for the unification into the Motherland


>Traian Basescu , ex president in the Romanian Parliament wants to participate in the moldavian election in 2018


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Bump for Greater Romania!

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Why no Greater Albania?


good for you dirt-people
but in all seriousness good for you

>dirt people

>over 80% of Romanians want the Moldavian Republic to be integrated back into their homeland

is this sentiment shared by moldovans?

What do you think about the PSD strategy to disguise their shortcomings with this significant event.
They may try to raise the nationalism level in the population to gain more support in the next provincial elections.

Not of all of the moldavians but there is significant support within the population as it can be seen in the symbolic declarations made by the mayors in their communities

>Not of all of the moldavians but there is significant support within the population

Like... a significant /majority/ of support? Or is this just a transparent land grab?

There`s hardly any space left on the map, and first they need to convert.

I would say around 40-50% of the total population .
I take in account the russians and other miniorities in Transnistria and the regions surrounding it, most of the either wish independence from the Moldavian Republic or wish to get integrated in their own homelands.
Dont forget that this is my estimate so we need a moldavianon here.

The percentage is between 30% and 40% in favour of the union for the overall population, while among only romanians/moldavians who make up 70% of the population the percentange in favor of the union is over 50%.

Well good to know.
What do you think about the current political candidates in the moldavian elections ?

Anatol selaru and Traian Basescu are only genuine unionists, that don`t get intimidated by russians.
In any case, the proeuropean party must prevail in the elections, while Dodon bidon won`t see a second term.

What are the chances that the proeuropean party will win ?
What oppositions to they have ?

god bless România Mare

Attached: 1918.png (899x554, 340K)

Dodon bidon has damaged severely i think chances of the prorussian parties by siding with the separatists in transnistria and showing that he is subservient to Moscow.
Most likely the current pro-european pro-romanian parties in power are going the remain in power after elections, the oposition is losing ground.

The serbs were the only allies to put up a real fight against the germans and bulgarians, while the more numerous russians fled.