This is a thread in which we discuss the current political and social situation developing in Romania. Everyone is invited to join into the conversation, as long as you keep it civil and non-Balkan explosive (even our eternal enemies are allowed to join in). Please refrain from speaking in another language other than English, for the sake of the conversation.

What you need to know:
>there are no /ourguys/, there never have been
>current political party that runs the Government is PSD (Social Democrat neocommies)
>the opposition is non-existent (PNL/PMP/USR)
>there are no right-winged parties in Romania (believe it or not, PSD is actually the closest to the right at the moment, policy-wise)

Worthwhile news:

Romanian MPs talk about union with Moldova during Parliament joint sitting
Festivity celebrating Great Union Centenary held at Parliament Palace
Romania to expel diplomat from Russian Embassy in Bucharest
Moldovan Speaker Candu: Romania is increasingly more present in Moldova each day

Previous threads:

Discord link: /YM9285

Today is a day of celebration, anons! 100 years since Basarabia unanimously signed its union with the Fatherland, paving the way for the creation of Greater Romania. Light a candle for our fallen brothers and sisters that fought for our country till the bitter end.


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Other urls found in this thread:

Ok guys, here we go again

PSD – The most european party of Romania

Let us remember an old romanian proverb that says “Sa nu faci ce face popa, ci sa faci ce zice popa” which translates into “Don’t do like the priest does, do as the priest says” . Or in other words ..

> look at a person’s actions instead of his words

Let’s go through a few items in history that prove our thesis:
After the execution of Nicolae Ceausescu on 25th December 1989, Ion Iliescu and the then fledgling CPUN/FSN declared the abolishment of the Death Penalty. To join the EU you need to eliminate the death penalty from your legislation.

Also let’s remember that the death penalty was for treason, terrorism, genocide, aggravated murder/mass murder, subversion of national economy and attempts at public health. Coincidentally most of those followed since 89.

The frontiers were opened for the first months of 1990. Tons of convoys of “humanitary aid” went through the open borders in and out without any border checks. Some people say that those same humanitarian convoys left the country full or fuller than they came in. They came from Europe, went back to Europe.

After the caricature of counter-insurgency that was the june mineriad, and several other violent protests in 1990 , the government was free to improve Romania.

One of the first memes that the FSN/PSD came with was

> “the energy-eating mammoths” – mamutii energofagi

Which was all about smearing our industry as under-performing pile of scrap metal, and energy-consuming. Coincidentally, global warming and energy consumption is an EU/Globalist thing.

> to be continued

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To fix the mammoth meme, the FSN/PSD adopted 2 things: a mass privatization program, to attract foreign investors and another program named

> “the bet on agriculture” – pariul cu agricultura

The agricultural bet was an interesting one, especially considering that the gypsies stole all the metal irigation pipes off the fields owned by the state.

The result of these 2 things was the entire state industry sold to competing (mostly italian, german and austrian) foreign entities for cheap. Some for as low as 1$ or other meme sums. The new investors dismantled the factories, took what they could use back home and then abandoned the fields to the gypsies that came to pull out the iron from the concrete.

>Look for “Romania Furata” documentaries on youtube. There’s a shitload of them.

Another pretty cool thing made by the PSD was the diversity quotas for the political system, and allowing a cultural organization with an open separatist agenda into the parliament. We’re talking about the minority seats and UDMR.

As a result, Gypsies, Armenias and Hungarians were almost always in the winning coalition or even in government since 1990.
Diversity quotas and representation are EU policies.

Speaking of government officials, one of the leading UDMR guys, Verestoy Attila was at the forefront of the destruction of Romanian forests.. which is illegaly cut and turned into stuff by Schweighofer, an Austrian company which has carte blance in Romania.

> to be continued

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To combat the possibility of a rising nationalist movement PSD founded PRM - Romania Mare (Greater Romania Party) having as a leader the brilliant writer and actor Corneliu Vadim Tudor. CVT was perfectly in line of the contemporary nationalist leaders of europe such as the wonderful Jean Marie LePen in France . This wave of ultra-nationalists was designed to shift the popular attention from the large parties, create a valve for the nationalist energies AND smear all nationalists as crazy.

After CVT died and PRM succumbed into irrelevancy, PSD took the mantle of nationalist party at the suggestion of Israeli advisors , to further undermine and confuse the voting mass. On the surface they say pro-romanian things, but all their measures are either dictatorial , anti-romanian or pro-EU.
But let’s go back to the 90s – PSD and after that CDR started destroying the romanian educational system importing various teaching methods from “outside”. And no, we’re not talking about Russia here.

They started by removing exams required to promote betweeen various stages of education as well as add quotas for “minorities” to enter the higher education. Another EU thing. That’s pretty cool, huh?
The result was a cradle-to-the-end of the high-school system where everyone theoretically graduates highschool, but many of them can’t read. And after they graduate they don’t take an exam to enter the universities anymore. They have a contest of dossiers … where minority quotas still apply.

Did I forget to mention that almost all the private universities were at one point controlled by one person which was also the PSD Ministry for Education? Yep

And to close the education bracket, the SNSPA (national school of political studies and adminsitration) was founded on the grave of the old Stefan Gheorghiu school of communist cadres. They are now producing EU cadres and they even have gender studies in the curricula.

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VAT was added in 93 to the Romanian economy . Of course, we needed the VAT to enter the EU.

At the end of the 90s and beginning of the 2000s the first blatant political police laws were stamped by PSD and friends, with the creation of CNCD (national council of discrimination prevention) , anti-discrimination laws coming straight from EU Council . CNCD openly militates for gipsy rights and gave homosexuals the right to donate blood.

PSD prime minister Adrian “Bombonel/Schnookums” Nastase repealed article 200 in 2001 which incriminated homosexuality. This article was repealed with pressure from Council of Europe

The laws against the denial of holocaust and other forms of nazi/fascist things was made by PSD at the EU request. This law was sneaky, as it came into force after Romania was admitted into EU. So Romanians knew virtually nothing about the law until it started being applied some years after it being ratified.
Romanians were rewarded with visa-free travel for EU countries 2004 effectively accelerating the migration of Romanians outside of the country and domestic capital flight. This was the crown success of the PSD government. Again, PSD and EU best frens.

The Istanbul convention against gender violence is signed during the glorious Victor Ponta (PSD) government and adds the idea of gender instead of sex into Romanian law, which prompted the creation of the gender equality department of the government.. turned by Ciolos into an autonomous agency.
The Work Ministry was turned into the Ministry of Work and Social Justice after the last election won by PSD.

Current PSD coalition announced the building of refugee camps to tackle uncontrolled migration. It’s as if they want to cede the borders to the EU or something. Migrant attacks have begun here as well but so far mainstream media has stayed away from them as they are rare.

>to be continued

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> continued

Current PSD prime-minister is one of the signatories of the Estrella raport in the EU which militates for homosexual rights, state sponsored transgender surgery and other such genius points of view.
The current PSD leader vowed to enforce gender quotas at the last congress as well as further impose limits on speech.

So, a summary of the PSD achievements

- Death penalty removed vor horrific acts – as EU mandates
- Establishing of SNSPA – the new cadres school for pro-EU drones which has a gender studies major
- Selling off the economy to the EU
- Turning a blind eye to Austrian companies that destroy our forests
- Suppressing nationalist parties or mimicking them for confusion like in EU
- Diversity quotas and affirmative action – like in the EU
- State-controlled education without barriers straight into their own controlled universities
- Suppressing of freedom of speech and re-enacting political police at the request of EU
- Creating conditions for romanians to wish to leave the country, then opening the floodgates into the .. EU
- Adopting gender as a thing in romanian law via the Istanbul Convention.
- Militating for the progressive agenda with social justice, gender quota, homosexuality, transexuality etc at state level.
- Silently accepting migrants into the country and building for EU quotas.

So, for every romanian that wants a country like outside… and think the PSD is against EU.. you’re stupid.

PSD IS EU . They just say they aren’t.

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TLC! Greater Romania in the old borders!

Ah yes energophages. They're energy consuming by need, for example alro Slatina which makes aluminum through electrolysis of bauxite. Turns out that's the only way to do it and it can't be done much more efficiently. It's barely breaking even because of high energy prices. If it went out of business it would just be even more polluting chinks taking over the gap in the market



thread theme


Never forget our fallen brothers and sisters.

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Bump, though the union part is just larping and will likely not happen.

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Interesting photo,where is it from?

>polluting chinks

don't worry, we're more than capable of polluting ourselves to death, there's no need for the slant-eyed soulless bastards to ever come here. Living in Bucharest is like living in a hellhole

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from a german user, saved it a couple of months ago.

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fucking saved, TLC

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>tfw the union will never happen in your lifetime

First of all the vast majority of those at the rally were old people. The young dont care about the union.

Secondly, politicians ruined the rally by shouting electoral slogans and asking people to vote for their parties.

Keep it up, brother

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the unionist movement is mostly comprised of young people, believe it or not (in both Romania and Moldova respectively). Moreover, you just have to look at the number of people that have double-citizenship (thanks to Basescu) and the number of Moldovan students that have been given scholarships in Romania over the past ten years or so. The old people that you talk about are the ones that are against the union, mostly because they see it as an economic burden, rather than an idealistic situation (commie brainwashing influenced a lot of people to believe that our country will go down the drain if it tries to force an union with Moldova).

This is the starting point, brother. On the 1st of December, we'll see each other in Alba Iulia to celebrate Greater Romania.

thanks, camarad. Your info is most valuable, so keep it up as well!

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Nigger watch the rally. It's mostly old people.

>b-but double citizenship and students
BINGO! Young people only care about the union as long as it brings them personal gains.
The second they got their citizenship they're gone to work in the west and they dont give a shit anymore.

tlc si muie la pagâni

tlc frate crestin, si eu as salva mai degraba un tigan sau o coreana qt de la genocid decat o alba pagana, DEUS VULT

Bazatul sterie

bag pula in voi romani jegosi


mars la spalat toalete bozgorule

You must be very mentally ill to make such a retarded post and really think that EU is at fault for everything bad in this country and not our own people who are corrupt. Go to Russia if you don't like it and leave us alone fag, since without EU the default option is Russia anyway.

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And who gives bribes to our (((corrupt politicians)))?
Not the western companies who took over industrial giants for pennies(but milions in bribes).

>daca nu-i mUiE e Rusia
ce mentalitate de spalat cacat ai copile

Ah I know where you come from now that I think of it, since it's not the first time you made obvious posts like the ones in here. You are from that idiotic discord server where you all larp as some kind of legionaries when in truth you are doing nothing except circlejerk and think yourself superior ubermensch when in reality you are sad faggots without future prospects in life or friends.

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All hail the legion!

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>ahahah ce superior sunt eu
>hahhah legionari nespalati btfo
ok ane

Sugi pula EuropeanDinProvincie tu si neamu tau de eurocrati muisti.

Sa te futa arabii in cur acolo la Viena unde esti.

am uitat

Mars in ma-ta de tradator de tara infect.

Is this another dumb US idea to cuck Russia?
If the US didn't give the ok for this you gypsy roach babies wouldn't even screech.

>since without EU the default option is Russia anyway

mental gymnastics over here. There's always a third position, you immense faggot, you don't have to suck on a tit from neither the EU, nor Russia in order to achieve something. But hey, keep on licking that boot, user, I know you like the taste of submission.

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mai mult mi-a luat sa ma pis(pe steagul tau

Capitanul Galerius cu pumnul de fier transmite cutitul in cerc si zice ca fiecare din gasca lui trebuie sa injunghie postasul, ca toti sa fie invinovatiti.

"Cu cat mai multe colete comandam, cu atat mai mult am inceput sa-i urasc."

>Current PSD prime-minister is one of the signatories of the Estrella raport
She's just there to be a paper signing machine with 0 moral programing.

You can always suck US dick and let your country's economy sink into shit.

daoi, intra in pula mea inapoi

That's incredible, I wonder what crimes my nation sacrificially has inflicted upon yours.

>implying the economy isn't already sinking into complete shit, without the help of the EU, Russia, or the US

you don't have to suck any dicks that, user, you just have to keep on believing in the democratic institutions like a real goy

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>third position
You are deluded af and it shows. In the current situation it's impossible to not take a side, even if you want it or not. Ukraine itself should be an example on what happens when you try to be independent but you don't have any leverage for it. Independent in the international context for a country such as ours mean North Korea since everyone will isolate you (or forcefully attract you to their side). Hey, US needs to "liberate" Romania or Russia needs to "protect their minorities", whichever will come first if we pursue isolationism.

The US "helped" your dumb asses right after 1990, you were US whores after 1990.

thanks for sabotaging our entire industrial oil capabilities in WW1 and later on not paying for what you destroyed, even thought you promised to do so.

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Helped with what?
Nothing really, they just blackmailed us into giving them our oil.

>Living in Bucharest is like living in a hellhole
It's like an oxygen starved air when you're right in the center of Bucharest.

nu-s daoi

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They send their people to advise you on how to build your democracy meaning legislation.
Your whole culture was shaped after the US, remember when your TV networks got distribution right for free on so many American movies(in the 90s)?
Who do you think fucked your educational system?
It's the American liberal garbage that doesn't even work there.

It was just a prank bro.

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>Hey, US needs to "liberate" Romania
MORON it's just making Romania look more like a target to Russia.
US wants proxy wars with it's country untouched while you fucking MORONS get rekt like Syria over some bullshit.



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Hey I remember you. Another round of "making the kids mad"?

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t. Underage autist

Fuuck no.
Romanians always treated Moldovans as uneducated peasants. And are obviously just looking for cheap labor again, since the Roma have left for the UK/France.

Bad move for anyone who lives in Moldova.

Să îmi bag pula-n mă-ta

Ai gresit locul baiatul meu. Ia-o mai usor cu insultele ca poate iti plesneste o vena.

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Eu doar am venit să văd ce câcat se întâmplă aici

They are so insignificant compared to what the r*Ssians or the t*Rks did nobody remembers them

ok bucovinene
ok daoi

even worse he is an ancap

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>Romanians always treated Moldovans as uneducated peasants.

You mean r*Ssians.

The r*Ssians did just that. Genocided the local elites, deported millions of romanians and colonized the area with sl*Vs.

The moldovan romanians were on the bottom of the food chain in the r*Ssian empire and later on in the s*Viet union. They were not even allowed to use their native language.

Are you fucking retarded? They forced everyone in tge country to learn romanian, even though everyone actually spoke Russian.
Fuck you and your Russophobia, they are better off with Russia than you.
Curva proasta.

>they are better off with Russia than you.
GDP per capita of Moldova is lower than India's

Nice revisionism, Igor.

So Moldova=Macedonia pretty much.

Tlc pentru oase de evrei putreziti si preputul lui yeshua

I think you are confusing our server with another.

>Implying you gypsies have any chance of taking the rest of our independence away.

Suck my dick pablo,you and your asiatic mongrel commies

Bună. Ce faci?