This bitch got rosted

>This is how you look when you claim Cuban heritage yet don’t speak Spanish and ignore the fact that your ancestors fled the island when the dictatorship turned Cuba into a prison camp, after removing all weapons from its citizens; hence their right to self defense

Spot on. I love it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>be bully
>get shot

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Archive your links, faggot

Its some kind of crazy irony

Steve King will install the ethnostate in 2024

>King team said in response to the criticism. "It's merely pointing out the irony of someone wearing a communist flag while calling for gun control. But sure, assume something that's not there."

>The Castro regime began the process of confiscating guns from citizens in 1959, said Sebastian A. Arcos, the associate director of the Cuban Research Institute at Florida International University.

>In a famous Jan. 8, 1959, speech, Fidel Castro said: "What do you want guns for?... To fight the revolutionary government that has the support of all the people?"
To this day, Cuba does not allow average citizens to have firearms, Arcos said.

rect and btfo

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I-is this a new archivebot?

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B-b-but he criticized a mass shooting survivor - and she claims to be a girl

thats my guns punk.

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boom, headshot

oh wait, that was bad taste, I simply mean she is btfo to an amazing degree


Who cares what if she doesn't speak Spanish? You mutts don't speak the 15 other languages of your ancestors. And if she did speak Spanish, you'd be like "y u no speak American?"

This is why I say to shop castro on that platform Hoggs is on

Shhh this is how these dirtbags take down anyone who becomes too white/Americanized. Just play by (((their))) rules, my man.

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If she doesn't speak the language, then she shouldn't claim it then.

Americans speak English because they speak English. They don't speak Polish or German because they chose to leave those countries behind. Why try to be a part of something you purposefully left behind? It is stupid.

Now, if you do speak Spanish, and live in America, and hold allegiance to Cuba or Mexico or elsewhere...then why are you there? Get the fuck out.

so what you're saying is her grandfather was conspiring with the CIA to manipulate Cuba?

>Who cares what if she doesn't speak Spanish?
she won't make a very good spy

Just a responsible user reminding you to not be a faggot.

I was hoping it was an updated bot that would call people cunts.

Exactly based Nip. Jew fears the samurai.

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Never thought I’d see a family member be referenced on Sup Forums

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Fucking Yes!

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Stop posting good shit you damn monkey youre making it hard for me to hate you

It's still the fact that she supports a country that was oppressed for over 50 years buy a communist dictator who stripped his citizens of basically every right. But the cars are timeless.


Arigato, Japan.

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In meme form

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Cubans are the cancer of latinamerica.

Why does Japan always have the best posts?

They plug the topic into their Gundam suit that has a quantum computer with a self learning algorithm that gives them top bantz.

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Based. This is why I love your country but wouldn't be a fucking dweeb and move my big white ass there.

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>disarming it is people
Learn contractions before you make shit like this.
In your sentence, use its.

One Rep King Shared.
When I saw she had the Cuba flag on her sleeve I was hoping someone high up would have pointed this out.

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I didnt make it, but feel free to make your own, faggot

>You mutts don't speak the 15 other languages of your ancestors.

But I do speak english.

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How are liberals not digusted that she is a walking advertisement at this point? I mean look at all the pins she has on, they couldn't be more transparent on pushing a agenda and using these fucking kids if they tried.

Then again liberals are the biggest fucking hypocrites on this planet.
Pic related.

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why hate on the japs?

The funny thing is that guy and his son have 100% been forgotten.

What happened to nordbot?

Of course. Only reason for them at all was for liberals to claim to be morally superior and yet like all fads, they faded into obscurity. Once liberals finish using their pawns they chuck them out on the street like a used up whore. I may not love the GOP but I hate the democrats and their pure hypocritical nature more then anything the GOP can do.

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>a survivor of nothing

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nip laying it down

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Cuban here its true fuck this mariconsita goblina.

"That's my girl!"

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>liberals not disgusted
See your pic. Everything is politics to Liberals, which the sooner Conservatives understand this the better for their fighting ability.

How funny would it be if she was shot by an Ar-25 right now... Mutts go do your thing.

Conservatives still act like pussies though, this why trump won. He was brash and real and wasn't afraid of the liberals. The neocons are currently a joke and we need some people with a actual spine. Also hang the traitors like McCain ASAP.

Delete that fucking apostrophe NOW. The word is BULLIES.

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"it's" is a contraction of "it is"


If Castro took all the guns away, why did the Bay of Pigs invasion fail so hard?

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>How funny would it be if she was shot by an Ar-25 right now
It would "prove" their point.

notice she isn't wearing an american flag?

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I have german, african, spanish, and portuguese ancestors. I don't know german, I don't know african, I don't know spanish, and I think portuguese with Portugal accent is the most annoying thing on earth.

Do I have the right to use those nations and cultures as a flag? No. I don't know their languages, and I wasn't raised under their cultures. The same applies to others.

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nice digits

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eat any dogs today?

>The only part of identity it's language.

I'm not korean.

die mutt.


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Why does japan always have a huge amount of based posters, are you guys just westerners in japan or are japs just this fuckin awesome.

Is goblina a lesbo?

yea but the subhuman brazilians eats dogs too
its ok if you havent had any today
im sure breakfast will be along soon

>>How funny would it be if she was shot by an Ar-25 right now
Then stab here with a katana or something. That would disprove their point and she still dies? Win-win situation

Your language is exactly what down syndrome people sound like when they speak Spanish, it sounds pathetically disgusting and dumb, as soon as you teach portuguese to a child you make it impossible for his IQ to rise above 90, it is disgusting and you all sound like the fucking monkeys that you are, but even worst than portuguese from Portugal, is your retarded faggot accent, you Brazilian sub-human, people who haven't heard you chimpanzees won't understand, but your accent makes it sound like you're in complete shock and awe at everything you see, it makes any human being who is not a mulatto favela dwelling monkey like you want to rip their ears off, and let's not even talk about historical significance
Actually let's do it, there is no language more despicable than portuguese not only because it is an ugly and deformed version of Spanish, but also because it is completely fucking dull and nothing is respectable about it, NOBODY has ever written anything important or interesting in your insignificant language, if anyone wants to learn portuguese i only have 3 possible reasons i can come up with that would justify their decision:
1)They are mentally retarded
2)They want to be able to understand the half-breed Brazilians who will rape them and kill them when they go to any Brazilian shithole of a city
3)Or they want to read fucking 15th century maps,nothing else of significance was created in this ugly collection of guttural sounds
That's all that there is to your ugly stupid language, and just know, that you will live your entire life, speaking in that disgusting mistake of a tongue, and you should kill yourself because of it.

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These shilldren failed their classmate, they bullied him, and they broke him. Now they want to bully and break America. Fuck that

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The neo-marxist propagandist bimbo who is lgbt activist doesn't even know Castro sent gays to camps, so that the "counterrevolutionary capitalist degeneracy" called homosexuality could be beaten out of them.

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jews fear the english teacher

Maybe without all the women bullshit to deal with jap men actually have time for philsophical thought.

people make fun of them as betas and the incels, but japan self segregates or has relationship autism and this allows jap men to become mystically elevated like some kind of monk like figures.

>hurr durr gotcha
Soldiers had guns. The common people did not.

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Based white cubans.

>Disarming the populace means disarming the military

You are misinformed. People nowhere around here eat dogs, and they never did. Just like any western country, people in here have an extremely excessive love with house pets. I think it would be easier for a brazilian to eat human flesh than a dog or a kitten.

Didn't even read it. Your accent is monothonic, lazy, and plain annoying. A calm Emanuel Joaquim and an angry Emanuel Joaquim sounds exactly the same, and you guys are so lazy, that even after years you don't drop that disgusting robot in 2x speed accent crap.

Learn how to talk like a human being! Take the dick out of your mouth when talking to people!

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Fucking relax Joao.

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nde tavy

Your language is shit, thank god I can understand half of the crap you guys say because of the resemblances, because I rather die than sitting on a table and studying your crap.

I already know english, french, and learning japanese. I literally preffer to learn any language in the world than to mimic your disgusting accent. I rather learn klingon and elfic than spanish. Rather even learn to interpret the blip-blops the robots do in shitty sci-fi movies.

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She’s also wearing an Apollo 11 flag

I think she’s just a child with no real identity grasping at straws trying to define herself. Bad move by the left pinning this whole movement on a group of kids. The fortunes of the movement depend heavily on these kids keeping the faith. As we all know teenagers are stupid as hell for the most part and change political ideologies at the drop of a hat.


>tfw none of these flags will ever know what godly Guaraní bantering is like...

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>notice she isn't wearing an american flag?

To the left, the American flag represents the enslaving and oppression of people of color.

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>I’m 18 years old, Cuban, and bisexual
Well, Cubans belong in Cuba, Americans live in USA. GTFO twat.

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clock boy NASA propaganda. Maybe I reopen my investigations into Apollo 11

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Not sure what to say here.. OP knocked it out of the park w/ this one.

i bet she has a gun herself she sucks on sometimes.


The whitetrash equivalent of Hispanics.

Damn man you really stuck it to that 17 year old. Good job. God Sup Forums has gotten so fucking pathetic. Waging a war against teenagers, great job guys.

i still dont know who this bitch is and i don't care

i do find it hysterical that these morons have some twisted view of communism as being gentle and friendly to their sort of degeneracy. they'd be some of the first executed as either dissenters, degenerates or simply weaklings not pulling with the group, the collective, ya know, the fuckin reason for communism. morons.


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because they weren't the cause of slavery they feel no remorse towards anyway, which means they say whatever they want.

they wouldn't be getting told if media wasn't pushing them so hard on us

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>its the based nip

i bow to you, best ally
next time without italy

>but others were quick to call him out for attacking the survivor of the school shooting.


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