I hate my daddy

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Every guy I know resents his cheating father. I would be worried if I were Trump.

His wife is pretty much clear (body language) when it comes to his cheating ass. His kid can't be too happy that mom has been shamed worldwide. Watch him become a >snowden

he's not even looking at him, you see what you want to see b/c you're a toxic hate filled cunt

She can go back to Slovenia if she's not happy.

Future high scorer.

you got too much hate in you, user. You need to go take your coffee enima before you reply to posts you don't agree with.

She would have a pretty cushy life in the US were she to separate from Trump. Don't think it will happen while he is still president.

Pretty interesting tell all book in the future however.

No one show him Elliot Rodger’s manifesto, he is not ready to be a gentleman yet

she'll divorce him and take barron.

Attached: Melania+Trump+Barron+Trump+Bar+Refaeli+Open+kI2MsyA-Ez1l.jpg (594x396, 73K)

HHAHAHAHAHHA that would be quite the headline.

Barron Trump beats high score, 850 victims in Barrontown cyanide koolaid massacre

I see nothong but admiration.

Think Sam Hyde helped him?

Trump's kid and wife have zero respect for him - hes not a man. Hes cucked by his wife who will rather live away from him.

Hyde was the mixologist for the Kool-aid and would probably be the behind the Barron Trump sect.

Looks like the new ShariaBlue playbook is out: Dogpile in-house threads based on respect

What are you kikeloving faggots sliding today?

It is not unheard of for the ladies behind men in power to have their own lovers. Diana had a few, including a bodyguard that ended up dead. A tennis pro and then that rich businessman.

god damn he's gonna slay pussy so hard

>it is not unheard of to be cucked

ok monkeyboy

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powerful leaders often don't have the best relationship with their wives. They usually lead separate lives and keep a .

All about PR

miss me with this "cheating" buillshit

but i wish they:d start dressing Baron in properly fitting suits.

Daddy Trump is 70 so a loose suit isn:t such a big deal, but Baron could look a lot better.

He's growing so fast they buy clothes too big for him/

I love how roasties cling to things they destroyed.... and I mean the psycho op, not the 1st lady.

Liberals destroy men women traditional roles, make women super sluts because that’s cool at the moment, push the bbc meme to confuse young girls, ruin a few generations of potential families.... then on flip side, play devils advocate of righteousness

go back to overwatch forum you filthy 12 years old