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This is just going to come off as defending the shooter. Just let this shit die and deflate
Bullying is fun. It's how men bond.
>oy vey don't make our puppet look bad!
So they picked on him, and made him weirder.
Good job fuktards.
You created your own monster.
It's not about defending the shooter. It's about defending the bullied kid before he offs himself or becomes a shooter.
>marching the streets but not standing up to the kid getting bullied daily
Kys faggot virtue signallers
It helps the ones bullying bond, not the one being bullied.
Shhh, don't let them in on the secret until they antagonise all the gun owners in the country.
They knew what they were doing, if the kid didn't snap they were just going to fake it and frame him. There's nothing authentic about la goblina or the Hogg. All of this has been planned for quite some time.
That whole thing smacks of MKUltra.
The authorities knew the kids was a danger.
The kid was broadcasting he was a danger.
>let's wait and see what happens
>if he shoots up that school we can use it to get the guns
>i mean shit, my kids don't go to that school
I was bullied
>oh my feels hurt
>waaa, waaa, waaaa
Until I said No More and started fighting back.
Then wonder of wonder...the bullying stopped.
To this day, I don't give a fuk about getting into a fight no matter how big the other guy is.
Probably why I haven't gotten into many fights since.
Being bullied made me a better man.
I was also bullied and I just want to destroy the white race because the kids who bullied me were white.
Spic here.
Who the fuck is this bald chick?
Hahaha... K...
I know a kid that got in a *massive* amount of trouble for very minor bullying *because* of this. An actual "do you understand the consequences?" conversation. Also was then told to shut up about gun control and disallowed from attending further events because obviously they are too immature to have an opinion on much of anything considering they were willing to ostracize a child based on their fashion choices. "Maybe it isn't adults being allowed to own guns, but kids being cruel to other kids that causes kids to freak out..." An actual quote from an MSNBC watcher!
TLDR; watched a normie parent sperg out and cut off from the indoctrination *because* of this one video.
An enemy of the Constitution.
I was bullied, I grew thicker skin and started hitting back.
A chicano gungrabber.
Don't look at her for too long or you'll catch something.
>B-But it's the guns' fault! Not ours!
So she's saying that it was ok to bully him because he was a weird kid?
What the fuck?
She's a dirty cuban
I've been bullied and it made me hate groups and forced group associations. It made me feel an allegience to peers is imaginary.
Beta gunfags really think an Ar-15 is protecting there rights. As if one day the military’s gonna invade their home and he’ll be able to fight them off like a hero. It really just boils down to grown men screaming like retards about how it’s their right to own military grade weapons. These fags obviously only play with guns because owning guns makes them feel alpha when in reality their just autistic cowards
I want to taste her taco flavored kisses.
They are breaking the conditioning
You got bullied because you’re very flawed and you hate people because you’re too stupid/stubborn to change you’re self. You’re nothing but a coward who would rather blame the bullies than take some personal accountability
That's Jason Bourne
Shut up nigger, those libruls, they would'nt bully that kid if he had a gun, oh wait.
user, you took the bait
I want to see proof that OP pic is real and not just text he added himself
Please provide this evidence
You missed the irony
Nah I just saying don't give (you)s to this nig nogs
It's real.
hook tube.com/arILTu8VuYU
Got trippps and dubbs in a row, it very worthed it
They want those guzs so bad.
Makes me think some kind of big crisis is coming that's going to really piss off the people so much they'll start doing a Ukraine on Wash DC.
What's up?
sounds like it.
banter is a way of determining if other males are worthy of being part of your tribe so to speak. if they can't handle some lighthearted barbs or teasing, how can you expect them to handle anything in life that is actually difficult? it's a test of emotional fortitude, the ability to tune out bullshit that doesn't matter
of course multiple kids berating another and kicking them while they are proverbially down is not the same thing. the problem with this is twenty years ago this kids could just beat the shit out of the bully to set an example that he is not to be fucked with. he'd get detention, maybe a suspension, but nothing life changing. now a kid does that, they're looking at assault charges.
stop asking questions goyim
>bin that link
Bullying is every kids right. Ban children from owning guns. 21 and up for ownership and unsupervised use. What's so hard about this?
>of course multiple kids berating another and kicking them while they are proverbially down is not the same thing. the problem with this is twenty years ago this kids could just beat the shit out of the bully to set an example that he is not to be fucked with. he'd get detention, maybe a suspension, but nothing life changing. now a kid does that, they're looking at assault charges.
Pretty much this.
>Ban children from owning guns
It's already 18 in lots of places. That's considered "adult"
>yeah it was your fault you got beat up by a bunch of niggers for being white, stop being white
It Vey, they created a golem!
And yet you come here.
Qwang Tutankhamen
>Mercilessly bully an unstable kid until he becomes a school shooter.
>Immediately capitalize on the deaths of your class mates for fame and trips to the Ellen Show.
>Openly admit that you helped cause the tragedy that brought you your 15 minutes of fame
Is there a more disgusting human being on the planet?
Banter is lack of class and niggerly, used to lock peopke OUT of your social group
In a homogeneous society it has more purpose to create bonds between members. In a multicultural society it is a lot worse hence why you see bullying go much further when the victim isnt part of the larger group.
Sounds like you're bad at bantz
Kids a textbook psychopath, that's how they roll.
Please let this happen.
> bantz
Niggerly hobbirs, get kearned you stupid tv-brainwashed monkeylet
Ban kids from laughing at other kids.
>Children of the cult, i mean, corn, commands it from you.
shit, i don't think so...hope not...did they?
because i'm a glutton for punishment?
> Bald "Le atrocidad de los Estados Unidos" makes gun control speech
> Wears communist Cuban flag
rlly makes u think, don't it?
>Niggerly hobbirs, get kearned you stupid tv-brainwashed monkeylet
Lol I rest my case
Well, think about it.
We are 21 T in debt.
History tells us this won't end well.
Are they worried about a French Rev coming down on them?
Why so many MKUltra events?
Also this. We'll collapse, they just want us to collapse backward into UK 2.0 rather than forward into a Rome style empire
I hate to say it but she can make a career out of this. Play your cards right and the I survived a shooting angle will help you pay your bills through speaking at schools.
Fuck off with your "talking points". Right is right and wrong is wrong. We can't beat these people by becoming like them.
>implying shooting up a school isn't fighting back
Brainlet detected. Why do you think he did it in the first place?
Nigger have you ever heard of Vietnam.
intolerant victim card waving bullies at it again.
You keep dodging the issue then the issues will just come back.
Having witnessed some relentless bullying in a time before social media, I can sympathize with the guy. Nowadays, in the era of social media? School, especially American schools, must be fucking torture for ostracized young men. Social media makes the possibility of round-the-clock bullying possible with the added salt-in-wound of our hyper sexualised society losing virginity is the norm before you're 14.
No fucking surprise the "weird kids" are lashing out decisively. Bullying in American schools seems to be fucking brutal, borderline psychotic. Being on the the receiving end of that sort of abuse for years has likely already cost you your life so why fucking not shoot up a school to take a few of them with you?
>Until I said No More and started fighting back.
LOL looks like Cruz did the same thing.
You had no case to begin with, you are caseless
tldr? playing vidya
whats a fink and why dont i want to be one?
I started punching the kids who bullied me. They would stop for a while but then they'd start right back up again and I'd have to fight them all again.
When I was eventually suspended for fighting, punching a kid who spit in my face, the bullying started even harder once I got back (I think they figured I'd stop fighting after that, but I didn't stop).
I'm stronger for it but at the end of the day I think the problem is the public school system. It's just not normal to have that many kids in the same age group together in a place like that.
When I was sent to a prove Christian school, the student body was much smaller and the entire school had 1st to 12th graders in the same building. When bullying started, the high school kids would step in and stop it. It was a lot better there really.
That all said, Homeschooling should be a thing most parents do. Public schools are pure shit and while private schools are a little better, they still follow the example of the public schools.
>Spend a decade with PSAs and commercials rallying against bullying
>Drop it within the last 4 years due to your politics
Not even surprised
>be able to fight them off like a hero
No one is going to fight a tank, drone or fighter jet with an AR-15.
The gunz are for those that sent the tank, drone or fighter jet.
who inconveniently live hundreds of miles away
What's with America and bullying?
>what are cars
Anyway, as long as people are eating a hot meal, have a warm bed, things will be boring....which is a good thing.
Unlike a lot of these fags, I like boring.
this is the kind of insanity Cruz was up to. THIS IS JUST A SMALL TASTE
You're an asshole and the only reason you feel justified in your bullying is because you're low on your groups social ladder and fear replacement by these 'weird' individuals. You're by definition a beta.
Thats what happens when you take too many holocaust classes you become the oppressed gassed kike
So did this kid.
just like cruz
wtf stop copying me
The tabloid levels of bullying fear mongering was probably cooked up by some organization. I remember it starting at least 2011 with all the cyber bully bullshit
>he was bullied by these kids and they pushed him to do it
>he was a patsy
make up your minds
it was all normasl shit until the teachers unions started zero tolerance, the bullies used to eventually get beat up and everybody would learn a good lesson, now they're sheltered by the staff and insulated from the consequences of their behavior until they graduate with honors
>Sup Forums is one person
Joke: Wishing Cruz had never killed anyone in his old high school
Woke: Wishing Cruz had killed everyone in his old high school
La Creatura de Americana
Perhaps you could get behind my "punch bullying in the face" campaign.
Teach kids to fight back before they snap as hard as Cruz allegedly did.