/ourguy/ pewds has just sent more people here to get redpilled and it's #1 on trending
fucking based XD

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>when your life has basically became a Murdoch Murdoch episode

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it's #19 you loser

Fuck off felix. That was one of your worst videos ever.

Just upload YLYL videos without repeating the same one 5 times and you will be ok. Just steal them from /wsg/ like you always do.

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But seriously, dude, it was yesterday - there is no place on Sup Forums for news this old


Can you feel it user? The breaking of the conditioning?

Even my liberal family is starting to question. The Parkland inconsistencies and now the Dan Schneider revelations have my sister just about ready to take the plunge. She really liked iCarly and this has sent her right on down the rabbit hole.

“Red pilling” doesn’t work.

Do you get “red pilled” when you watch cnn? No? Because you know it’s bullshit

>it's #19 you loser
maybe in your third world shithole

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>Be Poopsperpie
>Run out of content
>Get your new content from Fuhrerchan
>Spam that shit for 2 days everytime you release a video
>Now 4poo is filled with your acoustic poofisters
>Skrattadooodle hapadooodle hahaaa

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He's on the right track whatever you numbnuts say

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He's doing a great job treading the line, i dont think he's redpilled fully yet. He's probably still on the libertarian idealist phase right now, but the thing is a love of free information eventually leads to curiosity in things that are held away from the public, which leads to things like IQ differences between races. Once that is accepted the game is over, you are on your way to white nationalist/white-asian nationalism.

It's such a wild ride, you read about africans, about human biological differences, about aborigines and african pygmies, about criminality and disproportionate public funding and you just cannot go back. Alternative Hypothesis becomes soothing background tv whilst you cook.

He'll arrive there, but he has to be careful. If i were him i would try lead people to mr.metokur's channel, which is just shitposting. However that will then lead people to bloodsports.

I wonder if becoming redpilled with strain his relationship.

isn't the trending tab supposed to be global?

nah i'm pretty sure it's localised to countires

The trending tab has to do with what country you are from.

#18 here

you could atleast post the real quote

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just watched about 40 seconds of this dingus for the first time. why does he show Sup Forums greentexts but refers to them as coming from reddit? i don't fucking understand ecelebs.

r/Sup Forums

Obviously we like PewDiePie here, but you're sounding like a cringey r/the_donald faggot.

It's a joke. He takes memes from Sup Forums but says in his videos that are from reddit.

t. dingus

look at your trending, half is serbian music, other half is turkish soap operas. I doubt it's global

Its on purpose, the joke is that anyone who isn't screaming REEEEE TRUMP IS HORTLER is from Plebbit. Ironically pretending to be from that wretched place is worse than actually being from there

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so normies don't start comming here

He should shill for us every day he steals most of his content from us.

Because according to the media Sup Forums consists entirely of alt-right trolls. And by calling it Reddit he's denying that he uses Sup Forums, when we all know that he comes to Sup Forums. He uses content from Sup Forums in his videos on a regular basis.
No famous person wants to openly admit to browsing Sup Forums, but I'm sure tons of them come here. It's the only place where they can be completely anonymous. We do have pretty good evidence or proof of Taylor Swift, William Shatner, JonTron, and Sargon of Akkad coming to Sup Forums. I'm sure there are many others.

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fuck off felix, you ain't /ourguy/ and never will be. ever. you're an unfunny soyboy cunt, and your "clothing line" is laughably shite. so fuck off back to /wsg/ and steal more content you unoriginal spunk bubble.

>Alternative Hypothesis becomes soothing background tv whilst you cook.
Oddly relatable.

hi felix

Pewds is based, anyone who says otherwise is a nigger shill that needs to be hanged AND shot twice.

it seems like he is subtly doing just the opposite.

its #14 here

Their is 0 proof that Taylor swift has ever heard of Sup Forums nevermind browsed it you retard

fuck you i'm not that cunt. i wouldn't go anywhere near brighton for fear of catching aids. it's a fucking right degenerate shithole that place is.

>it's #1 on trending

What does "on trending" mean? Is it a site, a section of Youtube?

>famous person
>swift, jontron,soygon
fuck off with that nonsense.
captain kirk is always welcome tho.

honestly i'd prefer power levels to start being shown proudly. as much as i cringe at a lot of the eceleb shites, i think things can only get better once normies are openly here and seeing the truth. it might ruin this place more than it already is, but it's for the greater good.
>tldr once this place is normal, i won't need to come here

It means you're a faggot

Fuck off you troglodyte. The swede is just being a tradthot. Sure he may truly have traditional views, but not "hitler was right" shit.

im not a participant in the taylor meme but there is they like named her cat or some other dumb shit

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Sup Forums named her cat, what are you talking about?

No they'd didn't you fucking retards

I would like to think James Woods is possible, but I think he is just a based older fellow

Evidence that he's still roughly libertarian. As he delves deeper he will probably gain an interest in virtue, both for himself and then later holding others to it as well. At that point you will probably see his style changing to be more formal and sharp, then he may move away from Brighton.

The change in style will probably be the best indicator of his beliefs, much more so than the vague "felix stand up if you are 1488 in your next video but also sit down if you are 1488!".

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You got a license for being that mad mate?

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he's doing it for money, matey. he doesn't give a shit about the topic etc, as long as those clicks/views and in turn shekels are coming in he will say whatever the fuck he can to bring eyeballs to his content. and nothing stirs up views like controversy like those paul fruits tasering a dead rat and shit. it's all clickbait now because clicks are more valuable than being right.

he purpousedly said they're from reddit tho
Guaranteed that he lurks here

How can i meet her? I just wanna talk irl


That isn't bad either, in many ways the left wing media started because it sold well. Then media came to target that and in turn influenced generations. Im sure there was more input than just that but it was a big part. So whether or not its pandering, if media is produced with a right leaning/nationalist moral then it has an impact.

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and i like gay people, just brighton is the epicenter of the genderless kids and other degenerate nonsense. like the council legit asked kids as young as 4 years old what gender they are(how in the fuck is a 4 year old even meant to understand i have no idea). i'd just green glass the whole area and be done with it. nothing of value would be lost.


>dirty brit likes faggots
Kys degenerate
>not taytay

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Actually r/greentext

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> tay tay
> low test, remove head looks like a boy
> could manage one child before major hemorrhage
> makes shitpop

> marina
> massive tits, great hips
> could breed hundreds of european supremacists
> if you were tired from hourly breeding her voice will recharge your epididymis in a picosecond

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swift used to be legit tasty, nowadays tho she's a 28 year old butch type pretending to be a teenage. sad.

Women are supposed to have no testosterone my boy

>No famous person wants to openly admit to browsing Sup Forums
>We do have pretty good evidence or proof of ... William Shatner
Shatner has openly admitted it.

Low test as in who she appeals to you fucking meme flag shill.

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