> be American
> Consider themselves most advanced nation.
> Muh, white superior race
> Can't find a solution to gun problem..
Why are Americans so dumb?
> be American
> Consider themselves most advanced nation.
> Muh, white superior race
> Can't find a solution to gun problem..
Why are Americans so dumb?
Other urls found in this thread:
What gun problem? I have dozens.
I have no problem with guns. Only leftist consider guns a problem.
Presupposing guns are the problem eh? Not the people pulling the triggers?
Cute edit. Y
>be you
>be a shill
>cant stop talking about American politics frim your shithole
>most pathetic excuse for being a person
There is no gun problem in my state
You watch too much CNN you faggot. Google search how many people the AR15 kills every year. It's less than the amount of people that die from swimming pools.
Sage and fuck off.
How about we dump 100% of our niggers into Singapore and you decide what to do with them smart guy?
Americans are the biggest cheerleaders for Poland on this board, why are you stabbing them in the back?
Fuck off Poland and take in those Refugees.
Give the niggers guns and billions of dollars in illegal drugs. Singapore will be overrun within a year due to international pressure preventing genocide.
>Can't find a solution to gun problem..
It’s called disarming niggers
More people died from thunderbolts in the past ten years than kids in school shootings. More kids died from suicide in the paste ten years than in school shooters. Hell, I think more people died from kitten atacks in the paste ten years than school shooters.
Stop watching so much crap from MSM, they are only trying to push an agenda.
thats flag of singapore dumbass
you mean the mental health problem?
>thats flag of singapore
>Can't find a solution to gun problem..
you mean suicides and niggers
>More people died from thunderbolts in the past ten years than kids in school shootings.
According to the wikipedia list of school shootings in the US from 2000 to the preset time there have been about 300 or so deaths due to school shootings. Yet we have leftist marching against the 2nd Amendment.
According to the CDC there are 28 deaths per DAY due to alcohol related driving accidents. That works out to roughly 180,000 deaths since 2000.
The death count does not matter but rather how big a fuss the leftist and their MSM pals can make it.
> be American
> Only first would country were math class is a shooting range.
> Murica has no gun problem.
Why are Americans so retarded?
> Be amrican
> Compare alcohol to a murder weapon
> Muh stats
Why Americans are so dumb?
I never said anything about AR15
Liberty above all else
You first try to solve the problems that kill more, before trying to expend money and effort on something that forfeited so few lifes in so many time. The reason the MSM is pushing that shit is because of disarmament agenda, and that's about it. If people really wanted to solve murders in the country as a general, they would look into the list of things that forfeit more lives, and work from top to botton.
You are a man, aren't you? Try to think logically for a second, before putting your feelings in the way.
>Be American
>Insist that alcohol and guns are the same
By that logic, chance of you dying to a wild lion is low. But tell me, would you get a wild lion in your house?
Gun problem?....No
Idiot / Faggot / Real men problem....BINGO
Murica, a place were they call Venezuela and brazil, "shit hole countries". However, they are the American standard once it comes to gun control and gun related deaths.
We have a solution, its right here
Lightening strikes are freak accidents, school shootings aren't. What a stupid analogy
Well then why not have gun a good gun control to prevent idiots and retards from getting guns?
They let you browse the internet while you work 16 hrs a days for 50 cents?
Chance of you dying to a Muslim is low but you all are against refugees.
Oof, losing argument so now changing topics? How many niggers fuck your gf everyday while you masturbate to guns?
The point is that you shouldn't be wasting so much effort about "raising awareness of lions" in a country where that isn't a problem. If you do that, there's probrably something fishy about the motivation of your acts.
Do you really want to prevent the causes of death in your country? Work from the top in the things that kill more, for example, trafic accidents under alcooholic influence. After you solve the bigger problems you go to the smaller ones, like lions in domestic houses or school shootings.
Also, don't play stupid again, you are already enough without trying.
11,000 deaths a year out of 330 million is hardly a problem. I realise that's hard for Euros to understand since that's like 10% of any given population but it's no problem for us.
Not in countries where they are a big demographic. And even in countries where they aren't, their percentage representation in violent crimes is still way bigger than their percentage in the population numbers.
Hmm and yet liberals use the same analogy for terrorist attacks
Singapore would execute them all in a day due to the death penalty for drugs.
Lets do it!
What? That terrorist attacks are freak accidents? Who says this?
Honestly just get rid of guns. Who cares if inbred hicks start whining
>be Singaporean
>chew gum
>go to prison
What gun problem? I don't have any problems with my guns. They're all in good working order.
You do, jackass, every time one of your pet sandniggers drives a truck over a bunch of white people, or shoots them in a theater because none of you are armed to shoot back. You say, "This was a random incident. Don't draw any conclusions from yet another Muslim attack."
There is no gun problem. 70% of gun deaths are niggers killing niggers. That sounds like a gun solution to me!
Nirvana fallacy. There's no perfect solution, we just find preferable to kill children than to be unarmed.