Wait what

wait what

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Laura Southern and Pettibone got banned from the UK

The UK is officially the middle east

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What a fucking degenerate whore. Alt right faggots can shank themselves

lmao, the uk is so fucked

>far right

Someone please nuke us already. At least let us go out with a bang instead of a whimper.

This is awesome lol. I love seeing racist pieces of shit get what’s been coming to them. Hopefully she gets banned from Canada while she’s gone and actually had to move to Middle East

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not looking so good these days, UK

she may be a dumb chimp but that over-reaction is cringey

Why does the UK government hate gay people?

Ur god is gey

Apparently claiming "Allah is gay" gets you banned in the UK. With the lefts love to push LGBT agenda and for Islamist you would think they would not have a problem with calling Allah gay. Do Muslims not think Allah is gay? What do Muslims have against gays? Are Muslims homophobic?

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The UK has Islamic blasphemy laws.

Attached: UK-PC-Tayyaba-Afzal-and-PC-Amjad-Ditta-750x1334-2.jpg (750x725, 255K)

see you on the battlefield, cuck boy

liberals hate free speech
liberals hate gun rights
liberals hate russia
liberals love war
liberals love imported slavery goods

what the fuck has happened?

Fuck you, Progressive. Blasphemy should always be illegal.

stupid slider

>when the left tries to meme

>camwhore does drama for money

Wow! Scandalous! I hope she meets again with her high school bf in order to save the white race.

Middle East is more liberal than Canada though

Good. Tradthots like her deserve to get banned everywhere

When will these morons ever learn that Islam is not a race. The English have lost grasp of their own language.

Lauren was a lot cuter two years ago. What happend? It's not like she hit the wall. She's only 22.

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Can I get a basic gestalt?

>reason was an article in a leftist magazine that claimed jesus is gay
>islam is a race
When will truck-kun come and save me from this shithole? I want to live surrounded by cute lolis.

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>still believing in left vs right division
That's where you're wrong kiddo

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Doesn't this ruling also preclude anyone from saying any god is gay?

Allah is gay.

It amazes me how you still can find anons from the UK making jokes about Sweden or Germany


shes 22? She looks 30

Oi git oder thar, no harassen the mooslims guv

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you seem to have a strong opinion on her
care to elaborate where thats coming from?
im really interested to hear the racist stuff she supposedly said

We need to bully SOMEONE, it's the only way to distract ourselves from the blight our country is facing.

Just like /pol giving her attention that she craves when you shouldn't even acknowledge "her" existence.

She's basically larping as right figurehead. The funny thing she turned right wing after she got dumped by her muslim boyfriend

Is there anyway I can get a lifetime ban from the UK and then claim asylum for the US to let me in?

Britbongistan is just Orwellian dystropia

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Brits have officially lost their ability to banter on Sup Forums. Just threaten to report them to the local digital butter knife constabulary/sharia enforcement mob. Better yet, actually report them.
Spineless cunts.

Based UK banning thots from around the world.

The Eternal Redditor
> Entering a foreign country is a privilege, not a right, and she did so with the sole intent of doing something that will stir controversy and unrest within one of our communities. We have every right to ban someone who does something like this.
> It’s not about being against people of the political right, Canadians, or against people who want to speak up against Islam. If you came to my house to visit and then ended up pissing off my house mates, then you wouldn’t be welcome anymore, same principle.

Ah, I see. It's getting hard to memorize all these new terms that are being invented.

i would do unimagineable things to that disgusting pig, fucking sharmoota.

Lol I love how you lefties get mad but never respond to the content of what makes you mad...it's because you cannot refute the truth so you get pissed. What kind of cunt do you have to be to live like such a fucking pussy.

A prostitute gets banned from one of the worst country on earth because she said God is gay?

Good for her honestly. Good riddance, can't wait until she forever burns in hell too, along with the losers that want to get in her panties.

Just go to a less shit European country where lolis aren't banned while you have the chance.

She isn't any better than Femen with this kind of "activism"

This is awesome because it will wake more people.

When do your porn laws go into effect?

>Banned from a country for a meme
I hope you stay in your closet

Leviticus 20:13 you fucking degenerates

Damn I thought you were trolling with 22, but to my surprise that is a fact. Fuck I always thought she could be Nick Fuentes' mommy.

Okay you tender little faggot. Your dad thinks you're a fucking pussy.

It’s like they see Allah as their god or something.

>Entering a foreign country is a privilege, not a right
INTERESTING, hearing this from a leftist.
>If you came to my house to visit and then ended up pissing off my house mates, then you wouldn’t be welcome anymore, same principle.
Bet he still doesn't see the irony..

>jew attacks islam
>jew gets banned from europe

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>gay has become a good word now
>allah is a good word too for the leftists
>put them together and u make leftists offended
>get a lifetime ban
based mentally ill people do it again

April, I think.

coalburner whore pretending to be right wing

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See in this instance, Judge Michael Stokes should be encouraged to see the error of his ways. And that's all I'm saying.

they already are its like when they banned face sitting the conservatives are the most autistic party in the country they do all this random shit but dont enforce it and then just enforce other random crimes like the nazi pug


It's not so bad. Likely what will happen is:
> islamic population and political power rises
> leftists have few if any children and otherwise race mix out of existence
> rational whites flee from islamic constituencies and socially and politically isolate themselves
> these whites have a higher reproduction rate
> muslims push for open conflict
> balkanization
> muslims make progress with EU/UN support
> core areas of white nationalist power in UK
> low IQ arab populations collapse EU and UK
> whites overpower in new crusade and retake the UK
> start again where we were in 1990 but now with self hating white genes removed.

It may take a while but the reality of IQ is that we are better and will win.

Good riddance, I hope the threads about the attention whore are to be banned on Sup Forums as well.

Wow a leaf shilling against right of centre political figureheads. I have been blindsided.

Spotted the Mohammed

Ivan is right!!

Being against big government and open borders here is considered 'Alt-Right'. Didn't you know?

Try again greasy Spaghetti Head.

Gosh stupidity is rife in north america. Allah is the arabic word for god.

>start again where we were in 1990
Hypercolour t shirt and curtains for the win!

>calling a coalburner whore a political figurehead
based aussie banter

You're Australian. You get blindsided by Emus.

Allah filled heaven with servant boys so perhaps he is gay.

He is a mixed race American Christian dumb fuck...God damn no wonder your country is nigger Muzzie haven. Can't wait for your assimilation to be complete...10 years tops.

Why is the UK so homophobic?

so if the entirety of slash pole slash was flooded with facesitting porn you faggots could never return?
that actually sounds delightful

In this particular case its no longer important.
In America Huxley won, in Old World - Orwell.
And Zamyatin looks at all this and chuckles softly.

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Lauren Southern isn’t exactly far right
And how the fuck is “Allah is gay” racist?

GOOD itll save her getting raped or assaulted in the future when her guard is down.

Okay guys, this is the answer to why Lauren has gone downhill so fast in the looks department. She has had plastic surgury, what an idiot.

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This is absolutely pathetic.

I always knew that Anglos were cowardly effeminate drones, but the fact that some cutesy e-celeb is banned for childish satire whilst brown rapists roam free tells me everything I need to know about your shithole of a nation.

Fuck you guys

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She’s a fucking coal burner. We all know that. Is she a political figurehead? Are you a fucking child? Of course she is.
Your shilling is way too obvious. Go bend over towards mecca and let a goat fuck you meme flag

Uhh, sweetie
Jesus didn't say that

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This confirms UK authorities are scared shitless major civil unrest is only one gay Allah meme away. UK is about to pop

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Oi nun of thar rubbish guv

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you have no idea how many times I've had to explain that in person.

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>Lauren Southern a guy who loves men
>gets banned for stating that the religion of peace loves men too

wow UK, that's pretty homophobic

>2 non countries defending thots online

she fucks niggers, mate

>Lauren "I'll tickle your bellend if it's full of melanin" Southern?
>Lauren "56% white is 100% right" Southern
>Lauren "I won't take your bone if your name is Tyrone" Southern
>Lauren "Pretend I'm alt-right but fuck niggers at night" Southern
>Lauren "Hitler was wrong, and I like black dong" Southern
>Lauren "Fleecing the NEETS while fucking Pajeets" Southern
>Lauren "I've had more black Dicks in me than a Harlem phone book" Southern
>Lauren "white ethnostate, black cum on my face" Southern
>Tyrone "Beta orbiters watch me score with her" Jackson
>Lauren "controlled opposition? my favorite position!" Southern
>Lauren "More niggers in me than a welfare line" Southern
>Lauren "You keep your Lambos, I'd rather ride Sambos" Southern
>Lauren "Flush my genes down the drain with this dude from Bahrain" Southern
>Lauren "Bootyshorts invite all sorts" Southern
>Lauren "At least he wasn't muslim" Southern
>Lauren "My sister is hotter, can't let jamal spot her" Southern
>Lauren "mohammed's third trad wife Southern
>Lauren "Put it in my butt, Amerimutt" Southern

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Or she's just not a racist cunt and judges people on actions you short dick faggot.

>He is a mixed race American Christian dumb fuck
yes, that makes it so much better

the pic on the right is softened using a filter
are you blind? pretending to be retarded?

I think if you look at the concept of "hate crime" it doesn't matter if what you say or do is racist, hate speech or actually against the law, what matters is what other people think or claim was your intention.

Spot on.

>islamic state
>opininion discarded

Greedy juden hijacked every political ideology on Earth.
Marxism? Hijacked.
Christian capitalism aka classical liberalism? Hijacked.
Fascism and national socialism? Hijacked.
Progressevism and egalitarism? Hijacked.
What is the secular basis of Judaism?

>Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.
>The Jew has emancipated himself in a Jewish manner, not only because he has acquired financial power, but also because, through him and also apart from him, money has become a world power and the practical Jewish spirit has become the practical spirit of the Christian nations. The Jews have emancipated themselves insofar as the Christians have become Jews.

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>acting like a child gets you banned from the UK
>being in a child gets you knighted in the UK

I think you brits need to get your priorities straight