Northern Serb Controlled Kosovo is likely to declare independence

>The Latest: 32 injured, 5 seriously in Kosovo clashes

>Albo getting punched

>Assassination of Oliver Ivanovic

>Neocons, eu shills and their ilk are celebrating forced vote under threat of violence

>Thanks based Spain

>The Serbs from Kosovo government are now exiles to Serbia

>Their plan is to form a new government, Get ready for Republika Srpska 2.0
Previous thread >

Attached: dfa.jpg (360x270, 22K)

Other urls found in this thread:


respond to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

Nothing is going to happen.

Attached: pepe 1-01.jpg (228x221, 7K)

jebi se
znas kao, svi ti glumci iz beograda, zagreba, sarajeva itd su provalili smisao univerzuma i zamisli molim te resenje svih problema je LJUDI PRESTANU DA SE MRZE DUDE LMAO pa kakvi genijalci kako se mi svi ostali nismo toga setili ranije mater im jebem u picku

Start Digging the trenches

When will they ever learn?

Attached: Chad Serb vs Virgin Albanian.webm (396x222, 383K)

Just stop hating other people DUDE, here's some weed take some coka-cola I bought really cheap.

Attached: 1521851458221.png (610x612, 62K)

Its time macedonia. I hear albozerg invaded you as well. Fight back, don't give up.

We got cucked so hard we can't do function properly desu. Best we can do is jump on the bandwagon if a shitstorm HAPPENS to start.

Attached: JUST.jpg (622x564, 33K)

kys. just slip into death...i hear it's fantastic this time of year.

Attached: 000000000000000000000.png (960x952, 620K)

This is the proposed Community of Serb Municipalities.

Attached: kosovoserbcommunity.png (566x611, 40K)

Also of note, the Gorani people, a Muslim Slavic people in the southern tip of Kosovo, support Serbia and the Serbs of Kosovo and have made efforts to join the planned community.

Attached: gorani.png (220x283, 46K)

Jel ima neko snimak gde manlet siptara sa puskom gura neki nas

Serbs will shit on a sidewalk and claim the street its on belongs to them now

Attached: D73DA557-E153-42E5-9871-3DC83D51399A.jpg (284x450, 33K)


Ah shit. I thought you guys had figured that shit out over there in the 90s, and you all became separate countries, and lived happily ever after.

runaway albo nigger spoted

Pesnica u njusku, nije ga gurnuo kek

Jesus Christ you roaches are everywhere


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Jebem li vam mater nenormalnu, da vas pitam. Je l' veći problem neka pacovska gamad na jugu, koju efikasna vojska može da počisti za nedelju dana, ili to što nismo državnika imali decenijama?
Ako do ičega dođe, zar biste radije išli i pucali na nepismene retardirane Albance nego na domaće izdajnike?

Alo bre manite se Hrvata, Bosanaca, Šiptara i tako dalje, pun je Beograd izdajnika. Prvo moramo s njima na kraj izaći šta vam je. Je l' niko nije spreman ijednom našem ministru, poslaniku, činovniku itd. metak među oči da stavi? Je l' stvarno mislite da SNS nije veće zlo nego cela Albanska "nacija"? Ili DS? Ili jebeni Jeremić/Janković/Soroš-patkica?
Nama boolje biti neće dok ne iskorenimo ove izdajnike, budite se više.

meme verzija


odjebi BIA nigger. svi mi volimo naseg vodju i spremni smo da polozimo zivote za njega
>nismo imali drzavnika
>who is Slobodan Milosevic

alo, nemoj logikom na balkan

Nothing will happen. Return to your yurts now.

Attached: 3595B6BE-0846-48D0-BB9A-F9CC86477867.jpg (830x960, 54K)

t. subverter
take your traitorous shit somewhere else.

are kosovo mooslims ?

Čekaj, stvarno postoje podržavaoci Vučića na Sup Forumsu?
prošlo je 17-8 godina od poslednjeg, a i taj nas je usro, iako je kao hteo dobro, za razliku od trenutnih.

>tfw bosniak stupidity jokes weren't actually jokes at all

>kanta smeca
eto opet ti emotivno. mi srbi zelimo jaku drzavu nezavisnu bez da nam se neko mesa u bilo sta. i u pravu si, slicna je situacija sa kao sa rusijom, zato nas i zovu mala rusija na balkanu. potrebni su nam sateliti, prijateljske drzave. i u pravu si nemamo ljudstvo za tako nesto ali eto to nam je cilj. ali zato imamo mogucnosti da pravimo od neprijatelja zrtve. jebiga tako je kako je sta da vam radim

Is every Norwegian on this site butthurt about diaspora or something? lmao

Larpaj i dalje druže

nisam glasao za Vucica, ali ne mrzim ga. valjda imam postovanje kad neko ima apsolutnu moc. kad vidim sasu jankovica na televiziji povraca mi se.
>muh pristojna srbija
Sta mu znaci to "pristojna"? Kakva je to ideologija? gde je to na spektrumu?

>na autisticnom spektrumu eto gde je

i will watch as a concerned neighbour.
i'm also a on NATO's leashes :(

Attached: t89mh.jpg (450x300, 68K)

There are barely any Serbs in Norway thankfully

vidi ti ovog. nista ti ne valja. lepo pokusavam da ti objasnim zasto smo vas toliko rokali 90ih. sta sad hoces? jesam priznao? jesam. kao deca ste jebote "e sad necu ni kako ja hocu".

Lol nothing will happen here


Ne dam ti (you) jer slabo baitaš

Buttmad serbitch trying to enter Kosovo even his orc ass is banned.
>Albanian rats kicked him out.
>Serbitchian orcs chimpout playing victims as usual.

Servs knows only one language: violence


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I wholeheartedly support Serbia.

most likely hes dispora, but on the other hand a lot of norwegians had to serve in nato, frequently they would get shot by serbs at and were forced to run away, this was during the split i think. A lot of animosity comes from that.

>Municipality getting formed
ok bud, see how far violence gets you

They should nuke both Kosovo, Albania and Serbia. They are all the same

go away slovenia nobody cares about you

Stay mad kid

>t. a NON-Swede

Janković je plaćeničko đubre, slažem se s tim "pristojna" da je sranje. Ali stvar je u tome što je Vučić bukvalno mafijaški boss na čelu države, i mafija namm drži sve bitne državne organe.

Vučića sam dosta gledao, a i Skupštinu ako pogledaš, videćeš kako se SNS ponaša. Ponašaju se bukvalno kao najbučniji klinci u razredu koji nadglašavaju ostatak, deru se, optužuju i kenjaju bez ikakvih argumenata. Glasaju kad im Maja Gojković zaazvoni - ovo nije fora, bukvalno se to dešava.
Državni organi su prepuni polupismenih idiota koji rade za par sposobnih mafijaša koji uništavaju zemlju i rasteruju ikog ko išta vredi iz nje. Pogledaj malo Vučićevu retoriku, pogledaj šta je koje godine rekao, on svakih 6-12 meseci probije poslednji "rok" koji je sebi zadao. Do sad nam je jedno 7 puta trebalo da bude "bolje", da penzije skoče a plate se odmrznu itd itd. Da ne pominjem projekte po Beogradu koji su veće krađe od Đilasovog mosta, i to reda veličine veće.
Iz ovih razloga i neće da izađe Vučić ni jednom jedinom političaru na duel, šta ti o njemu govori kad su mu jedina gostovanja kod jebenog MARIĆA?

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Who the fuck trained these cops anyway? What kind of tactics are these, stand with guns in a huddle and shout at people, get punched in the face while fully armed, and then start throwing flashbangs all over the place? fucking lol

>Serbia's main exports are bottled Albanian cum, pedophiles, and shit-eating champions.

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Poles here the UK are some of the biggest Albanian asslickers around.

wat habbens if she is alredy ded and I don't rply?

really? are you this autistic for replies? Get the fuck out of here redditor and enjoy your ban

Attached: Ottoman architecure featuring Serbs.jpg (500x400, 59K)

fuck serbia and fuck white people

heil Serbia

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Radio sam na poslednjih 4 izbora kao kontrolor, ne zbog novca jer već želim da imam lični uvid u našu "demokrattiju", i ona je samo dokaz njene propasti. Najgori ljudi na svim mestima ti dođu iz SNS-a kao kontroleri. Najbahatije se ponašaju, a najgluplji su. O njihovim glasačima da i ne pričam, kakvi sve polumrtvi penzioneri misle da im se glas treba čuti je tek strašno. Nepismeni ljudi, ne znaju broj da zaokruže bez "pratioca". Da ne pričam o nasilnom glasanje, gde deca(verovatno ucenjena i sama) dovedu svoje matore i teraju ih da glasaju za Vučića...
Sve je to jedna velika mafija, i ako se ne nađe neko da je skloni, ona sama neće nikad otići.

Mi smo pod okupacijom nivoa Turaka, ali ova ima podršku zapada, pa je uspela da se dovoljno lepo prikrije da je narod ne vidi, ne prepozna, i ne bori se protiv nje.

Pa nek se lepo covek proglasi za diktatora, jebo demokratiju, demokratija je kurac.

"I saw a large tower rising in the midst of the plain, as white asParian marble...Raising my eyes to the monument, I discovered that the walls, which I supposed to be built of marble or white stone, were composed of regular rows of human skulls; these skulls bleached by the rain and sun, and cemented by a little sand and lime, formed entirely the triumphal arch which now sheltered me from the heat of the sun. In some places portions of hair were still hanging and waved, likelichen or moss, with every breath of wind. The mountain breeze, which was then blowing fresh, penetrated the innumerable cavities of the skulls, and sounded like mournful and plaintive sighs. My eyes and my heart greeted the remains of those brave men whose cut-off heads made the cornerstone of the independence of their homeland. May the Serbs keep this monument! It will always teach their children the value of the independence of a people, showing them the real price their fathers had to pay for it."

-Alphonse de Lamartine

Attached: 21370924_1399547610162352_6591147312343974308_n.jpg (760x669, 132K)

>Le Serbian top tourist destination - blood and gore all the way

Attached: Cele Kula.png (998x901, 686K)

You mean like child rape, acid attacks, muslim mobs and peace trucks from Malmo to Stockholm? Good for you for making tourist attractions interactive for your citizens, we Serbs though prefer not to be degenerate race traitor zog controlled scum.

he's obviously albanimal diaspora, though

Attached: 1452373145483.jpg (2800x3072, 1.8M)

Is that really there or is it a shop? Kek

>not to be degenerate race traitor zog controlled scum.

right. you are degenerate race tractor nato controlled scum.

Islamic State of Kosovo will be declared soon, Serb kuffars will be slaughtered.

Attached: 01-countries-recognising-kosovo-e1280245251366.jpg (1000x463, 70K)

literally US + its satellites that were forced to

lol there's like 5-6 muslim states that supports Kosovo.
Even muslims hate shqiptars


LMAO al dobro, nije se pucalo vec 30 godina, valjda je vrijeme
Jel nije neka NATO baza na kosovu? Jeste sigurni da bi se opet zajebavali s NATOm?

sadly this, our rulers are insanely beyond cucked

Tako je. Drugosmrdijance neironično klati u Pol Potovskom stilu za početak. Onda i majmune dlakavih dupeta i slične mediokritete isto ukloniti. Tek kada postoji nekakva kvalitetna masa može se bilo šta raditi.

Nažalost za bilo šta što stvarno valja NATO gamad će odmah da krenu da tepih bombarduju al ovaj put sa atomskim bombama, tu dakle prvo mora da se razjebu zemlje koje su šiptarofilske u bilo nacionalisti ili globalisti jer im je to u interesu a to su Nemačka, Britanija, Turska, možda SAD i Francuska, tako da mi sada slabo možemo šta osim da se individualno borimo protiv pretvaranja u botove pogane, jer kada jednom neko postane bot za bilo šta to je gotovo

Here's an idea - maybe we should team up with greek and albanian orthodox church and start converting the albozerg in Kosovo? It is their source religion anyway.

Attached: Alternate_Emblem_Orthodox_Autocephalous_Church_of_Albania.png (160x179, 16K)

3 siptara u bunkeru od blata sa kuhinjskim nozevima

It is catholcism actually, but you are Serv so no point in arguing

Jeste, Bondsteel, najveća američka na Balkanu i jedna od većih u Evropi. Ovaj je retard

pls remove kebab

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So wait.
Kosovo is going to split into two nations?

We should give one part to you, since (((they))) fucked everything up, let's fuck it up even more

Is this thread being targeted or something?

Like i said Whether or not they are nationalist or globalist, they'll support the albos as they win anyway. Exactly like in the middle ages when Dušan asked for Venetian help to btfo the Ottomans but they said no on the pretense that he would use it to conquer Constantinople, where in reality they just wanted to nibble on islands and profit from a rival state being btfo instead. All this western support of kebaboids is now coming to bite them in the ass, with lethal consequences

Why do you Serbs keep posting these shitty threads? Nobody fucking cares

Kosovo is a screw in the globalist mechanism, Albanians are 100% globalist project and they literally worship the Clintons

Welcome to the fold and the true way brother. Also they are autocephalos and recognized by Constantinople. Curing them from the Islam disease might just be the right thing to do it.

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Lmao kill yourself. God you rats are pathetic


oishii memes senpai~~

I have never said that, you are pathetic and a shill

Just establish Jugoslavia again

Every day we're reminded how braindead mutts actually are. It's rather sad.


>>>"botswana's european colonial empire"

This sounds like an awesome timeline.
If multiple alternate universes exist, this is already a reality.

Thank you.

In an alternate world, this is already

Fuck of turk that is the last thing that should be done. Historical proof that multiculti bullshit simply doesn't work.

Kaiserreich mod when

Its real you fat fuck, clintons are like gods down there, even restaurants are named after them kek

There is a statue of Bill Clinton on kosovo

>syrian conflict winding down
>a new civil war appears

thank you jesus

Attached: burger domination.png (662x421, 181K)

>The "capitol" of Kosovo*
You could have just googled it.

Attached: clintonstatue10523027421.jpg (625x838, 202K)

Cefurji, raus