The left will normalise pedophilia in your lifetime how does that make you feel? Pedos will no longer have to cower in the deepest darkest depths of the internet.
The left will normalise pedophilia in your lifetime how does that make you feel...
Other urls found in this thread:
I really don't care
>you will be able to go on pornhub and witness little Alice getting getting her kitty beat in your life time
Feels awful, man. Get me out of this crazy world.
Oh! Hello there, Mr. Scully! I didn't know you hang out on Sup Forums
There is a social stigma around it, so your statement is incorrect.
super happy
What about feminists? Are they dgoing to normalise paedophilia?
What happens when masses of 24 year old males start flocking to 14 year old girls and leaving the dried up 24 year old womyn behind?
Watch the white birth rate explode.
>screencap this.
It’s not surprising. And probably true too.
The left? Pol and the alt-right already has...
being paedo is pretty cool except u r catholic priest
>it's 2035
> makes
>involves 10-14 year old blonde girls getthing their vaginas split open by huge tattoed ex-felon negro beasts
> makes
>the few remaining blonde women kept at zoos in Africa are breed with other white men. During birth they are fucked by huge tattooed muscled black negroid beasts. The baby is fucked while it is still in the birth canel, a truly innovating and avaunt guard pornographic experience.
-Rabbi Goldstein
hopefully we're all destroyed in a nuclear attack by then
cant wait for
>avaunt guard
I'm ready.
Young adults marrying by 15 is better than them whoring around at 11.
I have no problems with that, It's how it should be.
>it's 2202
>whites have long been extinct
>white DNA is still kept by jewish-chinese overlords
>white strands of DNA are inserted with African DNA codons
Take the Loli pill. Raising your own bride, that's just how God meant it to be..
It's only in Islam where pedophilia, and of course cousin marriage, is "normalized." To them it's culture, and they're importing it into The West.
That photo is from a Norwegian blog aimed at "raising awareness." Some SJW bullshit, because what they're really trying to do is raise awareness about it in the places where it actually happens, like all over Arab culture in the ME and in Africa. They don't consider it pedo; it's just their culture.
>he thinks there will be marriage involved
>forgetting what has happened in the past 100 years
>whoring around at 11
Where the fuck does this happen ever
>the left normalizes pedophilia
>the right normalizes hanging pedo's
Probably not, but the same arguments these people will use are used by the "alt-right" in relation to race. There are scientific arguments that could be made in support that would be inherently at odds with the morality of society.
see Men marrying teenagers would.......
>New Baby boom
>Return of Marriage
>Happier Marriages - Less Divorce
>Women would be modest again
>Feminism would be seen as for old cat ladies
stupid bitch in OPs pic has her rings on the wrong hand
I will bomb the first pedophillia acceptance march that happens. I'll be old by the time its normalized so idc about jail time then. I'm not convinced it will happen tho, I think America will implode before then and with the collapse of an empire comes an end to the degeneracy that killed it
>it's okay to be gay they're just born that way :)
it will never happen. all of you will be hanged.
>Pedos will no longer have to cower in the deepest darkest depths
>implying social acceptance will stop me from gutting you and watching you die
>Demonising marrying young
>forgetting what has happened in the past 100 years
>he thinks there will be marriage involved
Punish those who have premarital sex
>Where the fuck does this happen ever
Literally anons complaining that all women are whores by the time they go to college.
Also there are statistics out there that reference the amount of partners etc.
Top left image in pic.
Yea I know that that's one of the reasons I support it as well.
Just make sure they get married so children aren't born out of wedlock and grow up fatherless etc.
They don't need a whole expensive wedding, just making a commitment between themselves and God and some witnesses.
They can sign a ceremonial piece of paper as well if necessary.
>Where the fuck does this happen ever
Dude we were french kissing in public @ 10yo in the park and showing genitals in private.
God knows what kids are doing today.
Also, you are literally a male feminist if you disagree with young brides (13-15). Stay mad HPV-cumholes!
The whole "muh traditionalism" argument to justify pedohillia is autistic because they liked over old census data all the way back to the middle ages and most women married at the age of 21. Only thee (((anglos))) married super young.
Women had jobs In old Europe and men didn't settle down until they had some kind of guild career thing going on.
You do realize nobody here is advocating for sexual abuse of children. Nothing wrong with wanting to court a girl for marriage.
I'm not justifying "pedophilia".
I'm talking about lowering promiscuity, raising marriage and birthrates.
Yes I understand that things still need to change to accommodate that like work etc.
Young female adults got married at 12-14 in Rome to young male adults who were 16-18
It was fine until women were given more "power"
Holly shit, my contry is more fuck up than is expected.
It's no like 16 yo will start to have tradicional marrige, will be just a bunch of rich old men fucking 13 yo girls.
Feels fucking great
Great, less hiding means more dead pedo scum. Kill the Pedo, shoot the Pedo, the only comfortable space for a pedo should be his grave(even then I'll make sure there is rocks under your head and kidneys)
>It's no like 16 yo will start to have tradicional marrige, will be just a bunch of rich old men fucking 13 yo girls.
Punish them.
As I said, sex outside marriage would be punished.
>Supporting marriage instead of premarital sex and minimizing degeneracy is degeneracy.
Hello shlomo
>I'll be old by the time its normalized
Idk about that m8. The current generation of kids is getting brainwashed by degenerate elsa gate shit. 20 years from now they'll be all grown up and their version of progressive shit will be pedoshit no doubt.
>can't even kill a nigger
>thinks he can kill a man
How is courting a girl for a monogamous loving marriage with family values degenerate?
Burn the witches.
Why would they do that?
If you knew anything about left wing beliefs you'd know if anything, they want age of consent to go UP
Guns will be banned and pedos will be normal. Sounds like heaven.
Probably I won't live in such a world.
Life is not only about surviving in a shitty world for me.
>REEEEE marry 35yo catladies you fucking neckbearded virgins!!!
>The left will normalise pedophilia in your lifetime how does that make you feel?
It makes me feel very happy. I want to consensually fuck baby girls in their tight vaginas before they have even come out of the vaginas of their own mothers. Pedophilia is a thought crime. There is literally nothing wrong with having consensual sex with children. And yes, children CAN consent - that's what 'playing doctor' is all about. Don't fall for kike lies.
How do we stop pedophiles? By not making sexy kids.
Good. Very good. Then Sup Forums will have a pedo flag.
It's not pedophilia if she is your wife.
Being antipedo means being Normalfags which means being Anti-white. Untermensch hate family value thus they hate "pedophilia".
White Knights the bunch of them
Who cares
I wouldn't marry either of them desu.
They're not dressed modestly, piercings, makeup etc.
Genetics is another thing as well but that's not relevant much to this argument.
>As I said, sex outside marriage would be punished.In you idealize world we don't live in. People like Ruth Bader Ginsburg are trying to low the age of consent to 12 not to lowering promiscuity, raising marriage and birth rates, but because they are sick people, just that.
That's a future I'm down for as long as whites survive.
P.S. They will.
normalizing means nothing as long as it isnt legalized
It's not pedophilia which is next. It's beastiality and incest. Incest is 100% next. Every single argument in favor of LGBTBBQ will be used for it. It's being normalized/popularized. They have historical examples to draw on and can go "prohibitions of incest are just social constructs"
>- that's what 'playing doctor' is all about
Playing doctors is a way for children to explore their bodies.
It's a game between children and not between perverted adults with adult sexual motivations and a child
That's what they want to do
Well I'm wanting it to be lowered for a different reason as you can see.
I'm not referring to "age of consent to sex" but to marriage with parental consent actually.
Parents should be involved
Pedophilia is a mental illness, not a crime. Pedophiles that have have not raped or molested a pre-pubescent child are not deserving of death. You can't murder someone for a state of mind, otherwise it would be just to kill all the LARPers that want to murder Pedophiles. Child rapists should be executed.
There is nothing biologically wrong with attraction to females capable of ovulation and breeding. That said there is at least some evidence to suggest females breeding as early as 11 can threaten the life of the child and the mother, for this reason I'd advise waiting to impregnate your early adolescent wife until she is 16, since most females will be able to safely breed by this point. It is imperative that we strive to repair society and free it of degenerate. (((AoC))) laws help create such degeneracy by normalizing premarital sex.
The female's place is in the home. Betrothment is a necessity. A female having multiple mates damages her ability to "pair bond", Microchimerism also permanently soils her eggs. Commie "feminists" pls go and stay go
Allow me to reiterate: Pedophilia is a mental illness such as Homophilia or foot or scat fetishists(Thought foot and scat are less extreme and pose less of a threat), and the mere presence of thoughts is not justification for killing these individuals. Those Pedophiles that abuse pre-pubescent children are irredeemable trash that deserve nothing but death.
Hebephilia is perfectly natural and attraction to females capable of producing eggs to be fertilized is not comparable to attraction to pre-pubescents. While this is true, it isn't generally healthy to breed until the female is around 16, so she should wait until she is that age and married.
>b-but children can consent!
>b-but women deserve freedom to whore around!
>b-but the laws developed by man over a couple hundred years trump tens of thousands of years of biology!
>b-but my feelings!
You deserve to be crucified.
Funny, considering every time a pedo is caught ut seems they’re a church cuck, which in America at least means they’re conservative.
Seriously, it's a lot closer than people realize. Kids choosing their sex and sexuality is currently being normalized.
There is literally nothing wrong with consensual incest (even if it's consensual reproductive incest), because siddhis can ensure that incest-born children are not born retarded.
All we'll need is a "Will and Grace" moment for incest. While incest is depicted in a negative sense with Cercei and Jaime in Game of Thrones it's also got the yass queen popularizing it. It's not only Sup Forums that bleeds from the internet into the real world - tumblr has too, and don't forget how popular fujoshit yaoism is in the female geek sphere.
I'm willing to bet loki and thor is one of the most popular fujoshit pairings for all those marvel fangirls and those two are related aren't they?
Damn what an angel she is
You know I wouldn't wonder if jews truely would atleast try to put off something like this. I doubt it'll happen though, since everybody that tries to normalize it pedophilia in any way is usually shunned to oblivion.
With blacks, it happens all the time. I used to teach at a middle school in a 95% black area of South Carolina. They'd be sexually active by 9 or 10 and many had their first kid by the time they were 12 or 13.
>If I Where The Devil.webm
yes, but the ones who have touched children do deserve death.
if you're that weak that you let your urges control you and you touched a child, that means you will most likely do it again given the chance.
besides that fact you harmed a child...
just imagine old roasties chimping out, or should we kill women when they reach 18yo?
I'm all for public hanging of child rapists. That is a just killing.
Children are not for sexual. Maybe you'll understand if you ever get to cuddle with an aryan loli.
I've never been on reddit once.
I'm sure most of the people here would be happy.
See? This is already the arguments which would be raised.
>Love wins
>It doesn't matter that it breaks apart the rest of the family. If they are so bigoted they can't tolerate their brother and mother being in a relationship it's their fault
>Sex and relationships aren't about procreation and childhood but love, so they won't reproduce.
>Abortions and contraceptives are allowed to avert this.
>Just because some fathers and uncles sexually abuse their children doesn't mean all incestuals do. That's as bigoted as saying all those male pedophiles means all gays are pedophiles.
>They're so brave and selfless to be standing against the hatred of society, so let me heap all my fawning worship and adoration on these soo brave and soo courageous heroes.
>Fallacy of invoking nature
>Look at all these civilizations that practiced incest, it's only WHITE AND PATRIARCHAL societies that forbid incest reeeee
Good ol Gotho
My gf actually found one of his doujin on my pc and told me she read it
You'd still need to fix marriage though. Marriage is a big scam (foe men) in most countries.
Only problem would be impossible to find wifey material for good.
>Children are not for sexual.
Yes they are.
>Maybe you'll understand if you ever get to cuddle with an aryan loli.
I understand that Aryan lolis are for sex. I fuck Aryan lolis on the daily.
I just want legal lolicon
Alternatively, perhaps he understands how paragraphs work.
I know that feel, Based Nipbro!
They aren't and you are a larper. Even when loli gets old and has a crush on you she still isn't for sexual. People should not have sex until like 21. Even if they get married at 12.
Fucking 56%ers man, hahahah
All pedos must fucking hang
When muslims conset for their 9 yo duther to marry a 60 old man, it dosen't make it any less wrong.
This is simply part of the cycle. Liner progress is a lie. The pedos may get their day in the sun but it wont last long. Babylon fell and so to will our current empire.
Good, take them out of hiding so we know who to dangle from a sturdy branch.
>They aren't
They are.
>and you are a larper.
I am not a larper. Trust me.
Yes, they're pushing on all fronts right now
>incest rights
>(male) homosexual parenting rights
>homosexual ephebephilia rights
>lolicon rights (it's just pictures!!)
>child dolls (muh harmless satiation of sexual desires)
>pushing the idea of "child sexuality"
>pedophilia rights
>bestiality rights
>transmission of infectious disease rights
Pedos do not actually like children. They have a child fetish, they want girls who have faces resembling mature thots in child bodies.
Its the biggest double edged sword and gamble we have on our side. Red pilled men hooking up with young girls and getting their heads right yeah that will be a major boost to our side. Birth rates for white children will absolutely explode. The only girls who aren’t married with children by 17 will be our best and brightest women. Conservatism also will skyrocket even more. This will only really work to our favor and create more close knit communities for whites and Asians.
Maybe I will hold out then
Yeah you are just a redditor.