Why do niggers hate cops? Is it because they
hate the law? Or their biological nature wants to commit crime and they fear punishment?
Why do niggers hate cops? Is it because they
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cause theyre criminals
It gives them something to do.
they're taught to hate cops from a young age
Sometimes you choose your enemy, sometimes your enemy chooses you...
Which is it in this case?
the latter
They're smarter than cucks like OP
>the police are my friends, guys
No. They aren't
niggers are animals who will impusively take what they immediately desire. They have no self control and no ability to plan for or even understand the future and no memory of the past. They are violent goldfish.
I believe this as well.
Races that have had successful civilizations in the past have had these behavioral traits selected against. Niggers are so far behind from an evolutionary standpoint.
they're mentally children? probably has something to do with no man in the household.
Imagine a mind without rules, laws, morals, boundaries, principles, or consequences. In essence, imagine an an animals mind being only able to understand instincts, aggression, and pain.
Now imagine rules suddenly being imposed on this mind as if it were a human. - of course, there are problems.
Blacks do not understand civilization. Exactly the same way a feral animal does not. To treat them like sentient beings is nothing more than short-sighted, narrow minded wishful thinking, and a waste of time, money, and resources. It is unfair to expect blacks to abide by the laws of civilization the same way it is unfair to expect a dog to get a job and pay bills.
You are so out of their league in every category that it is virtually unfathomable for you to comprehend just how far back they really are and until the west learns to accept that noone will never fix the problems associated with them ever.
To me they are just monkeys that can talk and read when taught. It is an absolte shame that these things sit around on top of resource rich Africa while we watch them suffer for all eternity. To exterminate the blacks workd wide would be the most compassionate act we could employ, but we are misguided as a whole by their jewish masters.
Blacks are not people, plain and simple. Equality is a sham, and those things vote in the same way a dog would choose treats over no treats. It’s all part of the plan and is being used against us. Would you let your dog vote for clinton if she told them they were all good boys and deserved beef jerky?
No, goldfish are pretty, niggers ain't
They're more like pugs. Ugly and useless
Just listen to prominent black rap artists such as Biggie Smalls and 2Pac to really understand this. Lyrics such as "sellin crack fo money fo my kids" is common place.
Their regular day job is being a criminal. When some law-abiding citizen called the cops on Biggie Smalls for attracting literal drug fiends to the corner where normal people lived, Biggie got offended and call them out.
Its as if they truly cannot comprehend what is and isn't a law and once you figure that out their actions make so much more sense from Trayvon Martin all the way to famous blacks such as OJ Simpson.
Humanity, like Wolves, is a species with numerous sub-species. While all are capable of inter-breeding and creating a hybrid, each distinct strain exhibits its own unique social and survival behaviors.
Most Africans are Bantu's. The Bantu were a highly aggressive form of hunter gatherer humans that literally killed and ate the competition. The climate of their native land also insured that they would not need to form complex societies or develop advanced technology in order to survive effectively. Suitabilty became less about social behavior, and more about how strong you were, and how good you were at procuring from the ample bounty of your environments at that very moment. This meant things like rules based tribes, and planning ahead were actively selected against in favor of immediate gratification.]
Compare this to white people who were descended primarily from an interbreeding of northern caucosoids and neanderthals. Winter came every year and you had to plan ahead constantly. Instant gratification was selected against in favor of a long-term spacial concept of time. Anti social behavior was also selected against, since being abandoned by the group in the Winter would be a death sentence.
Simple. Cops are the only legal gang and they use the law to disrupt, imprison and kill non-legal gangs. To them the cops are enemies in their hoods oppressing their livelihood which is selling crack rock and marijuana.
I reapectfully disagree. Niggers sell crack because they want to pursue the glamorous drug dealer gangsta lifestyle. Selling crack is highly unprofitable. They’re very aware that it’s illegal, that’s why it’s appealing to them.
Average 85 IQ
1. Because they were duped into the Democrat party by offers of gibs
2. Because (((they))) hoisted gangsta rap on them
3. Because they have 20-30 fewer IQ points than you
What we see today is the result of this divergent evolution. Caucasoid humans have an almost pathological relationship with time. We are constantly planning for the future, making lists of things to be done, from the next day to 30+ years into the future. This mindset naturally lends itself to adherence of a rules based societies. White people can biologically project cause and effect; crime and punishment. If I steal X, get caught stealing X by Y, then Z will happen after a certain passage of time. We place emphasis on time as a resource and imprisonment as a net loss of a finite primary resource.
By contrast, blacks have have never developed these traits as they were actually selected AGAINST. Their natural environment rewarded immediate gratification and anyone who was cautious was simply out muscled at the expense of resources.
>Selling crack is highly unprofitable
i sold weed in college and made a killing and it's not even addicting (it is psychologically addicting i completely admit). if i sold coke, molly, etc, i would have made a fuck load more
We all hate the cops, because you're nothing but thug enforcers and revenue generators for the pedophile elite. Eat shit pig. You'll all be up against the wall soon.
But the fetishization of criminality requires a predisposition to being opposed to a rules-based society. They attribute this to "discrimination" but it does not explain why they do not adhere to rules when it is obviously in their best interest, and in the best interest of their people.
Because police stand for law and order.
Meanwhile, you have prisons full of niggers.
So you're attempting to start a "discussion" with blatant racism. You're a fucking moron. Don't reproduce.
what is wrong with you faggots? Free speech means being able to say anything, what's hard to understand about that?
You are free to disagree.
I know in your tiny mind you think of yourself as a moral crusader but it is not possible to fix everyone's opinions so that they all agree with your flawed idea of morality, people have the right to be wrong, as you see it, just as you have the right to be wrong
Stop being a baby
>Discussions can't start with racism
Except conversations about race should always start with racism. Human beings are naturally inclined to racism. The burden of convincing someone not to be racist always falls on the person who is opposed to the natural order of things. You must prove that "diversity" is a good thing, that we should desire the decay of our own culture to pursue multiculturalism, and that there is some universal egalitarian ideology to which every individual can adhere. This is a tall order, yet you faggots insist that we are the ideological morons for not assuming these things.
Whole lot of this right here. Police are, by the very nature of their profession, crooked compromised cocksuckers who make their fucking bread and butter off the dumbass criminality of niggers. They have a vested fucking financial interest in the existence and perpetuation of black crime and the nigger poverty cycle. Their’s is a codependent, parasitic dynamic, a literal game of cops and robbers, funded with your tax money.
>Free speech means being able to say anything, what's hard to understand about that?
Well Bong your country unfortunately does not agree with that
This is true, lamentable state of affairs though that is
Tbf cops also tend to enforce the cuckoldry of the nation
forgot pic
>Why do niggers hate cops? Is it because they
A cops job is to give out tickets and makes cases. It's not to fight for TRUTH and JUSTICE. Nigger are often the victims of this because they make easy targets.
I honestly think they lack the brain function to understand property rights and mid-to-long-term consequences.
Most people realize from a very young age that they shouldn’t touch things that aren’t theirs without permission.
Blacks literally never learn this.
>be aussie
>decide to go for a jog
>if i dont wear a retard helmet get fined
Go back to plebbit, you SJW faggot.
so are you pro or agaisnt pic related? i dont get what youre trying to convey
LOL this can't be real
It isn't.
Don't spread fake shit. I know Australia is almost to the point where that exists but don't spread fake shit, cunt.
>nigger poverty cycle
>muh rigged system
The system requires niggers to act like niggers. If anything, the perpetual nature of this system is a testament to how consistently we will see specific behavioral traits expressed in the black population.
Cops are a special sort of animal that are highly attuned to subtle emotional responses. Not very smart on average, and they can have a bit of a power trip. If you are poor and black most interactions with the police are very negative. So you resent them. The police can smell resentment and distrust on you, that spirals into giving you shit and looking for something to ticket you for. This breeds more resentment. There is an element of truth behind the Ferguson riots, etc. Yeah the immediate trigger was a black guy acting like an idiot, and the cop shooting him was justified, but the relationship between leo and the community is poisonous due to the nature of police and the interaction between the two communities. Imho policing in the US is done the way it is because of our strong constitutional rights (that the police want to water down - example backdoors to cellphones). Society isn't going to work without leo of course, and so this is where we are.
I write this as a white guy who grew up in the hood. There is much more nuance in reality, but this is the shape of the answer.
they fear punishment? since when? they antagonize cops all the time and when they get arrested it becomes a situation of "itz cus im black doe"
When the fippy is the bippy
>be aussie
>forget to renew my jogging license
>forget to renew my helmet license
>go out for a jog
>They're more like pugs. Ugly and useless
Ahmed's dick is getting dry when you are mouthing off Jerry.
Great post. 10/10
>Do you think we should inhibit the brains functionality for ideological reasons?
Of course not. I'm simply illustrating why, despite the conditioning via every institution and form of media, racism still exists. It's what people see, and it's how people make sense of the world. Their abstract understanding of individualism that these people are conditioned to believe goes right out the window when they come into contact with this reality.
They are indoctrinated from a young age to believe that there is a system in place to keep them at the bottom level of socioeconomic status. The police, to them, are a real and visible representation of this purported system.
>sub-humans are prone to violence and dont think before they act
tell me something else i didnt know
This is basically how shitlibs reconcile hard data. It does not explain their aggressive and impulsive behavior. They think that nigger culture is just a manifestation of circumstance and would be the default of any human being injected into their place in time.
True. People who believe its some form of indoctrination either believe there's a global systematic conspiracy (there isn't), or they don't realize niggers throughout the world act the exact same as they act here.
They have been fed a victim complex by democrats, so that democrats can milk them for votes. Part of this means that they feel entitled to special treatment. This does not pair well with a culture that promotes being as selfish as possible.
They don't hate the law, they just don't care about it. They dislike police, because police enforce the law. Since cops are humans, and humans are fallible creatures that rely on pattern recognition, blacks get targeted hard, BC statistics are not in their favor. This creates a feedback loop of cops targeting backs for being more difficult, and blacks being more difficult BC they are targeted by cops.
Basically, this is what happens when you mix different cultures. Some people will adapt, most won't
Because cops arrest niggers that ask for their help:
I said crack, not weed, coke, or molly
Seriously, what in the hell is wrong with these "people"?
LE is NOT your friend
This. Had to tell young nigs just don't act like retards because their parents were telling them that cops were out to get them.
I'm sure that Sup Forums supports leaving police out of the equation completely, other than to stand guard.
No it just shows that turning off parts of ur brain will make u more liberal