Just why?

Really makes me think!

Attached: is this true.jpg (602x450, 70K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What are you sliding faggot?

please try harder

>t. Retard

This ain't r/the_donald kid. We encourage women's modesty and stand with our Muslim brothers against degeneracy

Catholics and Muslims also sometimes share the same building for prayer in the middle east. And most often than not if you see a Catholic building a mosque will be very near to it.

this is the 50th time this is posted this year

One gets stones to death or raped to death for not wearing her head pillow and one at worst gets kicked out of the church

Take off meme flag. or we send emu to your place.

I just them both. Both like touching kids and covering it up by any means necessary.

The first one is not trying to kill you and your kids.

One is optional, the other is forced

that's because sand niggers don't belong in western countries. I bet mudshits would be pretty offended too if a bunch of christians started coming into their countries

>We encourage women's modesty and stand with our Muslim brothers against degeneracy
anyone who doesn't see Islam as a good thing is brainwashed
Majority of muslims drink alcohol, eat pork, inside their private homes, and don't molest little kids or animals.
It's against the law to sleep/share the same bed with a women who you are not married too, not that they don't still do it, but you can get in trouble for it.
What exactly is wrong with that?

Left one is celibate. The right one is part of a sex harem.
Left one is serving god. The right one is serving her owner.
Left one helps those in need. The right one helps herself only.

First one is a choice
Second is mandatory and doesn´t belong to the West

Being a nun is a choice.

1. All Western women are NOT REQUIRED BY LAW to dress as nuns
2. Most Western women are not nuns
3. Being a nun is voluntary
4. Fuck off

>muh women's rights
The absolute state of nu/pol/


You have to go back nigger.

>Slide thread template #54616157
0.99 bits have been deposited in your account

'cause you're a faggot like Allah

>is a choice
>is a choice.
>other is forced
>a nun is voluntary

really makes you think
what the fuck happened to /pol

If this really makes you think, then you're an idiot as well as a faggot, faggot.



Attached: differen.png (675x675, 68K)

One is part of European culture and religion the other is a Mudslime

The male counterparts to the one on the right will throw you off the top of a building over and over until you're dead. Sometimes it take a few tosses to get the job done. How does that make you feel, fag? Does that also make you think?

Because pol love it's little thots. Those whores in fact can even become the icon of pol, as long as they say 2-3 things that can be agreed upon.

Oh, this thread again. . .

Attached: nunvshijab.png (697x1237, 340K)

The second one doesn't offend anybody anymore.
Even Sup Forums has a fetish for Muslim women and wants them to immigrate to western countries.

You have to go back to the kitchen, señorita

oh, this photoshop, not an argument again

This is literally a list of arguments, memeflag kike.

Attached: 1520963744029.png (240x234, 28K)

Because one goes ALLAHU AKBAR KABOOM and the other doesn’t

Christ, leaf shitposting is so cringey

You Shareblue fuckers have really turned this place into a shithole with your slide threads. Fuck all these /r/the_donald faggots who don't know how to sage.

Fuck off roastie

This. That graphic illustrates the shittiness of the Muslim system very well. Maybe what's missing is some graphic photos of genital mutilation. Some bleeding, sliced up vaginas might make the point best.

That's right. I judge foreigners. If white people can make women be more modest then hip hip hooray. Keep the foreign shit out.

not enough hijabi on huwhite cock porn

again fuck

Attached: 1520597507910.jpg (1200x1800, 713K)

nigger its fucking obvious

Because conservatives snowflakes are as retarded as liberals snowflakes
Heavy tard

Attached: 1512038705798.jpg (604x837, 106K)

support muscums, they throw homo's off roofs...

We are. Specially when they bring along all their war arsenal and start killing people here for sport.

One is making it by choice, and is not forced whatsoever.
The other would be punished if she took it off.

is this a test?

Hey Mr gayflagfag on the side of Islam here is how they treat fags such as yourself.

Attached: islamhomosexualshanging.jpg (460x402, 51K)


Nuns don't stink of last night's stale curry or breed 20 muds throughout their lifetime.

What wonderful justice. Thank you West for making God's wise justice obvious to us with your practical example of modern day Sodom.

Not even Indian nuns?

Attached: India2.jpg (640x480, 34K)

Choice vs compulsion


Attached: Reject p. 18.jpg (600x437, 48K)

I’ll give you the same answer as the last three times you posted that picture. Nuns don’t want to kill me.

Until the Order of the Poor Clares start beheading women who don't become nuns, I think your argument will fall short.

Attached: 1494959360486.png (697x1237, 375K)

what happened to Sup Forums?
is it possible that anons are this retarded?
i am afraid we will have to gas 80% of nu/pol/ on the day of the awakening.
now listen fags;
nons are living in a cloister or somewhere similar.
they dedicated their lifes to god - to serve only god. their robes are like a uniform. think about it as a soldiers uniform.

now mudslime cunts:
they wear filthy headscarves because they have to obey achmed, also were they come from all men are rapists and they have to hide their feminie hair. they dedicated their live to achmed, who fucks them every night. they all get up to 10 mudslime babies. they are here to conquere the west. their headscarve is the uniform of the enemie.

>now go and hang yourself scum

Attached: 1521781330415.jpg (916x903, 101K)