Supreme Court Justice calling for 2nd amendment repeal

>That support is a clear sign to lawmakers to enact legislation prohibiting civilian ownership of semiautomatic weapons, increasing the minimum age to buy a gun from 18 to 21 years old, and establishing more comprehensive background checks on all purchasers of firearms. But the demonstrators should seek more effective and more lasting reform. They should demand a repeal of the Second Amendment.

>Concern that a national standing army might pose a threat to the security of the separate states led to the adoption of that amendment

>Today that concern is a relic of the 18th century.

>Overturning that decision [Heller] via a constitutional amendment to get rid of the Second Amendment would be simple and would do more to weaken the N.R.A.’s ability to stymie legislative debate and block constructive gun control legislation than any other available option.

This is a retired justice of the supreme court calling for an evisceration of the 2nd amendment. Anyone saying that "liberals don't want to take your guns" is eternally BTFO by the liberals themselves. It's likely all the leftist judges want this, and any ruling on gun rights is slanted to achieve this goal.

Attached: stevens supreme court.jpg (1024x654, 128K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I prefer safety over freedom, if repealing the 2nd amendment can prevent even just one death then it's worth it

You forgot to apply a meme flag.

Australia is a meme flag

Funny because the root of 2A is to stop the government from grabbing guns and nothing to do with banning sales, but now they've crossed into gun grabbing territory in order to cause riots and destroy the constitution with a coup

May your chains sit lightly upon you.

this is why I voted for Trump. Give me more conservative justices please.

>Today that concern is a relic of the 18th century.

Attached: SchZDti[1].jpg (819x439, 58K)

>oh no goyim, evil governments are a relic of the 1800s, you have nothing to worry about
>also, the evil government of Russia hacked the election and assasinated their own spy!
>gib guns pl0x

This is an impeachable breach of public trust if true.

Good. You can keep that in your Asian country

>also, any time republicans are running the government it's evil, but it all magically becomes good again as soon as you put in another trans negro with a blue tie!!

How about we, the people, revoke the SCJ?

Retired... Thank God he's a limp noodle.

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No he didn't.

We should ban solid foods as well. If we can save ONE PERSON from choking to death then it will be worth it!

Now eat your VitaPaste, goyim...

So you're willing to kill upwards of ten million to do this?

>leftist judges
then they would be targeted first

If they repeal any of the amendments, they can repeal any of the amendments. Today it's the 2nd, which was bloody unthinkable 20 years ago. And 20 years from now it'll be the 1st A going, or anything else inconvenient for them.
Hippity hoppity shall not be infringed. Repealing the 2A would unironically cause a civil war with all the molon labe guys.

The 13th and 19th amendments are relics of the 19th century. Ban nao

Tbh I'm fighting or leaving leaving if the 2nd gets repealed

Should probably move into a prison.

He retired a few years ago. Was on the court for decades though. The point is, how many current judges hold the same opinions? How can anyone trust the supreme court whose job it is to uphold the law and rights of the nation and people when they hold opinions that would destroy those rights? Stevens wants to repeal the 2nd amendment and he voted AGAINST an individual right to keep and bear arms, how likely is it that the 3 justices who concurred also believe the same? They're fucking traitors.

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>establishing more comprehensive background checks on all purchasers of firearms
More comprehensive than what? I see shit like this all the time, but nobody ever explains what's wrong with the current set of rules and what this non-specific tweak to the rules that they're proposing would do differently.


This nigger should hang

I can't wait to mow Jews down in their homes and synagogues. OMG please start it already! Bahahahahajahjahasnajaa

A piece of shit thinks the bill of rights is a matter of popular opinion.

Fundamental rights are not a matter for a mob to decide. Or pieces of shit

No one cares what a retired judge has to say.
He's likely to feeble now to make meaningful decisions.

>repeal the second
You’re welcome to try.

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We should repeal his life.

They just made it a felony to own a bump stock which is a piece of plastic. They can easily make it a felony to own semi-auto's. When the next liberal gets elected president a very large ban will be implemented

If you try it, millions upon millions will die.

>More comprehensive than what?
things like distrusting the government will be redefined by the kike academics into paranoid mental illness which will make you unfit to buy guns

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Awesome. Murdering someone is also a felony, so if they're gonna charge you, why not make it count?

They want us to revolt. They need us to revolt. They are trying to force us to revolt. Be patient.

We will revolt and the entire system will be shut down.

>What is an 18th century dictionary?

>TFW no civics class.
This should be taught in civics class at every grade.

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“Former” soon-to-be worm food justice. Suck a cock OP

>“I would not look to the U.S. Constitution, if I were drafting a Constitution in the year 2012. I might look at the Constitution of South Africa,” says Ginsburg, whom President Clinton nominated to the court in 1993. “That was a deliberate attempt to have a fundamental instrument of government that embraced basic human rights, had an independent judiciary. … It really is, I think, a great piece of work that was done. Much more recent than the U.S. Constitution.”

Attached: ruth-bader-ginsburg-9312041-1-402.jpg (300x300, 12K)

>They want us to revolt. They need us to revolt.
No they dont
They know they would lose
This is why they need to disarm the population


Ginsburg will be the first up the flagpole

Please God do it already, ban guns like you banned booze. Bring back the roaring twenties, I was born ready to gun-run.


It does matter because several of his colleagues are still on the court.

The NRA fucked gun owners hard in the ass. By assenting to the idea that bump stocks could or should be banned, they acknowledged the idea that some rate of fire was too high for citizens to possess. They allowed liberals to leapfrog their own plans, as the left had been hoping to attack 30 round magazines first then move towards semi-auto firearms and rates of fire. The NRA has given the left their greatest weapon in the idea that citizens can't own devices with "high rates of fire", and over time the left will work to reduce an "acceptable rate of fire" to a bolt action or single action revolver.

People who understand the issue do NOT want the right to revolt. The left smells blood in the water because the institutions who were supposed to be protecting the 2nd amendment have capitulated.

I love how neo-constitutional scholars laud the South African constitution that they are just about the amend with their permanent black supermajority to genocide the whites.

It's almost like they want the same thing to happen here

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What institutions have given up?

Someone should take his guns and armed guards first.


A fucking leaf gets it.

'Well Regulated' does not infringe because, 'Well Regulated' is the normal uniform arms and equipment.
'Well Regulated' is not controlled by a centralized government, it is the Militia that makes the standard. Militia are free people that buy and keep their own arms.

>How does one achieve this standard(of the predatory clause)?

The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed(operative cluase).

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Not sure if gook or melbournite




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'Well Regulated' does not infringe because, 'Well Regulated' is the normal uniform arms and equipment.
'Well Regulated' is not controlled by a centralized government, it is the Militia that makes the standard. Militia are free people that buy and keep their own arms.

>How does one achieve this standard(of the prefatory clause)?

The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed(operative cluase)

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O shit

Ty quads

This woman is anti american

Make it happen boys


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I think the left should repeal the 2nd amendment.

Think about it.

Once they pass a law repealing the 2nd. It will wake the sleeping giant and a mass slaughter of SJW's will occur.

It will be a purge of every transgender, non-binary, communist, marxist, and even maybe the bronies.

The streets will fill with blood...

I would even take out the mudslimes in dearborn as well.



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Fucking retard, horsefuckers are some of the most pro-individual, pro-2nd amendment people out there.

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Shes unfit. It was always apparent. This coup has gone one long enough.

>Good governance never depends upon laws, but upon the personal qualities of those who govern. The machinery of government is always subordinate to the will of those who administer that machinery. The most important element of government, therefore, is the method of choosing leaders.

The era of the supremes must end. They are unfit rulers. Power must be congress to whom the people entrusted it.


Glow in the dark shill.

The NRA and the republican party. There's been a push to allow the ATF to "declare" bump stocks illegal, the NRA has only recently begun pushing back against this after agreeing to it in the first place.


but you're a horsefucker! gimme your gunz...

said the faggot

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Digits decide it


>Glow in the dark shill.

Never Fear... I assure you.. My firefarms are halal u bong

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This. /mlpol/ was a thing when Sup Forums and /mlp/ met. Surprisingly they got along.

>2nd amendment repeal

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I thought that was Sam Adams. Never mind
>“If you love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms [Triggered]. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”

This makes me so fucking hard seeing these geriatric invalid cryptokikes like Stevens blowing their cover of "common sense regulations". Honestly he couldn't have said it any clearer. This is great optics. Good way to piss of the niggers too, with how many of them are chimping out over politicians bending over for these elite whites and kikes but ignoring their cries for gibs at Ferguson. It's very rare for a retired SC justice to come out of hiding like this.

>If you want to pass gun control, pass a constitutional amendment.
This is what I've been saying to gun grabbers for years.

There's nothing unusual about what the judge is saying.


Here's a good redpill for the shitlib retards. You're never going to take them or you would have already. Quit whining about it. You're welcome to try, it will be bloody, and there aren't enough coproaches or combat trained troops in the entire country. 100 million gun owners, faggots. Even if only 1% stood up, that's 1 million freedom fighters. Go ahead and strike it from that old parchment. It won't remove the right, and it will IFF you right off the bat.


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Look up what Benjamin Franklin said about preferring safety over liberty

JPS, who never missed a penumbral "right" he didn't like, now wants to repeal a specifically enumerated right he doesn't like.

Liberalism in a nutshell. Rights are what we like now, and get fucked if you don't agree.

I love it, though. Tacit admission from that old windbag it's a political issue, not a legal one. Bring on an attempt to repeal it...lulz.

>Gets invaded by china

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Retarded ass abo phaggot chink gook

Maybe it's because hating the world and wanting to burn kikes and punish stupid liberals is in no way contradictory to liking cute cartoon horses who live in a peaceful ethnostate.

Jesus people, it's not that hard to imagine.

Ben look like CWC there

Gun ownership in the West is completely fucked.

Once guns are gone in the USA, Europe will soon follow.

are you telling me a couple of faggots in black mantles can CHANGE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION behind closed doors?
Simply ebin

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This can't be serious...
You faggot piece of shit...

Guns used 2.5 million times a year in self-defense. Law-abiding citizens use guns to defend themselves against criminals as many as 2.5 million times every year -- or about 6,850 times a day. This means that each year, firearms are used more than 80 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than to take lives.
Of the 2.5 million times citizens use their guns to defend themselves every year, the overwhelming majority merely brandish their gun or fire a warning shot to scare off their attackers. Less than 8% of the time, a citizen will kill or wound his/her attacker.
As many as 200,000 women use a gun every year to defend themselves against sexual abuse.

And so on...

Get your one life saved and shove it up.

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Stevens can't, but (((the others))) can reinterpret it to their liking. The good thing is that it works both ways, and if the kikes take it too far, they will see an unconstitutional backlash that repeals their right to breathe American air.

I'm ready for you glow in the dark niggers.

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What is the argument for banning firearms ? To prevent mass shootings ?

>paul stevens
Too bad, sounds like the scythe man will get him first.

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Is this bitch a jew? I'm start to believe the memes are true.

The stated argument.
The actual goal is preventing the plebs from rising up against their enslavement ideas.

There isn't one, tell them that and they start flinging their shit at you.

Meanwhile there are countless arguments of why it's a bad idea.

>Says the disarmed desert limey.

>>Concern that a national standing army might pose a threat to the security of the separate states led to the adoption of that amendment
>>Today that concern is a relic of the 18th century.
>muh NRA must be stopped!
Fuck off nobody gives a shit about the fucking NRA, if you don't like them end outsider funding for political nominees. OH WAIT that's how these fucks get the results they want so that will never happen!

Exactly, they win either way. I'm willing to own an illegal firearm than give it to them.

"The (((young people))) are upset and we need to respect (((their))) wishes"

>They did amend
>they are genociding whites

Leaf gets it, once the government no longer fears the people the government will do whatever the fuck it wants.
If there was even an attempt to repeal the 2nd amendment there would be a civil war. 10's of millions would die, the US would have an insurgency like no other on the earth. Half the military would defect overnight and blood would pour on the streets of washington.

You would have hundreds of thousands of men and women who see themselves as the next revolutionaries for a new america. It would be very bloody, violent and bad.

From my cold dead hands

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