Trump Gun Control

How did "can't stump the trump" turn into the "banning of the bump"?

Daily reminder that Obama didn't pass a single piece of gun control legislation during his entire 8-year reign. In fact, he only ever signed laws expanding the rights of gun owners.

How do we begin to rationalize this?

Attached: DZAGr1iVQAAuOIm.jpg large.jpg (1184x630, 107K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Illegal machine guns

Trump is currently passing gun control legislation in order to "own the libs" who could never accomplish such a ban.

Is this what it's all come down to?

Attached: own the libs.jpg (585x360, 55K)

>bump stocks
>a buttstock with a spring

Fuck thats some high tier weapon of mass destruction!

Bump stocks are a meme. Banning them does nothing to hinder freedom and it makes the left feel like they have gained a victory. I don’t know anyone who is serious about personal defense who thinks that bump stocks are good for anything other than wasting a shit ton of ammo for the lulz.

you can just 3d print one, it's now just far more illagal than it was...

since before 3d printing them was also illegal and you had to pay a panjeet 10 dollars to make one in india with a mold injection and ship it over here, adding to our growing national trade deficit

next time some comp nigger uses one to shoot up a party it'll be the huge ebin le griminals don't follow gun lawbs moment XDDDD

The principle you fucking faggot.
Stop giving up ground. This is why we ALWAYS LOSE RIGHTS AND NEVER REGAIN THEM.

Attached: 1519008625723.jpg (750x3200, 744K)

Attached: 1521299534085.png (1280x792, 70K)

There is no way to prevent a semiauto from firing at a rate comparable with a full auto if the shooter is skilled or determined. Bump stocks were the "inch" but what will be the "mile"?

Attached: 1521777457159m.jpg (1024x774, 78K)

You rationalize it with cognitive dissonance.

Ok you alt right fuckers turn in your rubber bands.

this fucker again, I swear you're a fed you appear in every thread

Before bump stocks existed I didn't care about bump stocks.
During the bump stock's existence I didn't care about bump stocks
After bump stocks are banned I will not care about bump stocks.
Barrel rises during auto fire. Useless for personal defense.

All guns you faggot

Good, he'll be one of the first ones killed when the war for freedom breaks out.

>Obama didn't pass a single piece of gun control legislation during his entire 8-year reign
He literally tried to get Vets gun rights removed using NICS. You are a disinfo faggot shill. It was one of Trump's first EO to reverse.


Attached: court-upholds-ban-on-gun-sales-to-cannabis-card-holders-1.jpg (1400x600, 53K)

thats how you know they are shills
they didnt say SHIT when rubber bands were banned

>Sup Forums is defending gun control

it is 3d chess my fellow magapedes amirite xDDDD

I've got a warehouse full of them willing to sell.

>Pol is one person
Trump can go fuck Stormy Daniels again for all I care.
What I have to myself to protect myself is absolute and isn't going away.

Civil war is right around the corner, I can't fucking wait to mow down Jews in the streets.

>Daily reminder that Obama didn't pass a single piece of gun control legislation during his entire 8-year reign.
lol no he just issues a litany of EOs.

Anything else you want to lie about?

Obama did stockpile ammo that we the people can confiscate and use during our uprising. Thanks Obama

Is he gonna ban shoestrings too?

The second amendment is not about personal self defense

I plan to mail the ATF a homemade bump stock once a month so they know I'm still making them.

fake and gay but idiot pol tards won't even check his twitter

Hello ATF, how's your morning so far?

Basically it can be summed up like this: IF the ban on full-auto is legal and justified, then devices that enable full-auto are a violation of the spirit of the law if not the precise wording.

The ATF is full of retards who allow semantics to override common sense. Bumpstocks enable full-auto, but they technically only do so by working the semi-auto mechanism very quickly.

Fuck the ATF fuck all the deep state niggers. I'm ready for war.

This accomplished nothing, a 2x4 with three nails unattached to the weapon is a bump stock

Whoa whoa, don't forget your dowel rod buddy.