>high verbal iq
>refuses to spit in a cup
>speaking to fbi
While it's forgiveable to have been tricked by him in the past, in the future it's important to ignore him. Infact, believe the opposite of everything he says.
Daily reminder that (((Cantwell))) is a fed
Other urls found in this thread:
Daily reminder you are leaf
>high verbal iq
Anglin tell us about your black boyfriend in highschool
>writes online pro-White propaganda
>must have been jilted by blacks
You cantwell psychophants are using shitlib memes. SAD!
What about that ladyboy Andrew, how tight was she?
Not sure how this relates to Anglin. He's not all that smart, but he does great work for us, and gets paid too little.
The issue at hand is that Chris is,a t best, not good for our movement.
so what's he going to do for the feds? Informing on you how? Do you and your daily stormerfags plan some terrorist shit or something? Are you into illegal shit or what?
the only thing could be that the feds tell him when to explode, but Cantwell has no real followers after his retarded vice news implosion.
So please enlighten me what the feds 5D chess plan is here.
I don't know what movement you're talking about and I'm not in it, but this cantwell has an outrageous and insane performance when he goes on mic. He's like super over the top opie and anthony and has no regard for his own well being, it is legitimately hard to not listen.
So You don't take issue with an alleged leader of the altright fucking an Asian trap in the ass?
No wonder your meme movement is falling apart.
anglin did a morning stormer podcast with cantwell but he and the DS crowd seems to have broken contact with him for no reason.
Really makes you wonder huh? My views are further to the right than most of these 16 year larpers and I don't have a damn thing to hide. Anglin is a pedo though, so I understand him being frightened
>if you don't refute unfounded accusations, then the accusations are founded
I can't tell if troll or just a t_d pleb
>He's like super over the top opie and anthony and has no regard for his own well being
Which is concerning that he won't listen to us.
>it is legitimately hard to not listen.
It's doing nothing for you, desu Desu.
I need a quick rundown. What happen, why is there suddenly shilling against him? I thought he was ourguy.
>Cantwell, needing to go back to work, is 'working with the fbi'
>alt-righters eat it up, shun actual alt-right persons (TRS, Daily Stormer)
It's really this simple.
Is there and evidence to support the claim that he is working with the FBI or is this an assumption because he does not disclose the type of work he is doing?
Okay I found his statement
>I won't believe he's working for FBI until it's 100% proven
This is what's wrong with lolbertarians. They won't act on sub-100% certainty.
Enjoy looking like an idiot when alt-right figureheads have trolled "really smart Sup Forumss," and the world realizes you're autistic and dumb.
Don't forget Richard Spencer is CIA.
Oh I am so sorry Mr leaf that I am not going on a witch hunt before I have collected information. Stupid rumors that were made up by whomever can set off some trouble that can quickly discredit your favorite figurehead.
When I made that comment I knew nothing about the situation except some accusations. Now that I've read his statement the situation is different.
>Agreed, shoudl have abandoned Cantwell a week ago.
You'll learn, grass hopper.
Reminder that Anglin works with Anti-White Ricky Vaughn
But he did a 23 and me. His logic for cooperation are solid. I mean whatever I'm still going to listen and donate. I pull my money if he advocates for violence in a credible manner. He's the only ecleb I've and will give money to as he's still entertaining. Your a little late on this drama and in the wrong place. Go to gab if you want to capitalize on the d&c game. 1589!
>go to gab to divide and conquer
I'm looking to UNITE.
>Cantwell did a 23&me
>no proof
Guess the 'i don't lie' cantwell worked on you. SAD!
It's funny as this backfiring on these faggots. Making awd tier photos with American flags instead while their "leaders" are in foreign countries allegedly. Don't get me wrong I'm not an enemy of the stormer or trs, but they are making a mountain out of a molehill. Every bit of agressive shilling shows that they deep down know they are wrong. I mean when I'm right and people don't listen I take step back and later claim the I told you so. I think they may be worried about Chris getting info they don't want out.
Look I have nothing to prove you it's obvious you don't like him anyway. Like I said most of Sup Forums already hates him you are better off on Twitter or gab. I'll follow Chris to jail cell or grave. I can't say the same about anglin or enoch.
>Look I have nothing to prove you it's obvious you don't like him anyway
The opposite. I'm done 'false flagging' for the night, so I'll come out to ask: what is up with this board? Why don't people support the most honest guy (Chris)?
I don't think Enoch is the brains behind this, I think he's just going along with the flow to avoid intra-trs drama. The main culprits are Sven, Vaughn, Weev, and Anglin
>I don't think Enoch is the brains behind this
Thing is, and I've stated this on gab,...first Enoch gets tricked by Jew wife, now by Jew-acting cohosts....the guy is too agreeable or something.
And this "the more people the better" is what ruined lolbertarianism.
Chris is good because he's exceptionally ruthless in his application of ideas. Most importantly, he explains how it's irrational to sacrifice oneself when defgending oneself would have collateral damage- which is mostly what lolbertarians get wrong. (Libertarianism is what Chris still explains. It's just not the feel-good type preached by cucks).
Astroturfing from the mudblood Sup Forumsocks. It's plan as day to see from all the baysed Blackman ecelebs and their Jewish handlers. Chris has been one of the most open arms "alt-right" personalities up until recently as there has been some subversive shit going on. This whole pick a side bullshit is extremely constructed. Like I said I'm going to give Chris shekels and not actively shill against the stormer or trs and accept the outcome. You're here saying your a uniting force yet are driving a wedge on the wrong platform T.B.H.F.
Tricked? People make a journey into this. You don't wake at 13 and become whatever label you want to put on it. Thank for outing yourself though.
>you're dividing, not uniting
I was larping, for info and for fun.
>pick a side is constructed
I'm not sure it's constructed...not sure who would benefit... Weev also was skeptical of Parrot talking to law enforcement.
Thing is, I agree with Chris that the best way to 'win' is to co-opt the government. Not sure what AA/TDS 's plans are.
>one step at a time
Yeah, same directions to get to the gallows.
Agreed, but the whole thing is being blown out of proportion. I don't want to amplify rumors, bit cantwell hit the nail on the head with
>A certain amount of anti-Semitism is beneficial for the jews......
Kinda puts things into perspective. I don't understand the whole pick a side bullshit they're trying to force on the audience. Anyway it's probably best to bounce out this thread before it picks up anymore steam. Quit doing the work for the Jew and such.
Rv isn't anti white you unbelievable sub 80 goon
sounds like the larping nazi's are mad that Cantwell is out "Hitler'n" them......
MFW an An-Cap out Nazis the Nazis
Have you checked out his latest podcast where he dissects and tries to destroy white identity and white nationalism?
>cantwell is out nazi'ing them
>but gets tricked by a larper saying he's siege author
I don't trust this guy.
What? Was that not James Mason? Or did James Mason not author Siege?
>Was that not James Mason?
I hear he deleted that episode, and said he was tricked in most recent episode. Sad that Chris got tricked by a larper larping as a meth addict.
Cantwell has dirt on antifa, and hes going to fill the feds in about it, and its proboly going to help his legal troubles.
Hes not snitching on the alt right, even if he wanted to, there's nothing to fucking snitch, the altright isn't a criminal conspiracy like all of it's opponents.
weev, anglin, and by association proboly TRS all turning on him for this makes them look like criminals with something to hide, thats the only troubling thing about all of this.
>only criminals want privacy
>so just let us look
Hello FBI.
Lol I still have it downloaded. I have only listened to about 10 minutes. Thanks for not letting me listen to the whole thing.
>Thanks for not letting me listen to the whole thing.
I'm not sure the info is false, but np.
Antifa members are all he's talking about. He has a big mouth, but even he isn't going to bring up anything about other altright dudes. He would have gone dark until his trial was over if he was willing to sell out to save his own ass.
In the last half hour or so of the monday show, he has a long talk about it with that 'southern dingo' guy thats got a trs podcast.