Say something nice about the country above

Best thread on Sup Forums

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Gun laws

I used to work with a couple of Bosnians. Some of the friendliest, funniest people I have ever met. You guys are great.

Best banter on Sup Forums

Best American friends

Australians are fun people

Edin Dzeko

hot women

Even tho i dont agree with everything their president does, i admire their country for managing to get the madman into office.

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a lot of Serbs in your country

your not as bad a sweden yet!

I wish nipmoot would get rid of flags. Who gives a fuck what stupid country you're from if it's not USA.

POLSKA! you guys are just great fuck the russians

Still can be rescued from becoming socialist

You are nearly as good as us

i admire your rebellious history and how you fucked those posh brits up with a rag tag militia, all because they thought they could tax you

Russians are great guys

Men who are not bitches.
Women who are great.

no meme flags here

Here's muh flag

I wish it would work but it won't.

super rare

You all skipped the UK, ungrateful swine we conquered all of you

greatest food

Fucking up the Serbs

sirov burek

Where are you from lad? How can I know?
Scottland Wales or England

you didn't conquer muh lands, also Liverpool FC

I'm a burger and I defy your statement readcoat loyalist scum.

Valid point.

Having Melania Trump born


Rouqe Santa Cruz awsome Striker .
Also i like your Flag

So going through Jr. High in the late 90's/early 00's we had a shit ton of "refugees" from the Balkans. They all called themselves "Croatian" even though the difference was obvious since Croatians are white as snow and the Bosnians were dark brown. What's with that?

The cars you make


Not that surprised a shitty drink brand is the best thing a person can say about my country

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you lads stood firm in face of overwhelming adversity (jews), I know that one day you shall do so again

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I mean the band m8

This was pretty cool to watch

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day of the rake

Hockey eh

you are really far away from us

Our anthems mention each other we cool

I was very impressed with how your country treated this hero.

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driving on nice motorways through rolling hills until you get to the next little town with it's cobblestone roads makes me feel comfy

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The nature

Last country to give up gunz


putin is based

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Jess Southern

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Wonderful and well preserved cultural heritage

Christian Eriksen


Oswald Mosley

I like your rape gangs

>Christian Eriksen
Had no idea who he was until now.



>Absolute bantrist.

good, kind people

Unironically one of the most beautiful countries I ever saw.

Janusz Korwin-Mikke is fucking based

not all of you are black

Boers and having nukes

Unapologetic racism.

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your white compatriots made a literal hellhole a nice place to live

Apartheid was great.

I like how proud you all are of your culture and heritage.

hanging niggers

I recently tried black current tea from Poland. It's very good.

GL standing up to EU

Has some white people


White Englishmen make good drinking mates.


invented spurdo

Golden Dawn

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I fucking love country music, and the southern accent on chicks for some reason.


nice islands

good skiers

Super hot women. wtf.

meme flags not allowed

You are proud of your great history

Just being based as fuck

Your women are beautiful and i fucking love authentic polish kielbasa

At least its still alive

I wish I could say something nice

You did good job with Indians

good looking women

Great comedians and fun to drink with. Also colonialism had its positives.

>The aqueduct?


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The comedians are good until they talk about present day politics

Sergio Aguero

8th July

good women but my ex polish gf was a whore

Messi, hosting the Nazis