hypersexualized society could be a good thing
women will no longer have power over men via their vagina and men could finally focus on studying when their biological needs are satisfied
hypersexualized society could be a good thing
women will no longer have power over men via their vagina and men could finally focus on studying when their biological needs are satisfied
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Also, niggers
No. A moderate society where men aren't man-children and women aren't sluts is the best outcome.
So that means men can have a goal to put all their energy into, and women can enjoy the benefits of being respected and protected in a patriarchal setting.
That's the only way it works. Feminists shame young men because we are unmotivated to work in any other system, but biology doesn't care.
Thought this was politically 'incorrect'
Why you making sense here desu?
Niggers will eventually succumb to the same degeneracy we have, they will become flabby losers. The downside to a flourishing society.
Is that why you have a female president
At least our PM is a lesbian orc
>implying niggers aren't already degenerate
But that's the thing with these social justice warrior types, you know? I actually have an entire chapter dedicated to that in my book 12 Rules for Life.
>proceeds to shill book
And we actually talk about this in our self authoring program.
>proceeds to shill his super expensive online (((program)))
That's that, eh? It's wrong! It's just wrong for people to disregard malevolence like it's nothing. Well, it's definitely not nothing. Think again, sunshine!
just legalize prostitution
Different types.
what are condoms
change the view that women are "sluts" if they give out their body to lots of men
stop being jealous, sex is for pleasure
Except hypersexuality doesn't mean EVERYONE gets laid, it'll mean a select few do while others get nothing. The Chads will be fuckin' left and right while the rest, those who you want to study, won't, defeating your entire idea.
most of his work is on youtube for free
Sex is for procreation, pleasure's just a byproduct of the process in order to ENSURE that dumbass cavemen us thought "mm, dis gud, me do again".
Now, there's nothing WRONG with engaging in sex just for pleasure, but children need to be raised in a proper family, and if your parents are off fucking left and right everyone that's NOT going to be healthy for them.
thats is what we have now
women should still be picky about their future husbands for good genes passage but in hypersexualized society everyone would get sex, not just chads
Why is this shit still illegal?
>thats not going to be healthy for them
uhm thats just your opinion, no evidence whatsoever
feminists and muh vagina
if prostitution gets legal, women lose their power
I'm not changing my view or anybody else's on that matter and it's not jealousy. A woman being promiscuous is a slut, that's by definition.
Jordan Peterson would not agree with you, either, since you used his pic.
This would be a real easy fix. SJW's are all about protecting sex workers etc. It wouldn't be that hard to switch up the legal status of it in my opinion.
Legal prostitution would get rid of the whole notion of "putting pussy on a pedestal". It would be readily available for anyone basically.
I think porn should be outlawed and prostitution should be legalized. The stigma should still stick around, but I think it would solve a lot of problems.
>hypersexualized society
You are assuming everyone will have equal access to sex which is demonstrably false.
When women choose, harems form every time.
Why would a woman fuck the nerd when she can just fuck the chad constantly? I think it's been demonstrated PRETTY constantly women don't give a fuck about good genes, they just want to be fucked by hot meat. So they'll go for low-IQ "he got the dick though, girl" dude A, and not even bother to settle down with high-IQ "he will be able to support a family" dude B.
Hypersexuality destroys civilizations.
There's plenty of evidence to show that two-parent households that are functionally monogamous produce more well-adjusted adults, whereas single parents or "constant remarriage" parents don't, and what is your "hey everyone! let's just pile up and fuck!" idea other than just that very "remarriage" path without the paperwork?
Your idea is bad and you should feel bad.
Male sexuality has to be restricted too btw.
Agreed. A man should be loyal to his ONE woman, just as she should be loyal to her ONE man, and both loyal to their family.
i agree, porn is bad and sex is good and healthy
but women should not be seen as sluts then
they wont get to choose... money will talk
>hypersexualized society
>they just want to be fucked by hot meat
that "hot meat" or "chad" has good genes
inteligence is just a tool that gets you status, and girls like status
>stop being jealous, sex is for pleasure
Sex for procreation you libertine shit
"In woman's love there is injustice and blindness to all she doth not love. And even in woman's conscious love, there is still always surprise and lightning and night, along with the light.
As yet woman is not capable of friendship: women are still cats, and birds. Or at the best, cows."
Freddy N was the original thot patrol
only a problem in countries with lots of brown people/asians
the supply of pussy will never exceed demand, fuck off
>loyalty is jewish invention
basically, old humans were farmers and they had to live with one mate their whole lives
humans however are not monogamous by nature, it is not natural, thats why there is so many breakups and affairs
What part of "hot bod, low IQ" aren't you picking up on here? Do you WANT humanity to regress back to a more primitive status? Physically superior but mentally dumb?
promiscuity should still bare a social stigma.
prostitution would be across the board: both male and female.
Healthy monogamous relationships should be encouraged, but the access to sex should be available as to avoid greater social and civic evils of which porn is one.
Access to sex, although stigmatized, would eliminate much of the brutality between people in my opinion.
prostitution legal, everyone gets sex, not just chads, women can still pick their husbands, slut shaming is non existant, harems are forbidden, i dare to say that children could be sexualized too but thats whole another topic
read my previous posts
No, the breakups and affairs are due to moral decline. That's why they're now getting common, whereas back in the The Greatest Generation they were rare - happened, sure, but were rare. And trying to push this "EVERYONE! FUCKPILE!" mentality is only going to PUSH that degeneracy further as more and more people no longer turn to long-term marital and family relationships to fulfill that need and instead just go to fuck the next person - ASSUMING they wouldn't just form harems as aptly points out.
Golly, this is all so tru-
>I think porn should be outlawed
literally opposite, men will be able to focus on more important stuff and not by chasing women who care only for chads
no more female power, no more feminism, more more men feeling of inadequacy and feeling of inferiority, no more depression
lots of other animals mate for life. What leads you to believe that humans are not one of such animals?
what even is moral?
why do you have to be moral?
that is wrong and gives you pain, just have fun and focus on important thing, religion is "moral" and there have been nothing but wars because of
Why fap to a bunch of jews exploiting young people when you could have state sanctioned prostitution.
The negative effects of porn on the human psyche are well documented. It gives unrealistic expectations about sex in real life and fucks with your dopamine.
Porn unironically prevents sexual crime
I think prostitution would do a better job of that and have more net positive effects on society.
feelings of inadequacy fucks up your serotonine levels, low serotonin = depression
and it is all women and feminism fault
or well (((someone)))'s other
makes me think of this
I think that in psychiatry they are seriously reconsidering the Serotonin model of depression.
SSRI's only work on a subset of people and I'm skeptical about efficacy in general.
That's masturbation. You're basically telling people to stop masturbating. As well as telling them what they can and can't draw, as well as telling them they could use their body for money but cannot record themselves in the act? It'd be impossible to make porn illegal if you legalized prostitution, the two go hand in hand.
ne seri
>ne seri
>flag of cuckoldry
just off yourself
It's called prostitution, and it's fucking great.
If I just want to angrily fuck a bitch and not have to worry about about her getting mad at me for weeks, I bang a prostitute. The fact that so many are against this concept is proof that the majority of the fags on here are too fucking autistic to compromise.
Plus it gives you some decent experience and some practice which is pretty important as women can tell if you fuck like a teenager.
i stopped playing Video games 6 months ago. it literally sucks your libido. That same energy could go to sex, work and/or study. Sexual energy is like money if you dont invest it properly you will not get profit.
>The fact that so many are against this concept is proof that the majority of the fags on here are too fucking autistic to compromise.
women know that if you legalize prostitution they lose their power over men
Exactly, I've been in relationships and ended up blowing more money on the stupid bitches who'll just end up leaving you over stupid shit.
Prostitutes don't care if you've sold you car and bought a Ford Transit for a mobile PA at beach parties, prostitutes don't care if you want to pour wax onto their ass cheeks while you pound them, prostitutes don't care if you're cracking jokes during sex, prostitutes don't care if you're banging another prostitute in the back of your Van.