What can be done to stop the rampant radicalization of depressed young white men from far right propaganda?
What can be done to stop the rampant radicalization of depressed young white men from far right propaganda?
Nothing, schlomo. We chose this.
Delete /r9k/
Scream at them more.
Call them racist
Show them a better way, far away from dead-end leftism and phony traditionalism.
Give them outlets to put their energy into, and some sort of promise for the future.
Desu senpai
They could have squeezed gently, and milked society forever. Excessive greed has pushed people beyond the tipping point. Nothing can stop what is coming.
You are evil, nothing can be done to stop people from eventually noticing.
It's much too late this should have been nipped in the bud in the 60's
Tell them how racist and privileged they are and how they should give up even more space to women and people of color.
It's inherent to the current culture of critique, idolization of the transgressive, and the inconsistencies of modern liberalism. It's a postmodern right to a postmodern left.
Not doing everything in your power to radicalize them, perhaps. But that's not part of the agenda, is it.
Ha good one! LOL!
Stop using ISIS tactics, you neocon faggot
If you're white, join us, if you're not, kill yourself.
to prevent this you must gas the kikes
Round up and deport all liberals and communist... ship them to wherever they want to go.
Also this. /r9k/ need the to swallow the Sup Forums redpill along with the /fit/pill
Canadian shitposters BEGONE
Why do you think we're depressed in the first place? Niggers, fags, and leftists are ruining our countries.
NUKE RUSSIA “With features like account anonymity, unlimited audience access, low cost technology tools, plausible deniability – social media provides Russia an unprecedented opportunity to execute their dark arts of manipulation and subversion…Today, anonymous sites rife with conspiracy theories, such as Sup Forums and Reddit, offer unlimited options for placement of digital forgeries that drive Kremlin narratives. Graphics, memes & documents litter these discussion boards providing ammunition for Kremlin narratives and kompromat. Anonymous posts of the Kremlin’s design or those generated by the target audiences power smear campaigns and falsehoods that tarnish confidence in America and trust in democratic institutions.”
get them all laid on the reg
Frog knows what's up
It’s funny because this would probably be cheaper than welfare for single moms but society would actually benefit
Tg célestin
Get them decent, well paying jobs.
Even some unemployment is better than none.
Sup Forums is almost exclusively filled with bored neets, a lot of them without significant relationships to other people and the opposite sex.
>getting laid encourages left leaning thoughts
Dear lord, does that means cuckolds are in fact right wing intellectuals who have moved beyond sex? Find the nearest cuck are question him about the Jews, I'm sure he could even make Hitler blush.
How are they gonna compete against BBC, CBC, RT and other propagandists? Let me guess, it's not propaganda if it's left wing.
stop blaming them for everything?
This is the future you chose nothing can stop this from happening.
Who cares? These effeminate trumpcucks will never reproduce because they are more interested in worshiping at the feet of OTHER MEN than they are in women, which means they will simply die out eventually. Good riddance.
If I had a wish for humanity it would be that people get jobs they enjoy, pay well sort of distorts it because it allows people to rank job importance by pay, but if they are happy I think they tend to overlook that
Lol. Me and my wife just pushed further to the right after college and my business started earning us ~$300k per year. She's an Asian migrant and was a non-political centrist. A buddy we rented a place with got a Mexican GF who's entire family was on welfare and weighed 400lbs. Then, we paid like $100,000 in taxes the next year, and she turned into "WTF, gas the welfare recipients, gas the kikes who funnel our money to them, and gas everyone who wants to take our guns and raise taxes."
But she's from a Communist country where Hitler is looked at as just the losing leader in WWII, and her friends back home unironically post Hitler quotes all the time.
And they all jack off to cartoons anyway
Conservative whites have the highest fertility rate in the us faggot guess again.
>and I LARP on imageboards
lol fag
Look at all that shitpost I won't be reading
Imagine that. Probably a good thing though, they're going to push all white men to the extreme right, then maybe we can take back our country.
>What can be done to stop the rampant radicalization of depressed young white men
Give them a homogeneous society/white homeland.
you kids aren't that demographic. in either case, rural red states have the highest rates of infanty mortality, poverty, HIV, etc, so not sure exactly what youd be bragging about even you hypothetically fell into that category, kek
>assuming whites have an intrinsic conncection to each other
Dude I would stab fuck out of you just for not agreeing with me that The Perfect Host is the best movie ever or eating my last avocado, get real
Lol, I own a gun store, I'm 6'4, blue eyed, and have a baby. You can call bull shit all you want, but it's true.
you didn't reply to any post, so I'm assuming whatever you look like your a dumb cunt
Did I hurted your feelings mohamed ?
A Mutt baby?
Yes, she's pretty white though. Still has blue eyes, although they'll turn brown in a couple of years. It's cool, my family has real strong jaws, big chins, and big noses. The women all look like giant, 6' 250lb strong men. My baby has softer features, she's perfect.
I think nothing can be done. The stupider/extreme elements of the far right will prey on them.
But people are going to become racially/ethnically conscious in the future anyway. It's just inevitable. We are not moving into a post-racial society.
Mandatory diversity training and a full repeal of the second amendment
So a mutt?
See that "yes", in the response?
Liberal whites are going extinct while conservative whites are increasing their numbers. Enjoy your trannies and faggots cuck.
Cool, hope your grandkids are browner
Fuck off yid, I want this.
Red states have the highest rates of infant mortality, poverty, HIV, etc because they have the highest rates of black people. Like Georgia has more black people than California, even though California has like 5 times the population. Don't recall the exact numbers, but it's something like that.
get rid of femanism
Maybe we should keep telling them they're fascists?
Stop the collective punishment of straight white men. Stop the erasing of their history and theft of their culture. Stop emasculating them.
Since none of the above will stop anytime soon, just sit back and enjoy the ride!
Gib slightly autist gfs or perish.
Or this
It doesn't want you, mutt
Leave them alone, start focusing on self improvement among non-whites instead of telling the whites that they are evil.
>right wing intellectuals who have moved beyond sex?
i haven't. but then again i'm just a step above a 'mexican intellectual'
Tell them electricians, plumbers, construction workers, engineers, mechanics and cops are all retarded uneducated pieces of shit.
To be honest no one tell whites that they are bad ( at least not how I would like), this it's 95% self hate.
kys kys kys kys
fucking social faggotengineer
White liberals and their minority pets do it all the time.
Yeah wypipo, why do you blame anything but, white identity?
>1. Stop peddling identity politics
Identity politics are the natural result of a multiethnic society. See Irish/Italians/etc.
What he fails to recognize is that the left isn't particularly concerned with class since, the petit bourgeois professional managerial class is strongly liberal. Culture war replaces class war because the left-wing petit bourgeois have no intentions of relinquishing their wealth.
>3. Stop speaking about groups
That's not how politics work, that's especially not how politics work in a democratic society. Dumb libertarian.
>5. Even hispanics...
No they aren't. This never shows up in opinion polls from respected polling organizations.
>6. Cultural relativism
It's like this guy doesn't get the politics is competition over resource distribution. Of course it lends itself to rules for thee but not for me. Because groups have a will to power.
In conclusion, dumb MAGApede redditor.
Haha, probably not, since she's growing up in the rural Appalachians. I grew up in a nig infested city.
Fellow white people, we all just need to die off.
Happy Passover my brothers and sisters.
I appreciate this image and will integrate this into my paralanguage
Serious answer: Nothing. Outcast young people tend to choose underground or contrarian to the norm ideologies, and right now the far right is the one. Literally the only way to stop it would be to make the right the mainstream norm in politics, so those people would choose left wing politics to be contrarians.
That is just how human works, you can't change that. When I was a kid I defended capitalism only because the books, the teacher, and my friends all defended it at the same time. I didn't even knew what was the definition of each one. I also became a ghotic before being cool, and dropped out when it became cool. I just didn't want to conform to the norm.
At some point is a very good thing, since human nature is bound to make politics rotate from generation to generation.
Civic nationalism mixed with getting us have a fucking moon base and orbital stations to bomb freedom haters with from orbit.
you know you should put more effort into your posts famalam, you might surprise yourself
>interrupting your enemy while he's making a mistake
The absolute state of the centrist mind.
If all of you Kikes kill yourselves right now, we will stop. Promise.
>Nuclear death
>Mass an hero'ing
>Women actually become decent human beings again
So based on those options I'd say it's probably a toss up between nuclear death in WW3 and a slow decline into lonely suicides for us all.
This, but unironically
Only boipussy can save them now.
Why stop them?
we can begin by saging shit threads you spam in their only refuge