If you have a Twitter account, you know what you need to do. Violent leftists who will block roads, scream, spit on you, pound you on the back of your head with a bike lock, set shit on fire, loot, riot, damage property, dox you to try to make you lose your job... all want to take your guns away.
So this is trending
Other urls found in this thread:
Time for another civil war boys
The irony of all of this is I'm certain all leftists who are crying for the Second Amendment to be repealed live in lily-white gated communities... or probably have several unregistered guns stashed away.
I want.
>another civil war
How would that even look like? It's not like there are defined standing armies who would fight each other.
This. Any attempt to organize is immediately infiltrated by the CIA/FBI... unless you're a leftist. Then you are free to incite riots for "muh social justice." The only means of defense against a violent leftist is a firearm - That is why they want to take them away from people.
Repeal gay marriage
more like "it suits our agenda so let's put it on the frontpage and inflate the number underneat (or just remove it altogether if it's too low to fake)
I think we should repeal the 19th at this point.
We should actively promote this on every form of social media
The backlash against the left will be ENORMOUS
Imagine crowds of retards chanting REPEAL THE 2ND on TV constantly
Here's a good redpill for the shitlib retards. You're never going to take them or you would have already. Quit whining about it. You're welcome to try, it will be bloody, and there aren't enough coproaches or combat trained troops in the entire country. 100 million gun owners, faggots. Even if only 1% stood up, that's 1 million freedom fighters. Go ahead and strike it from that old parchment. It won't remove the right, and it will IFF you right off the bat.
Take their First Amendment away too
I would like to think that, but look at the UK. They were forced to give up their guns, and now their most retarded leftists are turning in their KNIVES.
Yeah and now they will come to your house to throw you in jail for making jokes on the internet while they let your little sister get gang raped by Pakistani immigrants
What party do we vote for to make it happen?
>less than 30k tweets
that's a very nice gun, just needs a blast shield in front of it and it's a flintstone tank
Up to almost 50k now. It's trending, retard.
most leftist are pretty pissed about the guy being so open about the end goal, they know the demographics aren't there yet where they can be open about wanting to repeal the second so they coat it in the language of "common sense gun laws"
Could we use the idea of one shot feeding another to counter recoil? Balance the gun in such a way as to have the two recoil balance out mostly so it's easier to keep on target.
Stop stealing my thread REEEE
The cia is trying to create a civil war, so the people's anger is not focused on the pedophile elite and them, but at each other.
It is what they want. And they DON'T want it out in the open. That little leftist cunt with her hipster glasses at the "March for Our Lives" this weekend said that bump stocks were the inch, and that they were "going to take a mile," which was met with roaring applause from the mob. Of course our mainstream media was silent about that little admission.
Posting again for justice:
"First I chose to call 911. I called on the phone while I took out the pistol. But my phone call couldn't get through. So I had to open fire on them while calling 911."
>nothing to see here
>just Smith Mundt in action
We actually have Obama to "thank" for REPEALING the Smith-Mundt Act. This is why our media has become so pants-on-head retarded with their propaganda.
>Something is trending on twatter
Well i guess you have to burn your constitution now.
They've gotten really good at taking out or taking over right wing movements.
It's literally impossible to move in any direction as a right winger.
We need them to get so brazen in their actions that they actually move too fast that it inspires an instant organic uprising that can't be infiltrated in time to stop it.
A full gun ban would do that, but they won't try it, they'll keep picking away until you're effectively a second class citizen if you want to own a firearm.
The only chance we have, is if they actually try to move against us.
good, try with all your might
people should look up the process for amending the constitution
It's really fucking hard
No way they could get the votes
Yep. Full court press by the media in the last five years. Everything makes sense now.
Nobody is coming for my guns because I will shoot them if they do, now stop talking about it.
jack is a pedophile and a scum on earth
im clearly being sarcastic retard
You forget a convention of the states is another method of amendment.
Republicans are pussies though so it won't happen.
its hilarious how you conservashit losers control all 3 branches of government, yet you want to kill people with no power.
your party just buried us all in debt forever.
do you assholes not get it?
Those of us with the knowledge and the means need to swing "left".
We need to be double agents.
they're not prepared to inflict or receive the level of casualties necessary to repeal the second amendment.
Convention of States simply bypasses Congress.
Still need 3/4 ratification.
right. this.
it's black propaganda time
They didn’t consider gun ownership an inalienable right
>not an argument about the Second Amendment
You're retarded, by the way.
>people with no power
Better choice would be to repeal the bans on machine guns and get simpler automatics. (Simple means it breaks down less often.) For a more complex and higher rate of fire, Gatling style guns could be made much more cheaply and would take out many a Basketball American who was trying to take from the white and give to the non white.
Specifically? Government buildings being attacked. It would start at a local level, possibly a population taking arms against a corrupt sheriff or a corrupt congresswoman.. I can think of a specific county with both. Physical ejection of elected officials by civilians... this could possibly lead to an exchange of lead since all these fucks have high paid armed security with them while they preach disarming you
Press coverage would take it from there but "occupancy" is the first step forward.
I have tried this. I found myself surrounded by empty-headed idiots who were only interested in shouting the same thing. There was ZERO discourse. Any attempt at the most subtle "subversion" I guess you could call it was met with shock and contempt.
A grassroots campaign to amend the constitution is *how you want* these people to proceed. Not making laws that do end-runs around the constitution.
They're unlikely to get the required 38 states to sign on to this plan, not when most of the rural states with an actual compelling reason to own a firearm are redstates (I wouldn't live in Alaska or Montana without a gun) and even some blue-leaning states having a considerable rural population.
But hey, if they can convince the people to make a change, good for them. If the people want the guns gone, thats their decision to make.
Is he a Jew? He looks like a Jew.
And now that they are getting more controlled, Acid is in vogue.
I think that's why they shy away from an actual constitutional convention, the numbers of 2A supporters would probably shatter their view of being in the majority. Especially if you have millions of people(on their own volition mind) going to D.C. to protest any change to the 2A.
We are not Brits.
>or probably have several unregistered guns stashed away.
you think the people fiercely advocating gun ban have guns themselves? Nah, guess who they want to do the gun confiscating, I'll give you a clue, it definitely won't be them.
The only chance you have is to give up your comfort for the cold hard reality of battle. (I know that the average Pol reader is going to do nothing even close to giving up comfort to fight war.)
The State Enforcers are brave enough to capture and or murder you for things like resisting racial integration. You are waiting for a special moment that will get the average normal man to justify your revolt.
That is not how a revolt works.
A revolt works when a few brave men learn who the big dogs are that need to be taken out. These men then stir up resentment against these big dogs and at some point things get bloody. Not pretty. Not perfect. Not when everybody is ready.
user and anons. The is no revolution that can afford to wait for the perfect moment to strike. You either take your risk when get the opportunity or you find some way to be comfortable with your loss of rights. The government will have the right to use Planet Killer Nuclear Weapons long after you don't even have the right to own a kitchen knife. They will have the right to murder and lie long after you are not allowed to point out that a corporation is poisoning your water supply. Learn to point out contradictions in government words and actions if you need some way to contribute to revolution that is not physical. For those of you tough enough to be physical, get ready. You are going to need your gun shooting and stealth skills sooner than you think. Some say by 2030.
and that's why a civil war is the worst outcome for the country. The left really does not think another outside of their bubble will happen
>"lol, the government will never go tyrannical"
>"lol, the police will always be there to help you!"
>"lol, there will not be a civil war!!"
>"lol, the government will be on our side and do our bidding in event of a civil war!"
>Obama accrues more national debt than all his predecessors, combined
>losing Hillary campaign bankrupts Democrat party
>slings money at bullshit programs like Headstart which do not work
I wonder when the right, as a whole, just drops the charade and go full fear rhetoric?
"The democrats want to confiscate your guns and send anyone not them into re-education camps!"
"A vote for democrat is a vote for concentration camps"
"The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."
-- Attributed to T. Jefferson
The left is notorious for their hypocrisy. I'm sure many of these smug little brownshirts at least have some old firearm they inherited from some grandparent tucked away in their panty drawer.
Over 60k retweets and climbing...
One off, it's the 14th that needs repealed.
I'm sure all the gun-owning good old boys will really care what Twitter thinks and hand them over any second now.
>60k tweets
So everyone currently at a Los Angeles Starbucks?
Read the turner dairies, starts with gun ban and turns into full scale racewar
It's also where day of the rope comes from
>blaming it on the lightning-rod figurehead and not the entire corrupt apparatus
found the boomer
thanks obongo
Is it time for us to point out how much gun control hurts minorities in low income areas where most gun crime is committed with illegally owned guns?
>people don't read the article it came from
Lmao you fucking idiots
It comes from an article arguing the opposite but of course you fucking retard Drumpftards can't into reading comprehension. Probably why you voted Trump in the first place anyway haha.
>that pic
Pic related
***Pro-2A rallies planned***
Fucking (((Krassenstein)))
60 votes fuck face
Up to 75k now grrrrrr
Let's get "Repeal the 19th Amendment" trending
i am sexually attracted to this image
problem is... twotter locks me out by IP recently
these fuckers are going full fascist
Everyone gets a gun and runs around shooting the closest person total free for all.
It's almost up to 90k tweets now. Funny thing, though. I'm pretty sure I managed to shut down a copy pasta machine. I kept taking screenshots and replying to these retards with the photo, and POOF they stopped posting it.
I'm not going to pretend like I know everything, but the guns in America are not going to magically disappear, and if everyone has a gun, you would want to have a gun too to be able to defend yourself. We don't need guns in Canada because there are so few of them and so not many criminals use them, but it's different in America because they are everywhere. It's Pandora's box.
Seen any CIVIL WAR SIGHTINGS lately my bros?
The concept spooked me out when someone told me about it.
I'm thinking it's a slow walk and we are at a critical point. Fewer people buy guns lately, because "oooh scary." Right now, banning guns isn't feasible, because there are a lot of "undocumented" firearms in this country. Gun sales weren't as strictly documented as they were years ago, so when your granddaddy dies and leaves behind his guns, people inherit them and say nothing. Well, they used to. Now we have more people turning them in, or selling them to pawn shops or whatever. I'm thinking what is going to happen is:
>double-down on gun sale laws
>people become even more afraid to buy them
>the younger retards who inherit firearms from older times will turn them in
>THEN ban gun sales altogether
They have to wait for enough boomers to die out for this to work.
I've met some pretty retarded people but that takes the cake.
I could see that happening except for banning all guns, like 5 round bolt-action rifles.
I'm thinking rifles will get banned. The environmentalists will continue to REEEEEEEE about the "cruelty of hunting" and we'd see some laws passed banning hunting. Hunting is about as good ole' boy as you can get - The liberals hate that.
>Y do U need a rifle hunting is banned nows
>bans rifles