/IBS/ - psychopath

say what you want about Andy's or JF's believes but they are irrelevent . JF ruined thier relationship , his behavior in the clip related is psychopathic , the way he goes ballistic then changes his emotions instantly and says he was kidding. I would've of ended that relationship instantly aswell .


>full stream

Attached: jf.png (521x289, 233K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Andy publicly threw JF under the bus on that shitty fedora-tier Kumite show

Andy showed disloyalty, JF has been honourable

the thiesm stream happened first the clip related is what started everything

after the stream with jay , andy had a fight with JF , then he went on kumite , then JF streamed himself.

that wasn't psychopathy, he just lost his cool and lashed out at andy in a brutally honest way

Andy was talking about how the people he was talking to irl like his dad were telling him that his recent content was boring, like the theism debate for example. Saying that people think this stuff is dry and that they are just 'tuning out'.

What a bunch of brainlets.

The hardcore debates are best content to come out of the channel, yet Andy wants to do a non-serious, non-intellectual kind of show because he doesn't have anything to contribute otherwise.

This is it for Andy, the IBS crowd who want intellectually stimulating content are just going to go elsewhere.

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jesus dude stop watching streams and go read a book, i have no idea what you're trying to say but you're obviously trying to say something
this. IBS is dead, unfortunately. Kumite retards, who just wanna' be friends with the Liberalists and have the Soyfather's approval, because they're two low IQ mutts, helped disrupt, if not destroy, their direct competitor's show.

I love these divide and conquer shill threads.

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i don't, since reality is evidence that they work.

It is fucking boring. How many fucking days in a row do I need to hear a debate about veganism or how stupid black people are? I like andy's idea because it means his subject could be more shit shooting general topics that aren't so insane all the time which could open the path to more lively content as fresh ideas enter the stream.