kikes too
How many years before total collapse?
This will cause Zimbabwe or Weimar Republic inflation.
oh boy here we go
I doubt the niggers thought of this on their own. If they knew they could print money, they would print for themselves and then go spend it on luxury cars/shoes/teef/etc.
(((Someone))) is feeding them bad ideas. I also think that (((someone))) is already positioned to profit from this.
Could this actually work though if niggers are too stupid to inflate prices of things? The normal response is
>Flood market with money
>Prices increase
What if the nigger store owners and other simply don't think to increase their prices? Sure the government goes into huge debt, but what if the niggers don't give a shit about the debt? If the public never loses trust in the gov, would they essentially just skip right to communism?
Any /biz/fags know if SA dollarydoos are on ForEx? I wanna get in on this action
They are generating another humanitarian crisis. It won't take long at all before these people are murdering their leaders and exporting refugees
yeah but their motives are completely different
niggers just dont get it b/c they are basically downsies
If the prices dont inflate, they are going to run out of general good
they'd have to be a 100 % self-sufficient community/country with literally zero import and exports wouldn't be worth it either. That is if their production can even keep up with the increased demand to the surplus of able consumers.
Alright gentleman, we need a board pool on the inevitable UN (((peacekeeping))) mission
I'll take the Ides of March 2020
The point is inflation, where the people who already have money lose a lot of the value while the people printing money get free (but less valuable than before) money.
It's a way of fucking over the white people some more.
it will still have the same consequences
This way you can make EVERYONE a millionaire... Billionaire... TRILLIONAIRE !!!
It worked so well in Zimbabawe
imagine being a nigger with a 100 point IQ in sub-Saharan Africa
Believing a satire site is real.
Fucking idiotic moron.
id fucking kill myself
“South Africans are continuing to be poor when we can print more money to ensure that everybody has it. Our people are poor because there is a shortage of money in the country. It's not the shortage of jobs that makes people poor, it is the shortage of money.
>people are poor because there's not enough money, not because they don't work
>a fucking rock
Countries have traditionally depicted their smartest residents on their currency
The source for this was a satire site, funny as it is. So no.
Their greatest leader ever Chirp-Triple-Click is buried under this most advanced architecture in the nation!
trip of truth
Any whites living in SA need to leave immediately. Or at least start getting their hands on euros, dollars, or pounds. In case they need to evacuate so they will at least have some real money
>getting rused by fake news
my numbers don't lie
>I swear I heard something like that before...
Jokes aside, you don't even need economic education to understand this, just a history book.
Fake news are not really funny, user.
I kept reading this as "new minister of France". I kept wondering what France is having to do with South Africa. It took about 4 re-reads to get it. Sheesh!
I say there will NEVER be a UN peacekeeping mission there. Because the difference is _____.
>what is quantitative easing?
You underestimate the niggers capacity for stupidity.
this could only work if they weren't importing anything. but as soon as they import shit their printed currency is worth less to foreign trade partners. so unless you live on a dumb nigger planet it will lead to poverty.
he is either retarded or is trying to fuck over the country so retarded westcucks give them free money so they can use it to genocide the whites
Let's notify Baltimore, Detroit, Atlanta, New Orleans, LA, Chicago, NYNY. Let's help a Brother out.