Dead Russians give me a boner


41 of those 64 Russian rats were children! I fucking keked so hard. "Russia stronk" my ass, there is nothing more satisfying than knowing that slavic children were burned alive like the rats are inside a shopping center. I will download som pics of those dead russian children and fap hard to night. Reminds of the good old times during the 1940s when german gentlemen burned slavic filth alive

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I jack off imagining those brit rape gangs

Honestly after what they did in the elections i have no sympathy for them. 64 dead is nothing compared to the damage that Trump's presidency has brought upon this country

Ahhhh poor little slav! Someones feelings hurt? You are lower than gypsies. Slavic children get raped like pigs on daily basis by German/Austrian pedos. Plenty of cp shows slavic children getting choked by germanic cocks :)

Trump is ok. Russians are shit

Oh noes! We are burning! Help us Putin!!!!! Ahhhhhhh!

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Hahahahahahahahahahahaha XD

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ukie shill, dont worry, soon Poroshenko will send you and the likes of you to the donbas meatgrinder

Nothing of value was lost.

Its not the childrens fault russians are literal subhumans with ingrained genetic corruption.

Get fucked, scum.

Do russian children sceam alot when you set them on fire? Well, we will find that out don't we :)

I never understood how concrete buildings burn so fast. Like what burns? Lets say the fire catches some clothes store, but how does it spread via co crete walls and ceiling? Amd how do people always not fast enough to leave??

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fuck you

Oh no America! How can you say so?!

Think about the poor Ivans And Svetlanas!


I love being a brown person in a western nation who votes for very liberal politicians and is generally more accepted in society than far right white people

Such edge.

accelerant. jews. jews.

Oh, the "muh Russia" shills are in today.

Neck yourselves, faggots. You seen the state of Western civilization lately?

You hurt my feelings :_:

You make these threads every day. Anyone who replies without seasoning their options gets the rope.

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op is a kike and Im glad my ancestors killed yours. Someday I hope to kill you and your entire family.

Like faggots are going to save anyone. Russia is 20% muslim, russian women are degenerate whores who love black cock and Russian men consume heroin and cp on a daily basis. Not to mention highest HIV on this planet. And Putin is a autisitc manlet. Entire nation is getting cucked by central asians. So stronk....

Take the memeflag off you subhuman mutt

Fuck off! I love Russians, your media propaganda campaign has failed already 10 times over, idiot. And Hillary still lost, and will always be known as the crooked loser....

0.02 cents have been deposited to your account, thanks for your service of helping to start WW3

Says the man who will be in jail.
How's that Stormy going, why no tweets calling her fake news and a lier?

Hillary? Fuck her. And Fuck Russians. Subhuman trash worthy of extermination

Do you not see this raid of yours is ridiculously inneffective? We all know whose trademark it is to have joy in the suffering of whites. Get fucked piece of shit.
And stop bumping this you morons

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Nobody exept the desperate left cares for this whore or what she has to say.


He is murrican. When some murricans die is anoda shoah, though.

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Baaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! Poor russian children burned to crisp! Sooooo saaaaaaad! :_:

God hate Liberals and neocons. May those innocent souls rest in peace. Condolences from America.

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UkRaINE, so tough, lol

Just putting this out there, it's been known for a while now that the Nazi flag guy is Polish.

So yeah, do with that what you will.

The skirts are so short you can almost see the dicks hanging out

Same. Imagine raping all those cutie European lolis.


Show your real flag shill.

Are you happy now ? Are you unable to take the banter?

Obviously strengthless ukrainian.

You're so edgy.

I hate you
64 only official information. Theres rumors, that died more, than hundred, maybe even 300 people including children.
Cuz CEO of this market was fucking greedy faggot

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>41 of those 64 Russian rats were children!

ok i think i seen all i need to of this absolute idiot of a child posting on the internet for the first time in his life while his parents are at work, because he is banned from using electronics incase he fries himself with them

>memeflag tells other memeflag to take off flag

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>based Croatian
what's the world coming to when even German bootlickers are based ?
Never forget to
a) sage bong threads
b) report bong threads
c) rape bong children

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>flag of greece
you probably have more muslims then we do

And most importantly we have 0 muslim rape gangs and 0 muslims running of to fight of ISIS
Now fuck off and get raped, degenerate

Actually, 400 children died there. I know a guy who lives in this town and he said 7 school buses of children burned when the teachers locked the doors and went away, leaving them on their own. Then the fire started. This guy said he say at least 150 dead bodies being carried out of the scene.

Actually, 6000000 children died there.

i have been to your lands. please dont lie. it was muslim as fuck over there. corfu was aswell surprisingly

Watch those edges kiddo, you might cut yourself.

You are mentally retarded there is very little difference between them and western europeans

You just need a little bit napalm to help speed it all along.

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>Still less
they all behave cause they know that raping is not accepted in Greece like in Bongland

You aren't fooling anyone Mossad

We have already passed this))

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There are two options to muzzle the fascist trola - show him a member, he will want to otsasat and forget about what he said, or send a photo of a dead fascist and he will begin to cry. If after that he starts to touch again, then he just sucked the penis.))

Take off your memeflag you leftist fag. No one else save someone that was completely fucking retarded could genuinely think that dead Russian children is a good thing, or something to laugh about.


Imagine being a crybaby faggot who posts dead children for fun.
Literally not even rope worthy lol

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I assume it had older materials in it, wood insulation and things spreading from rack to rack, correct me if I'm a brainlet

>Like what burns? Lets say the fire catches some clothes store, but how does it spread via co crete walls and ceiling?
Wiring, shitty flammable insulation, plastic elements, temperature is high enough for certain things to burn on their own.
>Amd how do people always not fast enough to leave??

Dead childern are not funny, funny is the thing how their government is trying to hide how many people died

Oh and the fact that there were no fire extinguishers in a huge-ass building. Typical Russia

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