Post one true and one false stereorype about your country - go.
Post one true and one false stereorype about your country - go
We're all just drunken scum.
We're all drunk.
True: sopa de macaco
False: Brazilian girls are hot
We like guns so much we will sacrifice our children.
We like guns so much we will sacrifice our children.
Map is pretty accurate
TRUE: Serbs are complicated, pridefull, agressive but friendly people.
FALSE: Serbs are Russian-niggers
>We don't have jungles
>We aren't a mestizo country we are 80% amerindians
>Whites did nothing but disasters and genocide
>Our houses are extremely resistant
>We had toilets before Colombus
>We are better than your 56% countries.
We are niggers
We are niggers
we have our priorities straigt
people get smart enough to not need google to become things in school
and if that fails there is the olympics
Texas here
>we have the best godamn food anywhere in the USA
>we all fuck our cousins
That's Arkansas
F >We're all just niggers
T >We actually are just niggers
True : We're infested with arabs
False : French people are lazy
Polar bears
TRUE: Serbs are low IQ, aggressive turkish rape babies
FALSE: Serbs are based kebab-removers
>We're the best at everything
>Including telling the truth
We all rides bikes
We commute to work on iceskates
inaccurate image
we just see europe as cucks and muslims
Thats not your country tho,so how can you tell? Ever been here? Ever seen a serb in person?
I don't even know how Austrians are stereotyped by countries that are not our direct neighbors.
F: Dutch people are cheap
T: We will bring our superior breakfast foods everywhere we travel
Germany Lite. Home of Schwarzenegger.
Oh shit, forgot I'm in Egypt.
I've met plenty of serbs that flee your shit country.
Most accurate map I've ever seen.
true: mate, asado
false: tango
Danes have a superiority complex. Except for self-hating city people of course.
That we're huge drunkards. It only seems that way because we actually record things.
albo diaspora detected
>turkey kek
Just checked Australia's
>How do I delete facebook
Followed by
>How do I buy bitcoin.
Have you ever visited it?Lived in it?
Cause we dont talk shit about your inferior history, cause we were never in your country, so how can we tell?
True: We are not gypsies!
False:We are gypsies!
>True: a lot of people smoke weed and many that don't don't care
>False: we want more people from out of state to visit or even move here or just come by for the dispensaries and help the economy
Fuck off fags, we're full.
True: tea-drinking is about as popular as it is meme'd about
False: gentleman stereotype. This exists, but for like 10%-5% of the population, the rest really are u fuckin wot m8te
You're lazy about killing the arabs
F its really hot here
T the weather is shit
Read up on some recent Romanian history a few weeks ago. Seems like there was hope for romania in the 90's, but then the government shut it down.
We hate Pakis
We love Pakis
honest mistake, the muslim population is the same anyways
accurate as fuck to be honest
french people are cowards
french people are unhygienic
Surely you mean "asians".
Poland here
T: Poland cannot into space
F: We are all either plumbers or electricians
>get rich quick
Mountain jews being jews
>kill without being caught
What the fuck, Portubro?
There is nothing to know really, Norway is just gas, bad food and failure
>we will bring our superior breakfast foods everywhere we travel
Unless that is the UK where you need an importing loicense as well as a sugar loicense for the hagelslag.
Of course, being the inventors of capitalism, we expanded our beloved national treasure, HEMA, to those savages across the Channel, so we wouldn't have to apply for the dozens of loicenses when we visit UK.
Another one:
T: Poland is redpilled on immigration and islam
F: Poland is redpilled on Jews
True: We eat Schnitzel and are more conservative than other German speaking folks
False: We are Nazis and don't know that Franz Josef isn't our Kaiser anymore
Ofc, elven larpers
T: Our language is the Mutt of Europe
F: Our Race is the Mutt of Europe
>Get a loan
Bulgaria... what the absolute fuck?
Montenegro come on man.....
Our stereotype is true.
Everyone down here is racist.
Whites blacks everyone.
We don't have a gun problem
We have a nigger problem
Somehow not such a surprise.
True: we are pretty rich
False: we eat toblerone
Toblerone is shit made for foreigners and exporting.
Kangaroos. Are. Everywhere. A lot of dead ones too.
We're not all ugly, to be honest.
get fucked dude we are the bikie bikie boys
forget to switch proxy?
>Mutt of Europe
That's Serbia
True: We speak fast as fuck and some people can't understand us
False: we're not white and a uncivilizated jungle niggers
i was literally going to say exactly those
Just activate your almonds
no, that’s not how ‘samefag’ works you fucking faggot go back to r/eddit please
True: We take shit serious nobody else would take serious
False: All Germans are cucks. Seriously, most people here are what would be considered as far right. They simply don't say it open
forget to switch proxy?
>False: All Germans are cucks. Seriously, most people here are what would be considered as far right. They simply don't say it open
I wish Germany was a democracy, then all of those people would actually elect a far-right party and prove your theory.
>stop drinking
>get a job
>kill without being caught
>make one friend
>have sex
>stand up to my wife
>pretend i'm normal
>get a loan
>use a screwdriver
>lose weight
>idle my car
How many fucking retarded losers are out there? Jesus.
We are goblinos
We are degenerate
Oh shit I forgot to post false ones.
Fucking true. I hate all those faggots that call us inbred. Texas in known as being friendly not screwing family.
True: Tacos are some good shit
False: We don't make nor sell drugs, it's just a meme.
>serbia: how to regain kosovo
>croatia: how to have sex
>bosnia: how to start a business
Feels good not being a cuck.
Hear hear, send the califags and texans back home
I clap at nearly everything entertaining
Never shit my pants at Wal-Mart, nor am I over weight
We are all faggots
We're all sociopaths that think we are the stars of our own reality TV shows.
We're all fat.
jungle nigger detected.
back to Bolivia with you.
>True - We're fat as fuck
Sadly this isn't a meme, there are a ton of fat bastards here.
>False - We're all mutts
I suppose in the literal sense we are, but rarely is it with nonwhite admixture. Usually "1/2 English 1/4 Irish 1/4 German" or something along those lines.
And now how the average American actually sees Europe
> false
Everyone has a gun.
A lot of people have guns many of whom should not have guns have guns.
>actually believing this graph
lmao, I wonder
we're the based rapists of yugotrash
can you tell which of these are supposed to be true or false.
because you said a lot of fucking shit there.
you fucking commie nigger
These are both true. We are largely euromutts, but I do have to say I've seen more of the las creaturas than normal lately. I do live in an actual 56% area though so that's to be expected.
>I've seen more of the las creaturas than normal lately.
That's Meme Magic doing it's work, gringo.
Noone says you make drugs, you just traffic them
No we don't.
We are one of the most racist nation on earth but still scream Anti-Antisemitism whenever a valid criticism is thrown at us.
We don't own the world
I live in the VA suburbs outside of DC. The pedestrians on a daily commute to work are a never ending sea of creaturas.
why is poland and norway the only sane there?
You fucking wetbacks are the problem, niggers have always been 10% of the population but you fucking rats have shat up everywhere west of the Mississippi.
>t. santiaguino subhuman jelly of my Atacama civilization.
Based Iceland
True: We are demoralized and the average German has given up on anything
False: We are hardworking,on time, people.