>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Tucker: Men In America Pt4 3/21/18
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis welcomes Indonesia FM 3/26/18
>WH Press Brief (Raj) 3/26/18
>TrumpTV Weekly Update #31 (Lara) 3/26/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive in WPalmBeach FL 3/23/18
>Pres Trump angrily signs budget bill 3/23/18
>Pres Trump departs DC 3/23/18
>FLotUS Melania @2018 Intl Women Of Courage Awards 3/23/18
>VP Pence @America 1st event in Atlanta GA 3/23/18
>VP Pence w/Annie Moore in WVa 3/23/18
>2nd Lady/Charlotte talk about Marlon Bundo 3/23/18
>AG Sessions (partial) in Birmingham AL 3/23/18
>DepAG Rosenstein on Cyber Law Enforcement 3/23/18
>FCC Commisioner Pajit on Robocalls 3/23/18
>HHSDep video: Opioids abuse 3/23/18
>USDA video: Sec Perdue BackToOurRoots Tour 3/23/18
>This Week @State 3/23/18
>Pres Trump @Greek Independence Day Celebration 3/22/18
>Pres Trump @Generation Next Summit 3/22/18
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keepalive bump
What the fuck is that thing in the op
Rosie O'Donnell's offspring
It's funny that Romney is more right wing than Trump on DACA. He's right, those fucking kids need to get out. Hopefully Trump orders ICE to kick them out ASAP.
Please ICE, remove them as soon as possible. Deporting them would send a message to the left that we are done fucking around.
stop not going to war with Russia
stop not handing over your guns
Post people who did nothing wrong.
I also feel anger. Also, non-Hispanic white single-race and multirace white mother map.
Boating accident, sir.
Anyone got a good pagan/folk black metal band?
Preferably one that is compositional bare bones? Like 1/2 guitars a bassist drummer and vocalist. No orchestral stuff
Boxxy was that brown?
fine, don't answer me.
I didn't want to hear your opinions anyway.
>mfw live in dark green state
Do you think moot regrets making the monster this site has become?
I'm sure this will go over well and everyone will be calm and reasonable
>not liking symphonic metal
Don't believe Romney. He's only getting in there so he can block big agenda items for Trump. He will be another McCain. His primary challenger who will be Trump supporters with unadulterated maga agenda needs to win. And the same should happen to all other gope cucks.
Why does race matter to AP? They really are trying to make it a white on black thing.
Is it still dark green without the multi-race white mothers?
>a Jew and his pet mutt
Some things never change.
Why did Moot burn it all down desu ;_;
Well fuck you too, Norge.
I want to believe he entered the Googlebeast to destroy it from the inside.
Seeings as he fled the site in tears autistically screeching?
I'd say maybe, yeah
Or with non-Hispanic single-race white babies?
Yes. 74.5%
>tfw when actually proud to live in a blue state
AP has been showing their bias against Trump since the election season began.
Sanctuary cities, open borders, mass islamic migration, loosen criminal statutes, flood the country with drugs, hamstring the police....but take away guns from people to then protect themselves.
Don’t do that.
Any of that.
I like symphonic metal, but just not what i am looking for right now.
>the feeling when my state stays golden
So the NRA accepts foreign money because all those other countries with the 2nd amendment?
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis just talked to reporters at the Pentagon. Asked if North Korea leader Kim Jong Un went to Beijing, Mattis said: "Kind of looked like he did, but I don't know."
Considering it's moot he'd do it unintentionally. I also want to bet he is responsible for the removal of legacy captcha just to screw us.
Yep. Still dark green. Though I’d much rather live in light blue.
A strya
Full of white people, hah!
Indiana is doing well for now, despite the race-mixing.
Ayy /816/ here
I agree with you, but if he's openly stating that he doesn't support DACA then that is a good thing. The primary supporter defeating Romney would be amazing, but unlikely to happen. If he DOES enter the Senate, we want him to be as right wing as possible.
Someone tell me what that thing is
>illegal aliens?
>NO! "undocumented immigrants"
>race matters?
>YES! if a white hurt a black
>he knows
negro state?
My bad.
>Please let the communists quit while they’re ahead, thx
St Louis isn’t full of White people. FerGUson
>muh foreign money
Is this true? Scalia say this?
Romney was good on immigration when he was running. One of the main reasons he lost was his free trade policies and supporting Bush-style Middle East foreign policy. Other than that he would have been 1 million times better than Obama.
big black cock news is at it again
He won't be when he gets there. But someone like mittens pushing the agenda may help sessions and Trump get off their ass
We enforce E-Verify. That’s why so few Latinos.
Who is this? He's cute
Yes. However, he would support every American being able to own and use an AR-15.
>He doesn't live in a blue state
Although it doesn't stay blue under these circumstances
Why did you have a picture of a US citizen?
it's funny that you'd believe anything romney says
Well if you have a folk black metal band in mind with orchestra, ill take the recommendation.
But too much orchestra takes the "raw" out of it if it gets too layered. A lot of newer black metal bands are "look how fancy we are with all these instruments!" And it just doesnt have that fast tempo, guitar-riff centrist punk/thrash element that i like
>both the Syria chemical weapons allegations and Russian assassination attempt were deep state narratives
>Trump falls in line immediately
And here is the problem with leftist causes, despite the money and the marches, they end up infighting because this issue doesn't have enough unrelated blacks, trannies, gays, or Muslims in the forefront.
Guitar centric*
Not centrist. (Force of Sup Forums habit)
>gun violence that is sweeping America
Is this a Joke? Did they see all of those mutts?
>Yes. However, he would support every American being able to own and use an AR-15.
That seems debatable when reading those words though.
Not sure I can help you there in that case. Maybe try Leaves Eyes from what I remember, but I could be wrong
imblying you haven't seen his cock already
>but the widdle bebes
Finntroll is good if you never listened to them.
why is shootistan so violent?
So in mid terms it does look like we lose the house. I have no faith in cucked gope leadership to field good candidates. Trump gridlocked to 2020. What are the chances he wins house back in 2020?
>born too late to explore the space
Noted with interest
>too late
>Trump falls in line immediately
>following actions do not benefit deep state
big if true
>just in time to join the Space Force
hey reddit
Flat earth guy built himself a rocket, you can too; just be careful about that reentry, can break your back
He is still a US Citizen, dipshit
>pulling two sentences from a four thousand word opinion