Brit/pol/ - boris edition

>Speaker John Bercow accuses Boris Johnson of sexism

>Data row: Facebook's Zuckerberg will not appear before MPs

>Theresa May swaps Blackberry for iPhone

>Archie Spriggs: Custody battle mum jailed for son's murder

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Other urls found in this thread:

God I hate Bercow

Boris Johnson is a literal Rothschild puppet

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stop linking the BBC you dolt

it's an absolute garbage source

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this thread is slow
has there been a split?

I bet you get paid the read The Canary, TWAT.

Other thread still has 30 posts or so before it hits the limit is why.

not wrong. it is all The Long Game. it all goes back the before Turkey existed and who knows who.

Yes let's help leftist media by posting linkes from them on Right wing site.

The apsolute state...just for once let Britpol post something that isn't total libtardism in news

i didn't spend long looking at the catalog
jumped in this one because it had only 2 posts

Orban is a smart leader like Putin and Polish government.

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You guys want a Brexit Awoo?

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Our President fucked a pornstar, grabbed a bunch of women by the pussy, and called Hillary a nasty woman live in front of 20 million people. British people are sissy cucks no?

>Data row: Facebook's Zuckerberg will not appear before MPs

He also has a double-digit IQ and got owned by Anglos on the Russia issue

Just seen the terracotta army lads, 2/10

when you say things like this i always wonder how much you really mean them?

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Heard about you and the dog, sick man.

that's in china eddie

anyone else getting a bit sick of the constant jewish victimhood? labour have the right idea tbqh

>being proud of that

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why would a non-brit who isn't in the UK agree to be summoned by british MPs? for them to ask such a thing (if they did) is stupid. i'd also tell them to go jump.

Are there bridges in Hungary to jump from? Are there even any roads?

I know a Romanian lad who got cucked by a Paki he worked for in a Pizza shop, haha.

im a brit. it's actually pretty comfy here. plenty of brit/pol/ would like it because its almost 100% white people and it has nice architecture. no Barratt homes anywhere.

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*Fines your company billions of £'s which are worth more than dollars*

Have fun with that one Cuckerberg.

is it you big fat belly spongebob daft nick?

why does every single outcome has to be complete equal?

going off tea tbqh


into le gulag you go!

Erase the writing from the shirts and have Oswald walking in front of them

only the inferior are concerned with equity

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This was one of the things that firmly drove me away from being a lefty. All they are concerned about is this endless, gratuitous pursuit of equality in all areas of life and I just thought to myself, to what end? Why? For what purpose?

3, 7 or 0 please

7 get

Roll 3 and you will be spooked by the haunted knee in your sleep tonight

bad luck on your d*bs

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>london lowest percentage

Hmm, really gets the neurons firing

i would of thourght scotland would be higher desu


It's all just a weak jealous thing. Anyone who is smarter, more talented, physically better looking, stronger, whatever, will naturally have more or at the very least lead a more interesting life.

These people make them look bad. They want to act as if the only way someone does better is by cheating or taking the earned surplus from someone else.

>labour have the right idea tbqh
what's that then?

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*radicalises all the other prisoners*
*30 more muslims created*

This sentence should represent the new Britain right there.

naming the jew, expressing support for the exposure of international banking kikery, recognising Israel as the new-age nazi germany

Labour are retards but even retards sometimes make sense

Almost certainly is. Particularly in the highlands where its a kind of of religion. Possibly offset by religious Presbyterians who abstain.

southerners btfo once again

I get it. All the upstanding, teetotaler Christians, right?

It's in Liverpool atm
It was actually pretty good


He turns up before a parliamentary committee with pink fucking hair and proceeds to blame the Leave vote on cheating using Cambridge Analytica.

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>leaving out the best part

"The Quran and Islam forbid anything extreme, including extremism in religion. Islam forbids breaking the 'law of the land' where one is living or is a guest. Islam forbids terrorism.

"The Quran and the Sunna provide that the crime of perpetrating terror to 'cause corruption in the land' is one of the most severe crimes in Islam ... so it is in the law of the United Kingdom."

based judge

I bought a local cider. I've never been a fan. At first sip it's like a fizzy mixture of apple juice and a bit of vodka, may be some chemical fake in order to cheapen production. I'd better stick to beer / ale next time.

I just got the Tory membership, am I going to get my meme card in the post?

what's up with 2?

sounds interesting
i would take a look if is were a northerner

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When are you fags leaving the eu?

does he alos have one of those nose ring things that cows have?

the memes were right

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I haven't got one. I think the post service lost it somewhere on the way.


>fizzy mixture of apple juice and a bit of vodka
sounds good to me
was it clear or cloudy?

Why is nobody in the media covering the £9m the Remain campaign had in the form of the official government leaflet campaign trying to persuade people to remain?

Maybe they don't send one? It didn't mention it anywhere in the forms desu but I still expect one

Clear with an orange tint.

embarrassing desu

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Nice to see you back lad, you been okay?

I wonder why the tweet didn't cram all that into the character limit


thee good stuff is meant to be cloudy i think
you say it was local
where from?
maybe the local beer is better

They're right, you know.

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yeah, been on a small scottish island for the last week sans communication channelling my inner ted

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go away wolfstein

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What point are you trying to make with this image?

because i have been living tech free, no power or anything for a week as advocated by ted you utter fucking mong

jesus wept i see brit pol hasnt changed much

Because that was done independently of the official Remain campaign group, where as this was apparently done by Vote Leave themselves
Similar to how if you'd had a whip round in the pub to print some leaflets asking people to vote leave that wouldn't be a problem, but if Vote Leave had funnelled money into your leaflet printing it'd be dodgy

I registered as a friend and they sent me one to Russia, I posted photos on brit/pol/ half a year may be ago. Then in one of letters they proposed to join the party, I decided why not? I registered, but there wasn't a meme card, I think it was lost during transportation. Tories send me regular emails.

Nice. Perhaps the intellectual side is better channelled than the practical one kek. Good to see you back.

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You're going to have to hold two referendums to get rid of me

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Depends but my locals all serve scrumpy (I'd personally say that is the best cider) which is cloudy. Also it's better serving it at room temperature but nowadays people need everything ice cold so it's essentially just lumpy apple juice. Whatever suits everyone I guess. I'd only have Strongbow and the like cold though.

What is the most destructive force in the universe to civilizations? Is it plague? Earthquakes? Nuclear weapons? Or comet strikes? No, the world's best mathematicians, philosophers and thinkers have narrowed it down to one single group of men responsible for almost all conquest of modern civilizations: ANGLO Men.

Upon entering a new country, ANGLO man's first move is to demand tributes (welfare money) from the host-servants (tax-paying aryan bois) who usually give in due to the ANGLO man's powerful natural alpha persuasion, then once they have established themselves financially, ANGLO men begin pumping semen inside of the local aryan female population to create racebastards who in turn help take over the rest of the nation for them. So far no European country has been able to withstand the ANGLO onslaught and they are well on their way to becoming of the ANGLO sphere.

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Still seems like very disingenuous to say that Leave had an unfair advantage because it overspent by £600k~, when Remain effectively had an extra £9m.

In the vicinity where I live in Russia, they sell beer, ale and cider from some local brewery.

dumb frogposter

it was hard, but there were a few corbyn lovers who seem to be attracted to that way of life too that made staying there worse than the trudging through mud

the ex army fella that i was helping fix up a house with kept rolling his eyes at them and laughed in one of their faces which was a highlight

I would agree, it's dodgy in practice, but it's safe enough on paper for people to either ignore it entirely or dismiss it if it's brought up.
Frankly, the government had no place backing either side. If you're going to hold a yes/no referendum, the state shouldn't be telling people what the 'right' answer is.

It actually sounds very appealing, and you at least had some free entertainment thrown in with the Corbyn lovers. I've been promising myself a monastic retreat for some time now, but I am yet to deliver on it.

i don't know about russian cider desu
you could actually be drinking carbonated apple juice with added vodka for all i know
cheap cider is often not very good
in the uk we add black currant cordial
>A "dangerous liar" who trained an "army of children" for terrorist attacks in London has been jailed for life with a minimum term of 25 years.
>Umar Haque, 25, planned to use guns and a car bomb to hit 30 targets including Big Ben and Westfield shopping centres.
>The religious teacher showed Islamic State propaganda to 16 children at the Ripple Road mosque in Barking, London, the Old Bailey heard.

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>Data row: Facebook's Zuckerberg will not appear before MPs
Always thought that candy ass lizard face was a fucking coward. Can't even show up personally take responsibility for his own company