Do you support "terrorism" if it suits your goals?
Moral question
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There wouldn't be terrorism is we had enthonstates.
Irish Catholics and "irish" protestants should have their own ethnostates.
we're not chimps
Terrorism is any threat to the State's monopoly on violence
No. And the IRA were fucking garbage.
nope. you cant win that way. only through their hearts and minds.
aka spiritual warfare
its ok when we do it lol
No. The worst peace is better than the greatest war.
against kikes, definitely
they litterally killed kids for communism.
By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion. We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof. For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying, Sing us one of the songs of Zion. How shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?
If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning. If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy.
Remember, O Lord, the children of Edom in the day of Jerusalem; who said, Rase it, rase it, even to the foundation thereof. O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us. Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.
Why do British people want it? It's filled with Scott's and even worse Irish.
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
>Do you support "terrorism" if it suits your goals?
No. My dear FBI agent I don't support it.
Did you like the big bad wolf story as a kid narrated by spike milligan.
Thats answers that.
they are our people,we dont hold them captive they stay on their own will.
It's not terrorism if it supports your goals.
No, attacking civilians is reprehensible and to be avoided at all cost. Members of government are not civilians.
Only if this would actually help my goal and not just make it look bad.
denouncing terrorism is childishly assuming that the state is always right.
as long as they are just protecing their community and not bombing civilians at markets
Terrorism isnt always against the innocent. Its also targeted at government or depraved people
If the civilians are members of the enemy organization they should be destroyed without mercy.
if it was Sup Forums... it wouldn't be terrorism, it would be resistance.
It is the only way.
Source please lol. My friend is an IRAaboo and he and my friend group hates communism.
Try again, bongnigger
What is terrorism?
this is jerry adams,tell him to stop being a meme lol
Terrorism is pretty bad. Is there any evidence it causes real change?
I support military coup and placing people that will see to my interests in the government.
Random retards bombing civilian cars and buildings with ridiculous demands though? No, I don't support that.
Didn't the IRA also act as police in their territories, controlling druggies and criminals?
You mean 2/3 of Ulster is British.
t. Cavan
Yes. TAL.
Drop the marxist bullshit and I will gladly go back to ireland and fight for them.
Did a 4 year old draw that?
Terrorism is wrong OP.
Shooting innocents is nigger tier any faggot that says otherwise needs a gassing.
it was a communist uprising you dumbass stop thinking it was 1776 or some shit.
>It's a "Union Jacks think we still want the North" thread
Keep it, it's yours. The North is so far gone.
He was an mi5 informant, look it up
Terrorism is one of those funny words like when people say excuse instead of reason because its something they dont like. Terrorism would be murdering old ladies rightful disobedience would be the better term for fighting a tyrannical government.
we will be back for that when the EU collapses and we refuse to bail you out at the next banking crash
fpbp. /thread
With luck, somewhere in central America will become a muslim shithole, so they can regularly boat over and blown up/shoot/truck some innocents in the US.
Then I'll send them money and support their "brave bid for freedom".
They did, some of them are still at work killing drug dealers
Fucking kek. Actually sided with the potato nigger.
The IRA of the 1920s obtained their goals, and retired.
The "IRA" of the 70s was a bunch of commie faggots that wanted to power grab and didn't care about how they did it.
wars are fought with bombings on civilians. Fighting a standing army is fucking stupid
We want to be our own people with our own ways and control of ourselves, the British let us do that in relative peace. Irish laws and regulations suck fucking donkey dick, small governments all the way.
Middle east? It brings change but it certainly isnt good, its only done by the short sighted who when they gain control they lose it almost immediately because they just took it and didnt earn it.
>tfw ywn have vigilante paramilitary groups ruthlessly hunting drug dealers and gangsters here
Fuck the inaction of Americans
>Let's bombs off in England killing non combatants
>not terrorists.
Fucking burgers.
define terrorism. the founding fathers, revolutionaries, aye? would those acts be considered terrorism today?
also, shoutout to the fbi
That's not true, first of all they weren't all commies and second of all they forced the British government to the table. It's unlikely that the god Friday agreement would have been signed and equal rights for Catholics in the north achieved without the pressure put on the Brits by the IRA
That's not terrorism, attacking the government is an act of war; a rebellious attack. Don't let the government brainwash you into thinking all violent attacks are terrorism, just because they are done for ideological reasons. The founding fathers we're not terrorists, they were rebels.
Americans don't realise that Ireland has been part of the UK for 800 years.
Considerably longer than the US has been in existence.
Fucking brain dead.
I'm going over to fight for the red Indians to reclaim their land and drive out the invaders.
You are referring to war.
I don't want my ennemies to be afraid
I'd rather have them disappear
if it suits my goals it's not terrorism dumbfuck
terrorism is a perspective, you dumb burger fuck. You fat delta boys are terrorist to the poor middle eastern families they kick their doors at 4am in the morning. The beardo dude who blow himself in the middle of the mall is a terrorist for those people minding their own shit in the mall. Point is one's terrorist is another one's freedom fighter
They don't want war. They have casinos and no sales tax. The indians are happily drunk collecting easy money.
yeah, blowing up shopping centres in poor areas with families inside really showed those government fuckheads
Thats why I put "terrorism" in quotes.
we could crush you like a rat,you never stood a chance we have nukes you dont
we just didnt want a national incident,we still control you via the back door.
we are the engine you are the side cart.
missed the point
terrorism is never acceptable
targeting innocents (noncombatants) with violence should never be supported
its literally sandnigger tier tactics
I don't know
There day has come.
>You fat delta boys are terrorist to the poor middle eastern families they kick their doors at 4am in the morning
their daddy shouldnt have done that shady shit if he didnt want to be woken up
also this situation described is not terrorism
Sounding a little evil.
Killing innocent civilians is never going to win you what you want. Terrorism is just a terrible, terrible idea politically.
define terrorism
most likely yes under special circumstances
No, doing so is going against my entire set of morals.
Explain to me why the lives of non-Americans hold any value at all.
Depends. I don't consider non-whites civilians.
No. I mean in an abstract fantasy kind of way? Yeah sure. But it’s only fun in fantasies. I don’t want to go around hurting people or having people who are idealogically aligned with me going around hurting people. I worry about using violence to solve problems. Violence has uncertain outcomes with no way to correct mistakes. I would rather see, peaceful solutions. I advocate for the banning to public schools and seeing them replaced with online schools, solves funding problems, union problems, bullying problems and school shootings. I worry about hunting for monsters because I know you often return the same as the monster you left for. It saddens me. I also see where it could become nessercary. But it’s an absolute last resort for me.
No if you look at the groups and original leaders they were commies in 1920s aswell.
winning hearts and minds
>Moral question
Fucking gay.
Tell me, did any successful general in history give a fuck about burning down cities of the enemy?
I have to agree with this Brazil nut.
If they will not give us their souls we will give them death. That is the best way to win hearts and minds.
dont be stupid
you will never win people over with threat of violence
only superficially and temporarily until they feel comfortable enough to oppose you again
If it suit your goals then they are never really terrorists. More like freedom fighters
A word of sanity. Thank you for not being a retard.
Terrorism is the deliberate targeting of civilians and non-combatants. Governments and political actors are legitimate targets of attack during a war.
That's why you need to make examples of people.
We ought to bring back crucifixion.
That's a funny question because 1)yes, terrorism can be a means to a political end (it's like a one-sided war) but 2) real terrorism like I would conceive it would be nothing like Islamic, white supremacist or IRA ostentatious bombing and shooting shit.
With 5 determined men and resources commercially available, I could derail, disrupt and utterly destroy my country's economy for weeks - WITHIN ONE DAY.
Terrorists as we know them are either actors or retards. Western economies are hyperfragile, and densely populated ones even more so.
Maybe British colonists should fuck off back home.
Ireland for the Irish.
Civilians should be given the opportunity to assimilate before being given the rope. A merciful government will have much less rebellion to worry about than a tyrranical government. Target the government and execute every last member, but give the civilians a chance to join your new nation.
>Ulster Unionist
The most irrelevant niggers in Europe.
Latest polls say Brexiteers happy to abandon north ireland to ensure leaving Eu. How’s that loyalty paying off, Ian?
>Patrick my son, yuo are men now
>would you strike military targets that put you in danger?
>or would you bomb schoolbus full of children
Maybe Spain colonists should fuck off home, like the ITA want.
Lol, ITA blew up another train, woohoo, that's a real army fighting for freedom.
No. I didn't. Indians really don't care. They're happy. Their whole culture was stone age. Americans brought them up to modern standards. Now they get free money.
Complete opposite of what is going on in the north.
>school bus bombing
Fake and gay.
British terrorists actually blew up main shopping streets in Dublin and Monaghan killing exclusively civilians. Worst attack of the whole “troubles”.
Protestant colonists simply thought they could rule as the British did, denying voting rights and jobs to the indigenous population. Ira just explained to them the reality of the situation .
School buses are valid military targets and the IRA are a real military army of freedom fighters.
If you say otherwise, I'll kneecap you.