The lonely boomer cat ladies running his account are starting to get pretty obvious

The lonely boomer cat ladies running his account are starting to get pretty obvious

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a leader of a revolution? wouldnt that make him a terrorist?


The only revolution will be the Fascist Revolution against The Globalist Ruling Class in 2025.

yfw the david hogged himself in his own tweet, lel
priceless desu
this kid will get himself murdered

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>when your revolution is supported by the corporate media

Is this the guy the anti christ?

Why does a millenial teen know about 60s songs?
Either a boomer is running it or he's a exceptionally pretentious sack of shit.

Pretty sure the antichrist is supposed to be stunningly handsome not a side character from whoville

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>he's a exceptionally pretentious sack of shit.
Likely, considering his views on rights. (If they are his own views)

this shit is blasted over the radio everywhere you go, because the boomers are the largest spending demographic in restaurants, supermarkets, fucking everywhere. the radio matches the demographic to maximize revenue. the pop music has barely changed since the boomers came of age. the scary thing is if you talk to the boomers about it they'll smile stupidly about how much they like the song despite having heard it constantly for 50 years.

He has narcissistic personality disorder. He thinks he's going to lead a revolution and go down in history. He actually thinks that

Keep dreaming

his legion of adoring teenage fans probably think he's hawt

This kid is such a faggot.

>Clarence clarinet recital
it ain't even hogg

>portraying the jews as what they are
piece of art

This entire movie was antifa level cringe

Gonna get yucky with the girls before settling down with a nice pint of Haagen Dasz.

>>Revolution without guns
Wouldn’t take long for Johnny Nashville to put a .308 in your head like you were a deer and sleep sound.

>Revolution starts by disarming the people
I fucking hate millennials so much

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that's what they did in Cuba at least.

I'm seriously ready for shit to pop off. These fucking pests need to be dealt with, commie faggots.

He doesn’t have any teenage fans. All of his likes are from woman over 35. Teenagers don’t use twitter.

That's how it ended. It's not like Castro and his goons rode to Havana on bicycles and bouquet of flowers in hand.

Ok, I think his future might be quite interesting anyway

>waaah muh 6 trillion
>glorifies war crimes
really causes one to ponder...

Tbh I really love a lot of music from the 60s-70s like Bob Dylan, Lou Reed, The Kinks, Liam Clancy, Tom Petty, Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard, etc.

Also really love a lot of the bubble pop music from the early 60s too.

I'm sort of pretentious I guess, but its more like I don't like music that feels too pretentious or too dull, like a lot of the stuff nowadays. It needs that right balance of being a bit silly but still sort of grounded.

Anyway my favorite music is North-Atlantic based folk music, which simply isn't made that much nowadays so I don't see what I'm being lewronggeneration about.

Ex. (though its Australian its still heritably and in sound anglo/irish folk music too so I'll count it)

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They're going for the woodstock hippie demographic, aren't they?

Those puny guns won't help in an actual revolution against the gonverment. They're domestic threats only.

>didn't show the part where communist Jews were slaughtering Germans in 1918

>"Immigrant Song"
>About viking snowniggers invading, killing, and fucking shit up

Checks out.

>Goblina wears Apollo 11 patch
What does it mean?

Checked but I can’t wait that long.

the one that worked as a producer for CNN?

i can't wait for anderson cooper to fuck that hogg kid in the ass for his cnn employment

>he's a[n] exceptionally pretentious sack of shit.

>What the hell is CCR?
>Now drop that new Drake track

OP thinks this is a good thing

how did the anti 1% crowd be the pro 1% crowd?

If I ever get within arm's reach of that little snot-nosed cocksucker, he won't have a future.

a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system.
rebellion, revolt, insurrection, mutiny, uprising, ... more

He wants a revolution. Against gun owners. While unarmed. They just aren't breeding them very bright these days, are they, senpai?

Millenial faggots have a hard on for older music, older movies, and older items (vintage bikes, record players, Classic NES gaming systems). They think that by expressing an interest in these things, it makes them "different" and somehow "wise" and "sage." It is pretentious. I can understand some people born in the late 70's latching on to some 60's music, but anybody born after that is a pretentious faggot. Considering how he was posting tearful tweets last week about being rejected from colleges and drowning his sorrows in chocolate chip muffins, his mother is probably running his account. I have a late friend who was somewhat of a cult star. He started having problems with a 15-year-old autistic girl who smelled like cat pee when he met her stalking the shit out of him online. He found out later it wasn't the girl, but that it was her mother. Her mom was whoring her daughter out online for Cosplay and yes even took naked pictures of her 15-year-old daughter to send to people.

soooo he is a domestic terrorist, leading the proletariat agaisnt the bourgosie
and they say cultural marxism doesnt exist lel

silly goy don't you know it's okay to rape and kill nazis! (their families are nazis by proximity)

Wewlad, really butching it up today?

Waking up to shit like #RepealThe2ndAmendment makes my goddamn blood pressure spike.

Hone your hate on gen z now, user-- the generation of the Hogg is not millenial. Times have changed.

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>Savage model 111
>338 Lapua Magnum rifle
>That's a sniper cartridge
>Who was killed by a sniper?
>He was a president
>Who else is was a president?
>George Washington
>George Washington is one of the founding fathers
>He helped write the constitution
>Back to Apollo
>The crew of Apollo 1 died in a fire
>Fire burns paper
>Emma Gonzalez is going to burn the constitution

>older music, older movies
I cant blame anyone for doing this considering all the garbage coming out today.

this is what weak fathers make

How do you have a revolution with no guns?

No, dingus, he's a moron leading the bourgeoisie against the proletariat. These clowns can't even get their own formula right. The average gun owning Americans like Cletus and John are the workers, they're the ones who support the economy and allow these stupid fucking kids the opportunity to be stupid fucking kids in the first place.

oh shit youre right

Is this now a get thread?

communists just here to help their capitalist Jew friends like last time

It's true which is why all of this is so sad. It's just a continuation of Hillary's declaration that the entire middle section of the country betweeen the coasts, pretty much, are a bucket of deplorables, irredeemable. And before that Obama ridiculing us for bitterly clinging to our guns and religion. I'm not bitter. But the other two parts of that being true just piss off people like David Hogg, Obama, and Hillary. Praise god and pass the ammo, brother.


Well damn. Scienced the fucked out of that. Well done, user.

I genuinely hope the truth comes out and he gets to decorate a lampost but the way thing are going there I'm pretty concerned

Because CCR is a good rock band?

Doesn't take away from the fact that Hogg is a pompous twat though.

>Why does a millenial teen know about 60s songs?
A great deal if he watches television or doesn't block ads because all those super rebellious classic rock bands in typical boomer fashion sold the fuck out and now you can hear their entire discography in car commercials.

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>takes away your civil rights while rocking out to civil rights tunes

Stop posting my wife

This. There's seriously some cool stuff made back in the day. I sometimes enjoy listening like Fitzgerald and Armstrong or Johnny cash.

A lot of these people are just attracted to revolutionary chic. There is nothing revolutionary about appealing to the powers-that-be for political change.

I was born in 92 and it seemed like everyone had that phase around high school where you wanted to be different and listen to classic shit so you listened to a bunch of Beatles, CCR, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, etc.

Wrong, he first gave them guns to revolt then first thing he did after he gained power was he took them away. Miami bro here

Thats a gen Z teen.

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Same way capitalists gave communists lend lease in ww2.
They are only pretending to be enemies

hey sometimes old music is good faggot