How do we convince women that they are inferior to men and giving them college education and career is a waste of time and their job is at home?
How do we convince women that they are inferior to men and giving them college education and career is a waste of time...
by bitch slapping them when they act out
> taking care of the household
> be inferior
kys faggot. Is your mom inferior?
The traditional woman has an important role to play.
We can pay her to properly take care of children. It can be a government job
Inferior is the wrong word
Just suited for different tasks
it's important but it isn't rocket science to clean and make food
Until men learn to breastfeed then women are hardly inferior buddy. Men and Women are better at different things but aren't better then one another IMO
By memeing them when they hit the wall and become miserable ladies or get married to beta males...
>I'm a stay at home cuckold
>make food
You'd have to be one wage slaving cuck to allow women anywhere near the preparation of food.
you don't convince women per se, what you do is undo the damage the media and hollyjews have done to the nuclear family, make people see the value of the white picket fence and a mother in a white apron isn't oppresion.
My mom and grandma make great food, sure modern women can't cook but they did knew in the past
what age do you think they hit the wall?
All the best cooks are men. Literally, all.
Thanks Assad but that gets us 20 years in prison over here.
That's because men have IQ that ranges from the dumbest to the smartest, women are more centered around average.
then first you need to cleanup your gov
PS this is why we have no go zone the police cant come to our area to white knight our women
Whatever the reason why, women are very average cooks and do not ever let them feed your family, it's the road to ruin - well, to fast food and pizza.
Just phrase it exactly like that OP you should be good to go
You just gotta be real alpha when you say it
Why so cucked, murica?
Women already know this, hence the forced effort to pretend it's not that way in the form of feminism.
by pushing the burden of tax paying upon them they will give up silly notions of equality soon enough and go back to the kitchen when society expects them to man up
The answer to your OP question is to do what user suggested:
>instead of making it about inferiority
>make it about difference and optimization
>men and women both bring different strengths to the table
>the traditional family dynamic took advantage of men and woman's natural strengths
I've often thought we should produce a kind of "guide" or elder-brotherly type advice for teens about what sorts of avenues of post-secondary education & training to take, life goals to pursue, pitfalls to avoid, money advice, fitness, health etc.. with the goal of them becoming happily-married with kids - something that would benefit White people.
also this
OP is a teenager whose mom cleans up after him.
Seriously go fuck yourself. Keeping house is hard work. Not inferior at all. Good luck finding a woman to do that shit for your lazy entitled ass.
They will make this choice on their own if we stop propagandizing them to pursue careers. Look at various trends, even with all the psyops. Also women aren't inferior, they're complementary. You'll get nowhere with demeaning rhetoric.
Idk but
>Debbie just hit the wall
>She never had it all
Feminism has literally forced men to do all the things women did on top of holding down a job and watching tutorials a few hours a day. Totally inferior.
Speak for yourself. My girlfriend and I make healthy, filling food daily. You just have to make it clear what you want, and help out/be supportive/reinforcing if you want something, cooking included.
The answer to this is more complex than you might think. Unlike your country, our country is prosperous and wealthy. We lack for nothing, in a material sense. As such, women do not need men. If you take a country like the D.R. or some other third world shithole, you'll find rampant poverty and almost not existent social welfare programs. As such, women are forced to join with a man simply in order for her and her children to survive.
>We give free money to women and Tyrone so they can fuck happily.
You misogynists are a dying breed.
I see feminism blamed a lot on this board. But I see feminism as a result not a cause. It's a result of wealth and prosperity. It's the result of an industrialized nation producing more jobs than there are workers. It's the result of apathy that comes from not having to fight for your food.
>have a stay at home wife
>live in poverty due to single income thanks to 21st century Jewish capitalism
It's what happens in a country of great wealth. Suddenly, there's so much wealth that it needs to be spread around.
>Femoids have no agency
Stop promotin career as endgame for woman. Start promoting householding and raising.children as the worse thing.that can happen. Good luck, all the media is doing it.
>using logic with women
The only correct answer to your problem
Another proof that nature experiments with the male sex... While keeping the female sex for breeding, untouched.. little genetic variability
you can't convince independent-minded women of anything. They have to realize the mistake of feminism on their own. That could take awhile. But the more of them that hit that 35 year old mark and still have no marriage prospects or children, you might begin to see a real shift in perspective.
I used to masturbate onto birds at a local park. Not a thing that I'm particularly proud of but I became quite good at it. I was taking zinc supplements so I was shooting massive loads and it became something of a sport to me. For anyone interested here is your best strategy. first, you need to find an isolated spot so you don't become a sex offender. I found a short kind of channel area where I saw the pigeons would congregate. Next, you arouse yourself. I was usually content with envisioning the occasional jogging lady coming over and taking a shit on my chest and that was enough to fuel the fire but if you're not as sexually charged as me just take some porn on the go. After you're good and horny, you get some bread. My pigeons preferred white bread but healthier birds might have a taste for honey wheat or maybe even multigrain. Fat, unhealthy birds are slower and easier to hit so remember that. Once you are seated on the bench and ready to do the deed, whip your roosevelt out and scatter bread out within a few feet of you. Use your judgement based on how far you know you can cum. I was a lonely and depraved soul who could hit targets the size of a thimble at distances up to 4 feet. You wait for the pigeons to begin eating and to get comfortable with your presence. At this point, you want to coo gently and talk sensually to them to gain their trust. Now you're finally ready to cum on your bird. This is a tough part because the rapid motion of masturbation is very frightening to the birds, so you have to be subtle. Once you master a technique, you simply wind it up and let it go, aiming depending on your past cumming experiences. I always came high so I would aim for the neck of the bird and catch it right in the face. It's an extremely satisfying and erotic feeling, seeing those birds reel around covered in cum and maybe even transporting it to other places in the city.
>less intellect than men by all measurements
>physically weaker as proven in all sports
>more unstable than men
>still not inferior
Please kys or at least seek castration.
Let me provide a simple sociological example. I'm a member of christianmingle. So we're dealing with relatively conservative women. What i've noticed is, until they reach around 34 years old, women continue to carry that picture in their minds of the magical perfect man who will make all their dreams come true. Once they hit 34 and above, they start to loosen their standards a little and say things like "just looking for a good man of God." Whereas the younger women have a laundry list of requirements. But sadly, even the 35+ women are difficult to connect with as they still have such an attachment to their ideal man, this fake picture that has been sold to them.
Remove women's right to vote to prevent their emotional based decisions in politics, discourage them from having to work so there will be more jobs for men to alleviate manchildren and boomer managers will stop lusting against them thus reducing adultery.
agreed. but perhaps you have more feasible, attainable ideas?
Being a stay at home wife would suck. You basically just stay inside all day every day washing and cleaning, making food. You would get so bored quickly, probably start drinking heavy. You look up your single friends that never married and they have their own money and are traveling. You just sit in the house all day like a NEET watching daytime television waiting for miserable husband to come home. The best you can do is have a kid, that will at least give you some stuff to do during the day.
you need to start by making men stronger - many soyboys on this board are thot enablers. sad.
You convince them by bettering yourself. Some women never marry because they can't find a guy who acts like an adult. (Has decent job, doesn't spend hours playing video games a day.) For all the bitching about women getting jobs and never marrying, there is ten times more bitching about the ones who go on Welfare.
race mixing, totally trad.
Shut down schools, end subsidized daycare and make women stay home and raise their kids.
leftism is utter cancer is the moral of this story
only people who got their wealth are entitled to it, the rest can fuck off like the human garbage they are
By taking off the kid gloves.
Then why weren't women complaining about that in the past? Maybe because they find it entertaining to do those things?
kill yourself you autsitic fucking virgin
I completely agree with you, based user.
I don't disagree. Degeneracy is the direct result of wealth.
of course, calling women inferior is a neet attitude stemming from a complete lack of experience. But that doesn't change the fact that you're a completely cucked faggot and need to kys.
Intellectually and physically they are inferior yes. That´s why they need to do job that men shouldn't waste their physical and mental potential on, like housework.
Spanking. They all love it.
Repeating this feminist claptrap AGAIN
Women are inferior in most respects.
Within the realm of men, absolutely. Within the home, she is the master of the domain. So long as you train her right, that is.
>post more traditional nuclear family art
weaker does not=inferior, especially considering women are required for the propagation of the species. A weaker male is inferior to a stronger male.
women are weaker and have less cognitive ability.
so shut the fuck up: shillposter, gaylord or shitcunt, whichever those you are.
yet we need them to reproduce. as a result, they are not inferior within the species. you, being a cucked neet, are inferior to me, the stronger, dominant male. In a proper functioning society, you would either be banished or killed.
By what we accomplish and how we conduct our self's in public.
This this is exactly why we are having this problem. Treat women like they’re worthless and their motherly duties don’t mean as much as they did before. It’s about the sense of fulfillment and satisfaction that every human wants to feel. We have to build our women up not tear them down.
You don't, because they aren't. They are different.
The thing that is wrong with Feminism is that it hates femininity. Hates women. It desire women to be men.
At its most core it wants women to measure themselves against male scales of success. Which is not in keeping with women's natural inclinations. Which is why, as women gain 'more' ground in the gender wars they are actually less happy each day.
Your pic, for example, depicts a time when women were happier and measured themselves as success/failure not by how men measured themselves - but by their own natural desires.
>Belittling the invaluable task of tending to the nest
I'd rather fucking kill myself in a stone quarry every day than do that. It has its own headaches and anybody who thinks it is nothing but folding socks and cutting the crust off of bread is clueless to how a proper home functions. Finding a woman capable of doing it, let alone willing to, is extremely difficult.
By being superior to them
Of course there has to be regime change too, but in your own life: make money, but don't be a beta bux, climb dominance hierarchies, tell them what to do, don't take their shit
Nope that would convince me never to marry
>it's important but it isn't rocket science to clean and make food
This is the message of the feminist. It says that 'gee, it is nice for HER to be a stay at home mom, but I want MORE'.
And here we are.
The reality is that every man should feel that way. Every man should feel that what he does matters and is important. But every woman should feel the same way about what she does.
The Feminist 'won' because they were able to convince women that what they did was not as important while at the same time shaming men in to repeating that same message through encouraging women to 'be more'.
It isn't as important as rocket science? Look at our society today. It won't be long until rocket science is forgotten history.
Being controlled would suck IMO not staying at home.
My IQ is high
Good, have kids with high IQ man to make high IQ male babies so we can go to space one day
>How do we convince women that they are inferior to men and giving them college education and career is a waste of time and their job is at home?
It'll never happen. The thing to do is support teenage pregnancy. High school is mostly a waste of time. Let girls get pregnant in their mid to late teens, encourage marriage, support them if necessary. Let them have a nice litter of babies. Then she'll be 40 when they're leaving the nest, with plenty of time to get a degree/career instead of living in a sad empty nest. The only way for women to have it all (and they will always have it all) is to have their children BEFORE their career, not after it, and not in the middle of it.
*and they will always WANT to have it all, I maen
Why would you want to convince women to do that?
Getting off Sup Forums might be a start.
Srs rply:
Women don't want to be kitchen slaves for the same reason conservatives don't want to give up their guns. If a woman gives up her education, she gives up her independence and risks being run by a tyrant.
I grew up in an abusive household where my mother was a submissive housewife; my father was a destructive asshole. Don't blame my mother for marrying him, he was kind when they first met. He showed his true colors after they married. That's what narcissists and sociopaths do. She was physically restrained any time she tried to leave those so she could get a job and leave the situation.
You have an grand illusion of "the good ol' days" that never existed. I have relatives (and many acquaintances) who grew up in that decade; the women tell me it was hell. I know someone who is the baby of a woman that was raped by her own father in those days. She reported it to the police and they laughed at her. I can assure you women were not treated well and no woman with self worth ever wants to back there again. Women just barely got the right to a rape kit.
*Waits for your aggro autismo replies*
Meh. What's the harm of a woman working 2-3 days a week when the kid's an adolecent/teenager?
Either bullshit or Arab
Beta cuck or roastie detected
convince women to be normal? how much time do you have user?
Watch Joe Kenda's homicide investigations. You'd be surprised how many of these married abusive narcs that kill their housewives are white.
It's simple....
God created ADAM in HIS image
Eve was made from a rib.
This. You should get an education just in case a man does this to you. It's insurance.
Well, because it's not full time, it's not a career. It won't be fulfilling or meaningful.
But white women fought for this, I mean look at the suffragette movement and later the feminist ones they allied themselves with the jews because they wanted power and to no longer be tied to tradition, so why should we want them back?
>How do we convince women that they are inferior to men
How about we convince them that they're different from men, they're women. How about we convince them that together men and women can create families and that family is the most important thing.
Stop being such a massive faggot, taking care of the kids is fucking important.
let society collapse
> Using an ancient fairy tale book written by sand niggers to convince women to become kitchen dwellers
You have to answer considering the (((empowerment))) they have right now.
If you bitch slap, enjoy your income being given to her for her entire lifetime.
Look you can't trust woman to make good decisions, we have to take full control
This. Fucking my mom has been adding "ghee" and infinite amount of sugar and salt in every food I ate since taking birth. this is the reason I am skinny fat as fuck and can't run without breaking my bone legs.
I cant help but laugh every time I see that shit at a store. A horrid beverage.
Many women that stay home to take care of the house & kids probably think it’s annoying to get bossed around at work and have to fill out paperwork or go to job sites or have meetings with people you don’t like all day.
They probably like the freedom of doing what they want with the kids or posting their food pics on social media or having a lax schedule with no one breathing down their backs all day about reports and staying late.
>Keeping house is hard work
You are a debt owner and a jobless person.
D.I.N.K master race here
duel income no kids
280k a year
but i would trade the 70 grand she bring to the table any day for a 50s wife