My professor said that Peterson's version of Christianity is a Nietzsche infusion. Thoughts?

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I have never heard of this faggot outside of e-celebs bitching about how he’s more popular than them

>Peterson's version of Christianity is a Nietzsche infusion
What does that mean? What did your prof say?

I haven't heard Jordan talk about it.

He said that Peterson's faith is Christianity with Elements of Nietzsche. He meant it as an insult.

Obviously. What the fuck did Nietzsche ever do for us... Fuck him. Fucking faggot

yes, philosophy major here, would agree.

He seems to be all about 'self overcoming' which was Nietzsche's schtick, yet he is not an atheist, and neither was Nietzsche, since Nietzsche eventually realized Tat Tvam Asi in his Turin breakdown/moksha.

Peterson and Rogan are worth listening to, but three hours is a bit much.

Attached: my room is now clean Dr Peterson.jpg (1200x798, 112K)

Yeah but what does that mean? Did he give any examples?

Not particularly. Apparently he is going to write an attack on Peterson using that as a point.

Drop philosophy and study something lucrative and useful.

It's my minor

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No u

>neitzchian Christian

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Peterson was heavily reprimanded and worse as a kid turned out a total.nut. Stay away looney IRL that wouldn’t know gold from a bucket of shit. He likely went to school or worked under someone or someone(s) wealthier than him who propped him up merely to take the piss out of him


Peterson says don't take the story in the new testament literally, and that Jesus is the meta-hero, the hero to end all heros and that each story is an allegorical tale of how to bend over and get fucked in the ass by a mohomudeen Barbary slave trader.


Hes trying to drag the ideas and best parts of Christianity through a secular lens.

Who knows what his personal beliefs are but he deliberately attempts to present a view of the bible that will appeal to someone who doesnt believe in god. As in god is dead. So ya hes kinda right.

Is your professor an atheist or a Christian who dislikes Nietzsche? Because I'm curious what angle of attack he's considering.

Look up "death of God theology"
That is where jp is coming from.

That's probably accurate. He talks about both constantly.

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It's funny JP says he doesn't know why he is so popular. I recognized from the start that he'd have strong appeal among the atheist 'I can't bring myself to believe in the bible but I wish I could go to church' crowd. I used to see that sentiment all the time. And I believe that is now his main audience.


>Peterson says don't take the story in the new testament literally, and that Jesus is the meta-hero

He says that but then if asked directly he'll play coy and say he can't be sure if the resurrection really happened or not. I get the feeling he leans towards believing it but is hiding his power level so as not to alienate people who are on the fence.

Also this. I miss the church community but just can't buy into it enough

So your prof is saying JP doesn't believe in the actual entity of god but still finds meaning and value in the teachings of Christianity?

That's pretty accurate I'd say but I'm not sure why he means it as an insult.

I thought Jesus was the meta-fish?

A philosophy minor in the US? Might as well have cut your balls off and joined your local AFA chapter.

He’s right

Just finished his book. I don't know if he's a Nietzchan Christian or not but one thing's clear, he's a shitty writer. He has no sense of narrative, his prose is nothing but a word for word copy of his rambling lectures.

That's not to say what he says isn't valuable, it's just tiring to read. Much as Christopher Hitchens books were boring and tedious whereas his lectures were entertaining, Peterson is a far more engaging lecturer than writer.

tfw you are a professor who got his job hoping to be JBP and realize you enver will be, so you settle on discussing him and topics he refers to in a less interesting manner than he could

i feel bad for 90% of them

Nice oxymoron.

The average professor has an IQ of 130. JBP's IQ is in the high 150s. The majority of them are mediocrities in comparison.

His Zaratustra it's nothing but a proto-Jesus.

If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
Read something except Zarathustra, like "The Antichrist" or the first part of "The Will to Power". These works are easy to interpret.

Dammit dude, I read my Friedrich, but his approach to morality, distances from slave morality and utilizes the "God-figure" of which Jesus it's a fine archetype.

Born as men elevated to the heavens.

He definitely lifts elements of Nietzche. His self improvement stuff is far closer to ubermensch than ora et labora.

That's literally being a LARP.
Convert anons.

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If that accounts for Peterson's atheism, sure.

Have you ever heard of the Jefferson Bible?

>The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth, was completed in 1820 by cutting and pasting with a razor and glue numerous sections from the New Testament as extractions of the doctrine of Jesus. Jefferson's condensed composition is especially notable for its exclusion of all miracles by Jesus and most mentions of the supernatural, including sections of the four gospels that contain the Resurrection and most other miracles, and passages that portray Jesus as divine.

He's Jungian.

I'm not sure how that is an indictment of Peterson. Basically saying he interprets his Christan identity through a more modern world view.