Get it through your thick skulls.
We WILL take your guns.
We WILL repeal the 2A.
You WILL sit down and take it.
Sup Forums BTFO again!
Cuban spy communist spys
>King team said in response to the criticism. "It's merely pointing out the irony of someone wearing a communist flag while calling for gun control. But sure, assume something that's not there."
>The Castro regime began the process of confiscating guns from citizens in 1959, said Sebastian A. Arcos, the associate director of the Cuban Research Institute at Florida International University.
>In a famous Jan. 8, 1959, speech, Fidel Castro said: "What do you want guns for?... To fight the revolutionary government that has the support of all the people?"
To this day, Cuba does not allow average citizens to have firearms, Arcos said.
If the FBI can’t even raise their kids, how can anyone trust them with super important secrets to supposedly help the country?
>Millennial ,
yeah marginalize a huge age range
younger generation is darker skinned and will be politically radicalized via social media. this is truly the dems strategy
>getting off their arses to vote
when do they plan this "vote" so we can know when to expect the tears
Get it through your thick skulls.
We will shoot you
We will bomb you
You will hang from trees.
what ? amerimutts had the same shit the brits had, also do you seriously compare that times warfare with nowday warfare ? gun nuts are so stupid, when the gubbermint finally comes for you, you wont stand a chance.
getting tired of these creepy kids
That's right.
Consider it payback for Slavery, Jim Crow, racism, sexism, rape, colonialism, the Crusades, you name it.
#TimesUp wh*Te man.
You are no longer in charge.
WE are.
saw this exact same thread yesterday
just sage and report.
How about a march to demand government employees do their fucking jobs and prevent the bad guy from even getting a gun?
Lazy parasitical fucks don't even enforce or follow through with the laws and rules they have already.
Foolish, you seem to not realize the day they try to take people's guns all the people on the left who are calling for it will be targeted and their lives will be at risk, including yours. It's foolish to believe people will just hand them over
American men are WEAK.
They will not #resist us.
THEY will NOT resist the FUTURE!!
"Sup Forums btfo"s are banned , enjoy getting a taste of it
Reported to the FBI for terrorist threat.
Enjoy going to jail, shitboy.
>False flags
>like almost all of them
Yeah fuck me, take my rights so you can take my life, eh? Righto.
shut up amerimutt, we will kill you one by one, we will estabilish the caliphate and north america will be al wilaya al amirikia
You should come take it personally, and bring your own gun. YOu will need it.
We all know what happens when you push the white man far enough.
>Jordan cucks
>killing anything but themselves in order to please their Israeli masters
laughing out loud
17 year olds aren't millenials.
First you want to take the guns.
Now you want to take our voice.
A gun. A tool created for the sole purpose of taking lives. Just let that thought sink in. Use for self-defense is a very weak argument here.
>We WILL take your guns.
Any time you're ready, cupcake.
Because the FBI has had brilliant track record with submitted tips.
Based comrade gets it.
LMAO. i was feeling down and needed to hear about your joke country. thanks!
Hogg is a liar and emma is a bully
M8 even as a bongistanian I know that by trying to revoke the 2A you can invoke the 2A.
Just make people trying to buy semi auto rifles give a valid reason for owning it, and regulate the second hand market and the problems will go away
>amerimutts had the same shit the brits
They had a standing army? Or did they have citizens who had guns, enabling them to stand up to tyranny?
>when the gubbermint finally comes for you, you wont stand a chance.
Which is why the US troops overseas in the war against terror, ISIS and in Afghanistan were home so qui-- oh wait.
I guess there WILL be a civil war.
im legit excited
this existence is boring and tiresome
>abstract analysis
>"terrorist threat"
I think a better solution to all our problems would be to make the Bill of Rights conditional upon passing IQ, logic, and history tests.
Of course that would exclude literally 99% of the left.
>i've reported you to the same agency that missed the 9/11 bombers
>the pulse shooter
>the florida shooter
>and pretty much every other mass murder event in recent history
man everything I see those two mongrels I am reminded why the 56% meme will never die.
Seriously are there even just one normal "white" person left in the states?
Threat? Are you that stupid? Do you need to go to your safe space? There will be a civil war in America the day they try to confiscate firearms
Okay yeah if you all vote for it ill give you my guns
Im gonna give you the bullets first tho
With what soldiers, faggot? Myself and every infantryman I know would love to kill statist cunts like you.
ive thought of something similar for voting rights
the barrier of entry is so fucking low
literally as long as your not a felon and can waddle into a booth you can vote?
absolutely baffling
there needs to AT LEAST be a yearly history, govt, econ test to prove you arent braindead
Kill yourself
That's why we should legalize f-22s and trident II SLBMs
Kill yourself. How are you going to overthrow the bougies without guns you fucking shills?
IKR, I’m technically a millennial. I became 20 in 2000, I started the “millennial” gap and I’m not a communist like these fucks
Will the civil war be live streamed?
Sup Forums isn't for you
THIS. Pro-2A rally..... Spread it
How are you going to take your guns? You and your no guns aren't going to do shit, shut up, sit down, and drink your apple juice kid. Let the adults handle the important matters.
From every angle in 1080p
How are you going to take our* Sorry just woke up.
>Millennials with a vote
Nothing is going to change. By the time it comes to voting again, nobody will remember those kids. Trump will most likely have started another war, and Americans are going to be "Fuck yeah America!" and nothing else counts.
god I hope so. I'll be long gone by that time and all these "revolutionaries" will be crushed by a tyrannical government with nothing to defend themselves with. I dream of this day, and it WILL happen
>75.4M children with no knowledge of how our government works
>75.4M children with no knowledge where tax money comes from.
>75.4M children with no knowledge of economics
>75.4M children with a still developing sense of ethics.
Yeah, why don't we shoot our selves in the head, I mean jump off a building because these kids would stop us from killing our selves in a painless manner.
Anhero you cunt
>the government
Who is the sword of the government?
Right leaning men.
I hope it doesn't happen during American Idol. Sage