Operation Firestone: Artificial Womb 1.0

Developing the first artificial womb ever in 2018! GET IN HERE AND BUMP THIS THREAD please!!!

How to make the first ever artificial womb with current technology?

(1) Disable the consciousness/higher brain functions in reproductive zygote cells
(2) Implant this in a surrogate mother (IVF treatment)
(3) 9 months later a braindead girl is born: its born braindead so its not human! Its medical research tissue!
(4) When this “artificial womb” is ripe it can be used to create more braindead artificial wombs or it can be implanted with the cells of a customer that wants to buy a child (IVF treatment)
How do we actually make this happen IRL?

(1) WHERE? What country will allow medically braindead newborns to be legally registered as “medical human tissue” with no human rights? What are the (ethical) rules?
(2) HOW? How to make the embryo braindead in a way that qualifies it to be legally registered as just research material?
(3) WHO PAYS? Financial issue: I don’t worry about this. Once we have a realistic solution for the above, we can count on donations and private investors (costs don’t have to be high

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Other urls found in this thread:


Step 1: we need to decide which country is most suitable for foing this.

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Firestone >>> (((Feuerstein)))

To beat the jew you must become the jew.


hhmmmm nu-pol literally is not interested?

post yfw artificial wombs and sexbots force (((modern))) womyn to literally lose all value in the world

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Yes, let's just drift further from nature. Nothing could possibly go wrong could it?

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That sounds very misogynistic!
This technology is solely to liberate women!

nigger what the fuck is this crap