This was sent in an email to the entire organization...I can't calm down enough to type a coherent reply.
What does Sup Forums think of this beautiful message?
This was sent in an email to the entire organization...I can't calm down enough to type a coherent reply.
What does Sup Forums think of this beautiful message?
Other urls found in this thread:
You should go there and identify as black and shame all the white people
go there and record it, post results
>Equity & Inclusion Committee
these people make more money than most people at your company
good idea, go full-on anti-white parody
Sue for discrimination based on the color of your skin.
This, if it's nutty enough it'll go viral.
Tell them you are exempt from attending because you are Jewish, and not white
Either go there and record it and post it to youtube, or leak some other information totally unrelated to this that'll hurt your company. We have to start fighting back some how and the best way to fight back against a company is to hurt their bottom line.
I'm gonna reply back genuinely showing interest and see if it can get live-streamed or something. If so I'll send the link to every forum I can think of.
Just go there and say shit like "I thought this was a white person meeting to learn tactics to demoralize nonwhites via governmwnt programs like affirmative action?"
this. at least this way you actually get a fat paycheck and can go to a company that isnt cucked.
The trick here is passive aggression in the presence of PoCs.
Example: When you are with a white person and a PoC, find something simple like the white person getting water from the water cooler and say it is white privilege to be able to get water from the cooler without anyone staring and gawking. It will put the PoC on guard and become true as the PoC starts to behave suspiciously when getting water. Be sure to bring this as often as possible. Eventually the PoC may quit. Problem solved.
This is a reasonable strategy, if possible ask difficult questions during the livestream tol
I wonder (((why)))
and you want a full hour dedicated to "The Holocaust: How It Effects Us Everyday"
Tell them you identify as otherkin and their speciest bias is toxic. You need a full hour session called "The Yiff and I: Furry Perspectives"
you dont identify as white since "white" is a racist term to group all light skinned people from every country together. tell them to fuck off if they ask what you identify as. you can actually sue them for that
malicious compliance is always fun
tell her that black is a shade and not a colour and ask why she is discriminating against black people
always knew it wasnt about equality
>Should I quit?
Yes, and take a shit in the staff kettle on your way out.
that's actually brilliant
>Anti-Racist Education
>Single out "who identify as white"
Fuck no, don't quit. Let them try to fire you then sue them. Then quit on grounds of hostile work environment.
Do this OP, in the most over the top and hateful way possible. Call for the death of all Whites, etc
Plus, report back
Unfortunately, I think because they worded it 'are invited' I can't actually take any action, nor will any be taken against me for not attending.
They do this all the time with they're sneaky wording to get around legal bullshit.
dont go and if you get fired link the 2 together and say you were fired for being white. some dude just got a 350k settlement for doing just that
It's next week, I got some planning to do; and need to decide if I actually want to continue working here. Several options presented would likely get me fired.
yea so just dont go. they will all think you are racist then tho. this world is bullshit and god has left us
>they will all think you are racist
Do you know how little people will attend that crap? People will be surprised if anyone shows.
secretly record it, complain straight to upper management, wait for them ignoring you, go public, get fired, sue the fuck out of them
Start by asking what should be done about the jews, that are the biggest beneficiaries of "White Privilege", since they are the richest group of people that simultaneously own the media, academia, banking (while excluding the POC goyim) and support the apartheid state of Israel.
You could also advocate for "abolishment of Jewishness" and hint, that it could be "Jewish privilege" in action, which is far more beneficial for Jews, than "White privilege" for Whites. Don't forget to drop in some Talmudic quotes about the goyim.
This, we already had multiple discussions about how fucking stupid these people are and likely the only attendees will be organizers and privileged black employees who likely brainstormed the idea for this event.
Why can't we go back to?
>Do you know how little people will attend that crap? People will be surprised if anyone shows.
that's your hope, not fact. it's also possible he is the only white person to not attend and is then called racist by everyone else. i can make up shit too bud
And in case the people leading this shit are Jewish and they start whining about anti-semitism, point out that this is also "Jewish privilege" since it is an easy way for Jews to invalidate any criticism about the "Jewish privilege".
If you're hourly, go and enjoy your free money. If you're salary, don't go.
Depending on your state location wear a wire and y’all to them about being insulted about the racist implications of the class and saying you wouldn’t not like to attend and see what happens. Likely they’ll try and fire you over something else but if you had a lawyer from the beginning you might get a settlement. Sorry but anti white racism is popular now with these political crazies.
This. Record it, then if no other juice comes out, publish it on youtube (while keeping a raw copy of teh video footage) and try to contact whoever right wing eceleb wants to share your story.
If you want to keep your job do it anonymously, but if you want to hit harder and sue them, then you're gonna have to come out.
Your choice.
Why is this a question of course you quit
the proper way to infuriate these idiots is to be as polite as possible to them
their internal insanity sees whites as adversaries, dont get them any material to work with
never say anything more than 'no thank you' say it many times if necessary, with no disrespect
I'd immediately type a "how to not rape, not steal, and not be a burden to the company seminar for people of color and women" bullshit reply and cc it to the address list.
No. Record it secretly.
Yea I was thinking of getting paid for three hours to listen to these idiots and laugh at them.
When trump got elected they had meetings for days about how the community would make it and move forward. They were acting like we had war declared on us and foreign troops on US soil. The political environment here is beyond toxic. And the best part about it is most of the funding comes from conservative backgrounds. It's just employees that act extreme-left to 'fit-in' with today's culture.
quit and contact a lawyer see if you can sue for discrimination
Dont identify as white, if they rebuff sue, bring this to a sharky jew lawyer for consultation, tell them they are going to punish people who don't go. Get punished, sue, give lawyer 40% so he makes sure he gets a multi million payout for the settlement. Enjoy life on a private island.
Shoot up the place and play pumped up kicks
Pass out red pills
>are invited
it isn't mandatory you dummy
Reply with a demand for separate water fountains for whites and coloreds.
>likely the only attendees will be organizers and privileged black employees
It is your duty to shame more white people into going. Spend the weekend listening to anti white whites (Jews) and see how they talk. Absorb their points and style. Then crank it to 11.
Getting a lot of people off work to attention BS will piss off a lot of managers which will piss off the organising niggers. Shaming whites into attending will piss them off, then dialing up the white hate will anger them.
You've a marvellous opportunity.
If you have a brain you can sue them for this
Just find solace in the fact that the person who sent that gets paid more than you
>Yea I was thinking of getting paid for three hours to listen to these idiots and laugh at them.
At the end, make a joke about how white privilege got you three hours of pay to sit around and talk while EoC had to keep working.
Do this
This. When they say that ur not blsck call them racio-normative transracephobic. Call them privilaged bonus if you tell a black woman she is privilaged.
Go, but only if you bring every red pill possible
This is the best so far, I like this a lot.
I'd love to passively lose the company millions in employee production by convincing people to attend a pointless event that should have never been organized. It's privately funded and will never go out of business, so no harm no foul.
Record it and get the word out. You have to remember that these people are cultists and they don't want their brainwashing exposed.
Go and try to out Tumblr them.
This is very brilliant. You can "confess" to microaggressions. Say shit like:
"Look [refer to your fellow whites] we've all been guilty of [hiding valuables, double glancing, whatever] when [LeShonda etc] walk by. We've all had racist whispers, even if we didn't mean it. "
Apologize on behalf of everyone and tell the niggers you're going try to stop, but it's so ingrained you need time and their help. Suggest daily or weekly racism checks. Maybe an anonymous board where people can write down micro racist incidents they feel sorry for (you'll go populate this every day making it look like there's a real problem).
Self.fullfilling prophecy.
Andover MA?
Good work, friend user
Record it and push for extreme solutions. Using SJW language try to get people to agree to enslaving and killing whites. Mandatory sterilization etc. Use your imagination.
Tell them you identify as Asian therefore you aren’t going.
>if you identify as white
This one’s easy: Don’t self identify in terms of the color of your skin, OP. Tell them that you find identifying yourself as a pigment is an arbitrary delusional construct and that you prefer to self identify in terms of your name, life experience and goals to establish an ethnic state.
>Should I quit?
And go where? Your whole country is infected.
>malicious compliance
First time I hear that one. I love it. Thanks user.
What a fucking mess we are in where you could actually do this and be taken seriously by liberals.
File an EEOC complaint about how this is creating a hostile working environment and violating your civil rights.
Tell them you disagree with the whole premise of the event because it does not address trans kins and pretending like they aren't impacted as much if not more than niggers is disgustingly bigoted, so much so that you will be reporting the event organizers if they do not remedy the problem in short order
Be sure to practice! Read Tumblr, watch racism shit on YouTube. Make sure you can maintain a straight face. Best if you can refer to 1 or 2 "researchers" or papers or blogs (even better lol) "to learn more". Then you can say outrageous shit but refer people to another source to make it sound legit.
Next stop, trans activism lol
This is why I can't ever leave you guys
I would try to find a school with fewer niggers.
This, record it surreptitiously. If they know they are being broadcast, they will deliberately soften their batshit views, because they KNOW how batshit the general public thinks their horseshit is.
I'm so glad this nonsense almost doesn't exist in Scotland.
This sounds pretty good. If they insist act like you are emotionally hurt.
the absolute state
Give us the uncensored image you fucking cuck. And tell us what company this is
>two days off work
>breakfast and lunch included
i'm in
Chlorine gas. Why not just disrupt the event for the lulz? Go for the backstage people of course, not the attendees who are probably innocent people not knowing any better.
>when the first post is also the best post
Try to derail the whole thing by starting off with them defining "white people".
>File an EEOC complaint about how this is creating a hostile working environment and violating your civil rights.
You are an innocent lamb. You need to file this as a trans nigger, or as an Indian or other group. Target the anti white organizers as not going far enough. Take a page from Warren and claim your mom is Indian and the company doesn't remind people about blacks that took land, too. Or some retarded shit.
Take the names of the organizers and use those names to sign up for radical orgs and leave really anti white, anti Indian comments on local newspapers. Use Tor Browser so you don't get busted.
I’m worried about this shit. I’m about to start working with one of the big 4 accounting firms and they have so much diversity pandering it’s crazy. How badly will I be fucked trying to make up for a company full of diversity hires?
Not worth it, they pay me a ton of money to do almost nothing. I just wanted to stir the pot and maybe get a few good ideas. Which I did and then some
>Working in corporations and actually DOING what they ask you
Not gonna make it famalam
>who identify as white
>don't identify as white
problem solved
You would debase yourself before people would kill you given the chance simply to get out of work for two days? You don't even get to stay home
also i'm assuming this is referring to andover massachusetts (not andover hampshire, which is a few miles away from where i live)
>The racial makeup of the town was 91.60% White, 0.75% African American, 0.06% Native American, 5.73% Asian, 0.04% Pacific Islander, 0.84% from other races, and 0.99% from two or more races. 1.81% of the population were Hispanic or Latino of any race.
i mean just how self hating is it possible to get
Do you still have to go to that day's two minute hate if you attend?
It doesn't matter if you go or not, if you go they will assume that you're there because you identify as white and then you can chimp out at them for assuming you're white or don't go and if anyone questions you not going you can chimp out at them for assuming you're white.
They sent it out company wide. Or are you actually suggesting that you want to defend the company itself? If so, fuck you.
Tail on the donkey as they say...
try this
File a racial complaint formally that you feel unsafe and targeted because of race